Versions Compared


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It might be more accurate to talk about the union of these data models as "the knowlege base". However, the terminology of "the data model" is firmly entrenched.

In Beginning in VIVO release 1.6, we are attempting to simplify this complex collection of models, and to produce a unified access layer. This is a work in progress. Regardless of how clean the design might eventually become, this will remain an area with complex requirements which cannot be satisfied by simplistic solutions.


In the distribution, the RDF files appear in [vivo]/rdf and in [vitro]/webapp/rdf. These directories are merged during the build process in the usual way, with files in VIVO preferred over files in Vitro.

During the VIVO build process, the RDF files are copied to the VIVO home directory, and at runtime VIVO will read them from there.


  • In Vitro, there are none
  • In VIVO, initialSiteConfig.rdf, classgroups.rdf and propertygroups.rdf

User Accounts

Contains login credentials and assigned roles for VIVO users.


  • In Vitro, there are none (except during Selenium testing)
  • In VIVO, there are none.

Every time, read the files in rdf/auth/everytime

  • In Vitro, permissions permission_config.n3
  • In VIVO, there are none.

The Display model


If this model is empty, read the files in rdf/display/firsttime

  • In Vitro, application.owl, menu.n3, profilePageType.n3, pageList_editableStatements.n3
  • VIVO contains its own copy of menu.n3, which overrides the one in Vitro aboutPage.n3 menu.n3 PropertyConfig.n3 PropertyConfigSupp.n3

Every time, read the files in rdf/display/everytime

  • in Vitro, dataGetterLabels.n3   permissions.n3 displayModelListViews.rdf  searchIndexerConfigurationVitro.n3 pageList.n3    vitroSearchProhibited.n3
  • In VIVO, VIVO homePageDataGetters.n3, localeSelectionGUI   vivoConceptDataGetters.n3 , vivoDepartmentQuerieslocaleSelectionGUI.n3,    vivoListViewConfig.rdf , n3ModelChangePreprocessors.n3  vivoOrganizationDataGetters.n3 orcidInterfaceDataGetters.n3  vivoQrCodeDataGetter.n3 searchIndexerConfigurationVivo.n3 vivoSearchProhibited.n3

Display TBox

The TBox for the display model.


Every time, read the files in rdf/displayTbox/everytime.

  • In Vitro, displayTBOX.n3
  • In VIVO, there are none



Every time, read the files in rdf/displayDisplay/everytime

  • In Vitro, displayDisplay.n3
  • In VIVO, there are none.

Initializing Content models


If first setup, read the files in rdf/abox/firsttime

  • In Vitro, there are none
  • In VIVO, geopolitical.ver1.1-11-18-11.individual-labels.rdf, vocabularySource-labels.n3

Every time, read the files in rdf/abox/filegraph, and create named models in the RDFService. Add them as sub-models to the base ABox. If these files are changed or deleted, update the RDFService accordingly.

  • In Vitro, there are none
  • In Vivo, VIVO documentStatus.owl academicDegree.rdf, continents.n3, dateTimeValuePrecision.owl, documentStatus.owl,    geopolitical.abox.ver1.1-11-18-11.owl,     us-states.rdf , vocabularySource.n3

base TBox

  • continents.n3    validation.n3 dateTimeValuePrecision.owl  vocabularySource.n3
  • Plus whatever data packages you may have added.  See Managing Data Packages

base TBox



  • In Vitro, there are none
  • In VIVO, additionalHiding.n3  initialTBoxAnnotations.n3

Every time, read the files in rdf/tbox/filegraph, and create named models in the RDFService. Add them as sub-models to the base TBox. If these files are changed or deleted, update the RDFService accordingly.

  • In Vitro geopolitical-ver1.1-11-18-11-annotations.rdf, isDefinedBy-1.5-annotations.rdf, scires-1.5-annotations.rdf, vitro-0.7-annotations.rdf, vivo-core-1.5-annotations.rdf, vivo-core-1.5-labels_es_ES.n3

Every time, read the files in rdf/tbox/filegraph, and create named models in the RDFService. Add them as sub-models to the base TBox. If these files are changed or deleted, update the RDFService accordingly.

  • owl, vitroPublic.owl
  • In VIVO education.owl   personTypes.n3 agent.owl   event.owl   process.owl appControls-temp.n3  geo-political.owl  publication.owl bfo-bridge.owl   grant.owl   relationship.owl bfo.owl    linkSuppression.n3  relationshipAxioms.n3 classes-additional.owl  location.owl   research-resource-iao.owl clinical.owl   object-properties.owl  research-resource.owl contact-vcard.owl  object-properties2.owl  research.owl contact.owl   object-properties3.owl  role.owl data-properties.owl  objectDomains.rdf  sameAs.n3 dataDomains.rdf   objectRanges.rdf  service.owl dataset.owl   ontologies.owl   skos-vivo.owl date-time.owl   orcid-interface.n3  teaching.owl dateTimeValuePrecision.owl other.owl   vitro-0.7.owl documentStatus.owl  outreach.owl   vitroPublic.owl
  • Plus whatever ontology extensions you may have added
  • In Vitro, vitro-0.7.owl, vitroPublic.owl
  • In VIVO, geopolitical.tbox.ver1.1-11-18-11.owl, isDefinedBy-1.5.owl, scires-1.5.owl, vivo-bibo-1.5.owl, vivo-c4o-1.5.owl, vivo-core-1.5.owl, vivo-dcelements-1.5.owl, vivo-dcterms-1.5.owl, vivo-event-1.5.owl, vivo-fabio-1.5.owl, vivo-foaf-1.5.owl, vivo-pws-1.5.owl, vivo-skos-1.5.owl

base Full

Source: a combination of base ABox and base TBox
