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  1. Announcements

    1. June 1-5 Sprint : Help
  2. Tickets needing Review
    1. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
    2. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
  3. Housekeeping: 
    1. Can we close these since 
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
       is done?
      1. Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      1. 3140
    2. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
  4. Fedora 6 Feature Tracking
  5. Demo update
  6. Fedora Test Suite Results
  7. Open questions: 
    1. Side Loading Proposal 
    2.  JMS: Remove Fedora-related JMS messaging headers? 2018-04-26 - Fedora Tech Meeting
    3. Issues related to the containment index and tombstone deletions 

  8. Expand
    titleTickets resolved this week...

    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. In Review


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  2. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  3. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  4. Tickets created this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. June sprint upcoming is anyone else joining.
    1. Simple search, WebAC stuff, Fixity on demand, external content for the June sprint.
  2. Tickets in review
    1. FCREPO-3193 - Create a docker container - ticket is to get the README in place and get the travis pipeline working.
      1. Danny Bernstein to create a new JIRA for the travis pipeline issue.
    2. FCREPO-3294 - Ensure WebAC are enforced - One issue is outstanding, if Jared Whiklo can get this done quickly otherwise he will open another JIRA ticket.
      1. Additional issue is fcr:tx having a problem resolving its parent as the repository root and fails to the default root authorization.
      2. Should any authenticated user be allowed to create a transaction or should that endpoint. Should we make a specific transaction endpoint ACL or just generally update the default root authorization.
      3. Danny Bernstein to create a JIRA to have an ACL hanging off the fcr:tx endpoint.
  3. Housekeeping
    1. Peter Winckles designed a disambiguation pattern (FCREPO-3139) as part of his completion of Aligning migration-utils to Fedora 6 expectations (FCREPO-3182)
      1. Document describes the structure of the OCFL object, which can be used to avoid/handle filename collisions in OCFL.
    2. Demo server can be used to get testing input from the broader Fedora community by lowering the bar to using Fedora 6. Perhaps this can make use of the new docker work to automate and reduce the maintenance requirements and deploy to an AWS instance.
  4. Feature tracking
    1. WebAC can have some green checkmarks or blue question marks
    2. migration-utils is mostly good, but what do we do for items marked as Inactive or Deleted. Some flag to allow people to not migrate Inactive and Deleted objects, or if they are migrated to add some property to annotate them in Fedora 6.
  5. Demo update - it's done. Some community feedback that they appreciate the updates.
  6. Fedora API Test Suite results failing a lot more tests with WebAC PR. Need to look
  7. Open questions:
    1. Side-loading proposal - looking for some feedback, then sending it out to the interested mailing list thread. Side-loading is only the addition of a new resource.
  8. Announcements
    1. Docker - Thomas and Danny finishing fcrepo-docker, scripts for building it.
      1. when fcrepo deployment is complete, it will deploy to sonatype, clone fcrepo-docker and run it
      2. Didn't use docker actions because they are triggered by commits rather than complete deployments
  9. May Sprint wrap-up
  10. Simple search project started, started code and specification
    1. Documented, still need to transfer it to the wiki
    2. Code started, initial endpoints in a PR
  11. Migration utils
    1. PR to produce fedora 6 objects or ocfl without fedora aspects
      1. Peter ran Fedora 6 on some migrated Fedora 3 content
      2. There is a University of Wisconsin test data set which will be made available
  12. WebAC
  13. Done, pending feedback
  14. Difficult to get the base uri in while still using Shiro due to the type of filter class, but there is a similar
  15. Could use some caching, it would reload webacs multiple times per request
  16. Some followups:Not getting all rdf:types back to match on accessToClass -
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
    Content-type with charset causes it to be a binary -
    serverDuraSpace JIRA
  17. Some tests ignored pending other tickets:
    1. PATCH requests are not parsed with the HttpRdfService so internal identifiers are not stored
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
    2. DELETE DATA sparql-updates appear to succeed but don’t happen
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
  18. Testing
    1. Andrew covered transactions
    2. Published results from running API test suite
      1. Requires a PR to update some dependencies due to java 11
  19. Tickets in review
    1. 3302 - Autoversioning as default for fcrepo6, whereas before it defaulted to off
    2. 3304 - Trimmed out some parts of the PR description template
  20. Demo
    1. Migration utils changes
  21. Database support
    1. Need to support mysql and postgres for production indexes. For testing, using h2.
      1. This will require differences in SQL operations per database
      2. OCFL client - detects what datasource it is to determine what database it is. Fedora then decides how to configure itself
        1. Determine if we need separate classes per index implementation
      3. Will start by targeting mysql and postgres
    2. Still need to move mapping of ocfl to fedora ids into database, it is still in memory. Danny will most likely work on this.
    3. Should the default h2 implementation write to disk?
  22. Configuration
    1. Currently two ways to configure
      1. fcrepo-config.xml - spring context file, with system property overrides. Sometimes modified, sometimes system properties used
      2. System properties - sometimes used in code
    2. Previously there was repository.json, including db connection info, storage path, etc
    3. Proposal
    4. On startup, read property files, then use switches from these properties to determine what to load. Don't require spring context modification.
    5. Can provide the properties either via this file or via commandline properties
    6. Intent - improve usability of configuration


  •  Danny Bernstein to ensure that a JIRA exists for scenario of transaction does not succeed completely, but rollback does succeed (see: 2020-05-21 - Fedora Tech Meeting)
  •  Peter Winckles to create a JIRA to investigate support for optimistic locking and mutable head (see: 2020-05-21 - Fedora Tech Meeting)
  •  Who:  Clarify in documentation that multiple simultaneous writes to OCFL are not supported
  •   Who:  After team has a chance to comment, send Ghost Node idea to general community for feedback
  •   Who: Decide who works on what in the next sprint
  •  Thomas Bernhart Update some of documentation pages for Fedora 6 (with findings from building the docker container)
  •  Danny Bernstein Create ticket related to caching webacs
  •  Danny Bernstein Create ticket to determine how we want to handle differences between index implementations
