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Table of Contents

ISNI web version tutorials

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We hope the following videos will help institutions get started with creating ISNIs, and answer questions for those that are already working with ISNIs. Please note the following:

nameISNI - KCY - Part 1 - Intro - Public view - Options - Search options2.mp4

Getting started, part 1 - Introduction and Overview

0:00 Introduction

0:11 Three primary databases within ISNI:

0:16 Public database

1:15 Web version

2:11 Client version

2:44 Logging in to web version, including browser security warning

4:01 Web display tabs and options

5:31 Search types (Any Phrase & Name)

nameISNI - KCY - Part 2 - Searching2.mp4

Getting started, part 2 - Searching

0:00 Introduction - search types

1:21 Any Phrase (APH) search - Direct order

2:08 Any Phrase (APH) search - Inverted order

2:51 Name (NA) search - Inverted order

3:11 Name (NA) search - Direct order

4:03 Search results tabs and options

4:50 Filtering options

6:28 41 Record display options

nameISNI - KCY - Part 3 - Creating new ISNI record2.mp4

Getting started, part 3 - Creating a new ISNI record

0:00 Introduction

0:12 Search database to confirm no record exists

1:32 Opening WebCat template to create new record

2:28 Name field

3:40 41 Identifying repeatable fields in the template

4:22 Creation role field(4:50 - film director appears multiple times in drop-down menu, as do other fields - why?)

5:21 22 Work field

5:56 57 Related person fields

6:52 Related organisation fields

7:25 External Information fields

8:09 10 General note field

8:37 38 Save changes or Cancel

8:51 55 Conditions for creating full ISNI record - duplicate-matching, completeness

9:52 53 Re-entering credentials

10:16 17 Full ISNI record successfully created!

nameISNI - MJC - Part 1 - Intro - Upgrade - AddInfo2.mp4

Enhancing ISNI records, part 1

0:00 Introduction

0:26 Why enhance an ISNI?

0:59 Changing an ISNI record status from provisional to assigned

1:45 Adding source and reiterating name

3:07 Adding website information to record

nameISNI - MJC - Part 2 - AddInfoToAssigned - Add Relation - Warrant - Dupes2Dupes3.mp4

Enhancing ISNI records, part 2

0:00 Adding information to an assigned record

1:04 Adding source and reiterating name as separate step before adding further information

2:38 Adding related organization

4:00 Adding link to related organization

4:52 Adding information to record created by your institution

(7:32 - MassArt - Birmingham alabama?)

8:08 Corporate name changes - adding new form as a variant name

9:48 Deciding whether to add an affiliation to a name

10:55 Literary warrant - differences between NACO and ISNI

11:33 Example 1 - author

12:03 Example 2 - painter

12:57 Example 3 - person who appears in reference sources

13:28 Example 4 - person with little published information

nameISNI - MJC - Part 3 - Duplicates and other issues2.mp4

Enhancing ISNI records, part 3

0:00 Resolving and reporting duplicate records

0:19 Duplicates already flagged by ISNI

3:20 Duplicates not yet flagged by ISNI

6:11 Possible duplicates - ISNI equivalent to NACO 667 "Cannot identify with..." note fields

6:45 Possible duplicates identified by ISNI algorithm when saving new record

7:35 Reporting mixed identities

12:55 Errors from other sources

ISNI WinIBW tutorials

Sessions provided by Stavroula Angoura and Michael Docherty of the BL/ISNIQT on Feb. 6 and Feb. 7, 2018.

See also on the How to use the WinIBW client page:


Session 1

0:00 Introduction: Michelle Durocher (Harvard)

1:37 Introduction: Michael Docherty (BL/ISNIQT)

2:14 Overview: Stavroula Angoura (BL/ISNIQT)

3:31 Part I: Searching and editing

3:49 Basic commands

  • 4:20 fin ppn:
  • 6:49 fin isn:
  • 8:50 sca na:

11:40 Public and private data in ISNI

12:45 Part II: Merging

  • (77A)
  • 17:30 Merging (\dup)
  • 21:10 Manual merging
  • 25:20 Do not merge ("no relation")

28:45 Questions about Part II

  • 28:50 Determining which records to merge
  • 31:33 Safeguards to prevent incorrect merges due to typos, etc.
  • 33:28 77A $a field
  • 35:35 77A repeatable field
  • 36:14 Difference between fields 400 and 700 (from part I)
  • 37:57 Initial articles

39:44 Part III: Upgrading record status from provisional to assigned

44:57 Questions about Part III

  • 45:50  Mixed identities/records with incorrect information
  • 47:13 Public screen "log in"/WinIBW login
  • 48:06 Provisional to assigned "instant" change
  • 48:42 Review login procedure for WinIBW


Session 2

Note:  many of the tasks shown in this session can be more easily performed using the web client.

0:00 Introduction: Michelle Durocher (Harvard)

1:10 Review of search options from session 1: Michael Docherty (BL/ISNIQT)

1:45 Browse commands: sca na: or bro: nam

3:04 Search order - direct or indirect

5:11 Use of fin: search

7:58 PCC cataloger use cases for WinIBW client vs. web version: Michelle Durocher (Harvard)

9:21 Part IV: Creating new records

9:30 Using an existing record as a guide

  • 11:37 Using a crib sheet ("New record template")
    • 12:57 002 (mandatory field)
    • 14:07 008 (mandatory field) 
    • 14:40 7XX (mandatory field)
    • 16:51 910
    • 17:08 671
    • 20:04 Ampersand

21:44 Saving record

  • 22:01 PCC source code error message
  • 25:08 Record status: 003 provisional/assigned

27:53 Questions about Part IV

  • 27:55 Copying/pasting special characters/scripts
  • 29:04 Definition of preferred name
  • 31:55 Cataloging qualifiers in 710s
  • 33:12 671 $gr ("review status")
  • 36:55 $c qualifiers in personal names
  • 38:01 Preferred name: non-Latin script/transliterated form
  • 42:25 Review status in web interface
  • 44:30 Indicators in 4XX/7XX
  • 45:20 Note about WinIBW vs. web client

45:58 Same or different records? ISNI vs. NACO

  • 49:58 Name changes: Merged institutions
  • 51:58 Org A is absorbed into Org B
  • 53:28 Multiple name changes

Part V: Editing

54:11 Establishing relationships (links) between records

  • 55:42 personal name: 950 $T relational field, $2 source code, $9 system #
  • 58:13 corporate body: 951

Questions on relational links