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  • Cohort
    • Proposals reviewed, think decided but not sure whether notifications have gone out.
  • Authority Lookups for Sandbox (Production QA instance:
    • QA Priorities: update to use engine (done pending deployment), keeping historical data (mostly done), logging of use (not done yet), then finish refactoring (no recent work), then performance (some reporting added) and/or new authorities
    • Vocabulary support:  There is a list of vocabularies that includes 8 vocabularies we already support.  3 substantial vocabularies that we should work on supporting.  And 32 smaller vocabularies from ==> how to we get to an initial plan?
    • Huda has been looking at specifics of cataloging actions to extract details of lookup procedures and tasks. Plan to generate some wireframes with Astrid to then show to catalogers to review
    • Open questions from Sinopia discussions about what search term handling for things like "twain writer" might do. In the Connexion client, for example, there is a set of complex search boxes that allow search for person and affiliation for example. connexionscreen.png
  • Enhanced Discovery
    • Planning Tue 2018-09-18 meeting with D&A, 11am. – all will attend
      • Prep – what should intro cover?
      • Perhaps avoid too much discussion of reconciliation and behind the scenes technical issue; or what data would be appropriate to include
      • Could show examples of extra data from wikipedia/data, dbpedia, discogs
      • Frances has already done work on knowledge card extensions in innovations week
      • Note multiple places where information may show up: bento, record, authority, knowledge card
      • Also possibility of using information in index
      • E.g. when looking at authority page one see items by author in library, what other possibilities to link back to items in catalog
      • E.g. handling of external sources of reconciliation where we might for example be able to understand both and ISNI and VIAF for an author that are not (both) present in the catalog records
    • Discussion of discovery work plan from Tom Cramer. Simeon – Have responded suggestion getting Tim involved in all aspects, Steven as Cornell lead in planning "knowledge card" and "future browse and semantic search" components. Suggested possible coordination of near-term LD in Blacklight work with Tim and/or Huda
      • Pending planning
  • Prep for Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data)
    • Application Profiles
      • In mid-to-late September, Steven, Tracey and Jason will start planning for Sinatra BFE profile. Hip Hop SHACL was for 78s... Sinatra will be 45s... HipHop used bibliotek-o.
      • Question: whether we want to help out with Art & Rare Materials BF Ontology Extension profile to ensure that others are facilitated...?
      • Meeting next week to discuss the application profile for 45s
    • Discogs data / API
      • Demo Samvera app using QA gem. Search of discogs with very nice autocomplete suggestions and summary.
      • Way forward: Steven to work with with TIm to help work out directions for mapping to BF data. Some data will have simple mappings or translations, some things (e.g. artist, genre) will need lookup to find the entity. However, lookups might best happen in BFE, after initial triage
      • General idea of workflow: lookup in Discogs, quick deletes/edits, export BF "starter record" (for now write RDF, later connect to BFE). Don't think it is worth trying to connect to BFE right now as we are not sure how much refactoring work there will be and how much this might change things
      Discogs data / API
  • Travel and meetings – what meetings should be be present at between now and end June 2019?
    • SWIB (Steven, Huda, Lynette, Simeon), WikiCite (perhaps Jason?), CNI (Dean, not on LD4P2 funds), US2TS (March 11-12, Duke), LODLAM (Steven), ALA (Harvard doing PCC liaison)
    • Will there be another European BF summit? 
  • LD4P2 meeting LC - 15-16 Oct in DC 
    • Jason, Steven, Lynette, Huda, Tim, Dean, Simeon is 7 people, budget is $1500 each – all go ahead provided within budget, pre-travel to dept head and Simeon
