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Attendees:  Jason, Steven, Lynette, John, Tim, Huda

Regrets: Simeon



  • Huda Khan will continue work on draft PR to add context in Sinopia lookups and seek run it past Michelle & Jeremy, goal is to get this ready for cohort before Sinopia is released at the end of work cycle 4 (end July)
    • – allow context parameter pass through to QA
    • And – context in type-ahead
    • then need discussion with Sinopia team about context modal interaction
    • Update: above pull requests have been merged into current master and context can be seen on for LCNAF and Discogs in typeahead form
      • Noticed genre form context display doesn't display broader concepts correctly (possibly because context simply displays string values and not objects) so will need to work on this or create an issue later
      • Can revisit modal interactions with Astrid and Michelle later
    • DONE, aside from modal work
    • for any lookup with context
    • For when broader is an array of objects rather than a string, the result is as in screenshot below "Object, object"
      • need to update code to support this... current happening way expected in QA... processing in Sinopia needs to be updated. 
      • ACTION ITEM: Huda Khan  writing PR to update Sinopia code to spit out label rather than "Object, object"
    • Image Added
    • Added issue here:
    • Associated pull request: - update: pull request merged
    • The after screenshot:
      • imageImage Added
  • Tim Worrall and Steven Folsom  to try the load tab with data from Discogs and an appropriate templateHaven't learnt about loading of data because blocked by template problemSteven spent this week refactoring profiles (see Slack discussions...) and some load, some don't. Parsing of profiles is strict, with no useful debugging information. Others share these problems creating profiles.
  • Steven Folsom  will complete a first-pass on Sinatra profile complete with one full day of work (COB Monday, 7/29); there will be many concessions (cannot create a different form experience based on the type of entity for which the form exists - second pass, not first). 
    • See above, one full day of work ha ha ha!
      • Steven continuing to work on profiles; he's on vacation for 2 weeks starting 8/12 so expect no template progress.
  • Jason Kovari Jason to contact Michelle re: is loading RDF from external source via QA (i.e.: discogs look-up and multi-field population integration). really a thing in September?
    • answer = probably. Sinopia should be released to the cohort soon... after that, the dev for work cycle 2 will determined by requests made by the cohort. 
    • potentially a work-around for SHARE-VDE pre-work cycle 2; this will not address discogs
    • any work-around would entail loading data that is cognizant of Sinopia expectations re: specific template
  • Jason Kovari will speak to Michelle to ask her to manage the prioritization process for authorities
    • Michelle agreed; next steps
    • ACTION ITEM: E. Lynette Rayle  will work with michelle to develop a prioritization process. Steven Folsom is starting the slack thread b/t Michelle and Lynette
  • Simeon Warner to speak with Dave to better understand his capacity
    • Pending Simeon's return
  •  Issues:


  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
    • ON HOLD pending more work in Sinopia to import data. Sinopia work through work cycle 4 will include the ability to read in RDF back from Trellis. We hope that we can leverage this to import RDF from a lookup in Discogs or ShareVDE
    • Tracey has a student working thru all of the 45s to identify which are not in discogs so we can catalog those first
  • Enhanced Discovery (see also and

    • KPAOW plan:
    • Huda's user testing write-up?
      • 2019.08.09: still being written. hopefully done today and will then link to repo
    • Huda's near-term task: looking at subject headings from digital collections
    • Possibly a demo next week... maybe
    • Tim has been looking at catalog vs Discogs
      • AJAX call-in working for the examples Jason & Tracey provided
      • metadata in catalog varies; javascript mines what is in catalog and determines how to build query for discogs
      • many include catalog number but those don't always work. at times, catalog number corresponds to multiple works. when there are additional data, works well
      • currently pulling in some images and will pull in metadata
    • Huda merged in John's change to suggested searches to only show searches that yield catalog results.
    • Checked OCLC work ids in concordance file with wikidata... and about 1/600 return results. Worked thru about 5% of the concordance file. 
      • Can consider other use cases beyond clustering of works; examine which other data might yield results.
      • Series chronology, derivative works. Steven has some thoughts and will share with John.
      • ACTION ITEM: John Skiles Skinner Enhancing knowledge panel, e.g.: who influenced author and rethink the UI decisions in the info box once more information is added. 
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Lookup infrastructure:, Authority requests:
    • Dave loading all of the SHARE-VDE data to DAVÉ rather than focusing on only the institutions planning to use S-VDE data – 5 institutions have data available from SVDE, 1 (Frick) has data loaded in DAVE and now Lynette has to create config for these. Plan is to have an authority for each institution; use CKB to search across institutions (don't think DAVE has this data to load yet; maybe Stanford/Boulder/Alberta projects will rely on this)
      • E. Lynette Rayle will work on config for Frick early next week so that Stanford can test, also hope to get n3 export (below)
      • 2019.08.09: Frick, Duke and Alberta are available. Dave gave word that CUBoulder is also available but not yet done. New CUL data is in process of being indexed. Cassalini has not yet delivered remaining 15 institutions
      • ACTION ITEM: E. Lynette Rayle  creating PRs for Sinopia to config for look-up config in editor. Single-field look-up
    • Issue is about getting n3 from QA to be imported into Sinopia (a different format from JSON or JSON-LD) - need to understand what data to get from SVDE and what profile to import into
      • 2019.08.09: released. one bug fix needed; not properly setting content type for discogs; data comes back as N3 but content type is wrong. QA4.2.1 has bug fix and should up on QA server prod today. 
      • Lynette planning to add something to QA UI to select authority, format and enter URI to do a fetch – will facilitate the copy-paste more easily.
    • Lynette has created uber issue for LC authorities that are nearly there: – want to get a number of these smaller issues done before dealing with the many new issues being created
      • 2019.08.09: from QA side, pushed all pending LOC work. need to confirm on cache side: extended context for all (Lynette needs to confirm all is coming back) AND genre subauth is active & deprecated. if search on deprecated, get active results so likely ignoring the subauth. In Sinopia and QA. Indexing issue. Dave has the action item here.
    • Hilary setting up meeting with Wikidata folks at Wikimania (Stockholm) around API and data questions documented by Lynette. Lynette will report if the API devs make changes to their output
    • Currently prioritizing LC and SVDE authorities pending further input from Michelle re cohort priorities
      • Action item identified above re: Lynette and Michelle working together
  • Travel and meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
    • LD4 BL meeting either September 16 or 23 week in StanfordHuda, John and Steven going - get your pretravels submitted!
    • Blacklight Summit will be at Duke, 9, 10, 11 October at Duke
      • Huda and/or Tim?
      • ACTION ITEM: Simeon Warner: decide who is going.
    • European Bibframe summit BIBFRAME Summit in September 16-17th-ish
      • Jason going and ARM/rare-cohort proposal accepted
    • Samvera Connect, week of October 21 (WUStL)
      • Lynette to present on QA
    • Fall partner and cohort meeting in DC, November 12/13
      • Everyone should plan on attending
    • 5th International LODLAM SUMMIT at the The Getty Center in Los Angeles. February 3-4, 2020
      • Steven is on the planning committee
      • We expect to have a "tool challenge" - a competition before the conference. Expect to make the call for delegates and tool challenge entries in September, likely deadline end-September
    • WikidataCon, Oct 25-26, 2019, Berlin, Germany
      • Hilary will propose talk
    • LD4 Conference at College Station, TX (TAMU) - May 2020
    • rdfs:seeAlso Conferences Related to Linked Data in Libraries
  • Next meetings:
    • Steven ot Aug 16& Simeon out Aug 16 – Jason will run mtg16
    • Tim out Aug 23