Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Comment: Fix links to pagination section


HTTP methodREST endpointDescription

Return an array of all the communities in the repository. The results are paginated.



Return an array of all top-level communities. The results are paginated.


GET/communities/{community id}

Return the specified community.


GET/communities/{community id}/collectionsReturn an array of collections of the specified community. The results are paginated.
GET/communities/{community id}/communitiesReturn an array of sub-communities of the specified community. The results are paginated.
POST/communitiesCreate a new community at top level. You must post POST a community object data type.
POST/communities/{community id}/collectionsCreate a new collections in the specified community. You must post POST a collection object data type.
POST/communities/{community id}/communitiesCreate a new sub-community in the specified community. You must post POST a community object data type.
PUT/communities/{community id}Update the specified community. You must put PUT a community object data type.
DELETE/communities/{community id}Delete the specified community.
DELETE/communities/{community id}/collections/{collection id}Delete the specified collection in the specified community.
DELETE/communities/{community id}/communities/{sub-community id}Delete the specified sub-community in the specified community.


HTTP methodREST endpointDescription
GET/collectionsReturn an array of all the collections in the repository. The results are paginated.
GET/collections/{collection id}Return the specified collection.
GET/collections/{collection id}/itemsReturn an array all items of the specified collection. The results are paginated.
POST/collections/{collection id}/itemsCreate an item in the specified collection. You must post POST an item object data type.
POST/collections/find-collectionFind collection by passed name. Returns the first exact match or nothing. You must post POST a single string, not a JSON object.
PUT/collections/{collection id}Update the specified collection. You must put PUT a collection object data type.
DELETE/collections/{collection id}Delete the specified collection.
DELETE/collections/{collection id}/items/{item id}Delete the specified item in the specified collection.


HTTP methodREST endpointDescription

Return an array of all the items in the repository. The results are paginated.


GET/items/{item id}Return the specified item.
GET/items/{item id}/metadataReturn metadata of the specified item.
GET/items/{item id}/bitstreamsReturn an array of all the bitstreams of the specified item. The results are paginated.
POST/items/find-by-metadata-fieldFind items by metadata entry. You must post POST a metadataentry object data type.
POST/items/{item id}/metadataAdd metadata to the specified item. You must post POST an array of metadataentry object data type.
POST/GET/items/{item id}/bitstreams?name={file name}

Add bitstream to the specified item. You must post POST the file data and include the name parameter with the value as {file name} in the URL posted to.

Optional query parameters:

description: A description of the bitstream.

groupId: Id of group to set item resource policy to.

year: Year to set embargo date to

month: Month to set embargo date to

day: Day of month to set embargo date to


/items/{item id}/bitstreams?name=The%20Children%27s%20Crusade%3A%20A%20Duty-Dance%20with%20Death.pdf&description=All%20this%20happened%2C%20more%20or%20less.&groupID=1969&year=2045&month=2&day=13

PUT/items/{item id}/metadataUpdate metadata in the specified item. You must put PUT a metadataentry object data type.

Each metadata entry that will replace all prior matching metadata entries, i.e. if you submit n 'dc.subject' entries all pre-existing 'dc.subject' entries in the item will be deleted and replaced with the n entries
DELETE/items/{item id}Delete the specified item.
DELETE/items/{item id}/metadataClear the metadata of the specified item.
DELETE/items/{item id}/bitstreams/{bitstream id}Delete the specified bitstream of the specified bitstream.


HTTP methodREST endpointDescription

Return an array of all the bitstreams in the repository. The results are paginated.


GET/bitstreams/{bitstream id}Return the specified bitstream.
GET/bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policyReturn bitstream policies.
GET/bitstreams/{bitstream id}/retrieveReturn data of bitstream.
POST/bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policyAdd policy to item. You must post POST a resourcepolicy object data type.
PUT/bitstreams/{bitstream id}/dataUpdate the data/file of the specified bitstream. You must put PUT the data.
PUT/bitstreams/{bitstream id}Update metadata of the specified bitstream. You must put PUT a Bitstreambitstream, does not alter the file/data.
DELETE/bitstreams/{bitstream id}Delete the specified bitstream.
DELETE/bitstreams/{bitstream id}/policy/{policy _ id}Delete the specified resource policy of the specified bitstream.


HTTP methodREST endpointDescription
GET/registries/schemaReturn an array of all the schema in the registry
GET/registries/schema/{schema prefix}Return the specified schema
GET/registries/schema/{schema prefix}/metadata-fields/{element}Return the metadata field within a schema with an unqualified element name
GET/registries/schema/{schema prefix}/metadata-fields/{element}/{qualifier}Return the metadata field within a schema with a qualified element name
POST/registries/schema/Add a schema to the schema registry. You must POST a schema object data type.
POST/registries/schema/{schema _ prefix}/metadata-fieldsAdd a metadata field to the specified schema. You must POST a metadatafield object data type.
GET/registries/metadata-fields/{field _ id}Return the specified metadata field
PUT/registries/metadata-fields/{field id}Update the specified metadata field
DELETE/registries/metadata-fields/{field id}Delete the specified metadata field from the metadata field registry
DELETE/registries/schema/{schema id}Delete the specified schema from the schema registry

Note: since the schema object contains no data fields, the following method has not been implemented:  PUT PUT /registries/schema/{schema _ id}

Report Tools

Reporting Tools that allow a repository manager to audit a collection for metadata consistency and bitstream consistency.  See REST Based Quality Control Reports for more information or test the Collection Report Tool or Metadata Query Tool on

HTTP methodREST endpointDescription
GET/reportsReturn a list of report tools built on the rest apiREST API
GET/reports/{nickname}Return a redirect to a specific report
GET/filtersReturn a list of use case filters available for quality control reporting
GET/filtered-collectionsReturn collections and item counts based on pre-defined filters
GET/filtered-collections/{collection _ id}Return items and item counts for a collection based on pre-defined filters
GET/filtered-itemsRetrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set of filters


Community Object
Community Object

Code Block
  "name":"Reports Community",
  "shortDescription":"Collection contains materials pertaining to the Able Family",


Collection object
Collection object

Code Block
  "name":"Annual Reports Collection",


Item object
Item object

Code Block
  "name":"2015 Annual Report",
  "lastModified":"2015-01-12 15:44:12.978",


Bitstream object
Bitstream object

Code Block
  "name":"appearance and physiology 100 percent copied from wikipedia.pdf",
  "format":"Adobe PDF",


ResourcePolicy Object
ResourcePolicy Object

Code Block

MetadataEntry Object

MetadataEntry object
MetadataEntry object

Code Block
  "value":"This is the description abstract",
  "language": null


Schema object
Schema object

Code Block
  "namespace" : "",
  "prefix": "prefix"myschema"

MetadataField Object

MetadataField object
MetadataField object

Code Block
  "description" : "myschema test field",
  "element" : "test",
  "name" : "fuuu"myschema.test",
  "qualifier": null

User Object

Code Block

Status Object

Code Block
  "fullname":"DSpace Test User",
