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Wiki Markup\[10:01\] <eddie31415> i've been getting a busy signal on the dial-in number \
[10:01\] <eddie31415> anyone else having problems? \
[10:03\] * cbeer (n=cbeer@ has joined #duraspace \
[10:03\] <cwilper> not that i know of...we've got a few people in, aaron just dialed in a minute ago \
[10:04\] <cwilper> meeting starting: [] \
[10:04\] <cwilper> eddie if you're still having trouble i can try adding you via skype \
[10:08\] * sbayliss ( has joined #duraspace \
[10:10\] <sbayliss> having trouble dialing in to the call - is everyone else getting in ok? \
[10:10\] <cwilper> RIRI Report from Chris \
[10:11\] <cwilper> eddie was having trouble, are you getting a busy signal? \
[10:11\] <eddie31415> steve, i couldn't dial in either \
[10:11\] <cwilper> if you have skype i can add you that way... \
[10:12\] <sbayliss> some strange answering machine message... then busy... getting there now, just having trouble entering access code \
[10:12\] * awoods ( has joined #duraspace \
[10:19\] <cwilper> 2. Maven updates since last week \
[10:20\] <cwilper> eddie "prev topaz work n/a" \
[10:22\] <cwilper> andrew "important to let this settle before last-minute prior to next release" \
[10:23\] <sbayliss> still not getting in (and no skype currently), so any specific questions let me know here \
[10:23\] <eddie31415> steve, i was finally able to dial in \
[10:23\] <eddie31415> dunno why it was acting wonky earlier \
[10:23\] <sbayliss> i will keep trying \
[10:24\] <eddie31415> (we haven't started talking about rel-int yet) \
[10:27\] <awoods> [] \
[10:29\] <cwilper> action: check w/dan on test updates. chris will help get bamboo stuff going. \
[10:29\] * birkland (i=183a4af1@gateway/web/freenode/x-2afaa1339f4ab2d0) has joined #duraspace \
[10:30\] <cwilper> 3. RELS-INT merged - close? \
[10:30\] <sbayliss> ok by me \
[10:30\] <cwilper> afaik the only thing outstanding are doc updates, right? \
[10:31\] <sbayliss> yes, think i will produce a draft of these first for review - there's one main page on RELS-EXT at the moment, so not sure whether to integrate there or separate out \
[10:32\] <cwilper> how about we create a separate issue to track doc updates? \
[10:32\] <sbayliss> fine with me \
[10:33\] <cwilper> actions: create issue for rels-int doc updates, close rels-int code issue (steve) \
[10:36\] <cwilper> 4. Topic for next Special Topic meeting? \
[10:36\] <cwilper> [] \
[10:48\] * sbayliss ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) \
[10:48\] <cwilper> Agenda for next week: i. Bill and Andrew: Share-a-thon on OSGi/SpringDM experience so far \
[10:50\] <bbranan> [|] \
[10:50\] <cwilper> ii. Eddie: What would it mean to bundle Fedora as an OSGi module? A day or two before, will do some investigation and identify first steps. \
[10:54\] <cwilper> iii. Chris: K2 in Sakai...where they're at, who can help us hack down weeds in the Sakai community? \
[10:57\] <cwilper> [] \
[11:32\] <cwilper> action: create issue for authN simplification across merged api-a / apim, have special topic meeting on it. \
[11:33\] <cwilper> (resolution: fcrepo-515 wontfix, pointing to new issue) \
[11:33\] <cwilper> [] \
[11:40\] <cwilper> [|] \
[11:50\] * bbranan ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) \
[11:51\] <cwilper> (meeting done)