Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Design - Import - Export
  2. Applications / tools for using and testing the import export
    1. Fedora 4.7.2 one-click (jetty-console jar :
      1. Updated May 23, 2017:
    2. Fedora 0.1.0 Import / Export utility :
      1. Do not use: Updated May 23, 2017:
      2. Updated May 24, 2017:
      3. Updated May 26, 2017:
    3. Fedora 0.0.3 Import / Export verification utility :
    4. Steps for using the above



      # Download the utility:

      # Have a running Fedora
      If you do not have a Fedora to test with, you may want to start up the "one-click run":

      # Have data in your Fedora
      If you do not have data in your Fedora, you will likely want to load some of your own or one of the existing example datasets:

      Although there are minimal instructions in the readme linked above, if you run into issues loading any of these datasets, I would be happy to help... the possibility of issues arising is not inconceivable.

      # Export your data as Bagit bags
      Here are some minimal instructions:

      To export APTrust-style bags, use the ''--bag-profile aptrust" argument when running the utility.

  3. Import / Export utility tickets


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  4. Import / Export verification tickets


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


titleMeeting 03 - 2017-05-23


  1. Do you have a full load of tasks between now and the end of the week?
  2. In what areas do you need help or see a gap with respect to achieving the sprint objectives?


  1. Youn - need work to do, tickets have been addressed, can do testing
    1. testing changes to import/export
    2. testing steps
      1. start 4.7.2
      2. import plantpatents (and other datasets)
      3. export
      4. verify
      5. delete 4.7.2 (new port/context)
      6. import
      7. verify
  2. Ben - need testing for versioning, plate-full, need review of PR
  3. Danny - verification with bags, configuration file is not right
  4. Jim - need testing inbound links, will be testing duke data, testing-p-f
  5. Josh - need a ticket for verifying external content that is downloaded, p-f
  6. Esme - trailing slash
  7. Mike - plate-full
  8. Longshou - working verify digest
  9. Danny - verify bags and remaining issues



IRC Template

No Format
[Import/Export Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {and/or brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {and/or brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}
titleMeeting 04 - 2017-05-26

Meeting 04 - 2017-05-26

  • 11am ET



  1. Retrospective, from a process perspective...
    1. What went well?
    2. What went wrong?
    3. What could we do differently to improve?
  2. Outstanding tasks/work

    1. Expand
      titleImport/Export tickets

      serverDuraSpace JIRA

    2. Expand
      titleImport/Export Verification tickets

      serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. Ben
    • well: pairing
    • wrong: challenge of speculating about future versioning
    • change: who to ask for feedback, availability of team
  2. Danny
    • well: pairing (youn wanted to be in hangouts earlier)
    • well: productive
    • wrong: not fully available
    • wrong: synchronizing import/export with verification
    • change: meeting on Friday of first week (Mon1/Wed1/Fri1/Tue2/Fri2)
  3. Esme
    • well: good and plenty of tickets
    • well: pairing
    • well: current meeting schedule was good
    • wrong: merge conflicts
    • wrong: f4 issues
    • wrong: synchronizing import/export with verification
    • change: smaller, more frequent sprints
  4. Harsha
    • wrong: did not fully participate
  5. Jim
    • well: productive and connected with team
    • wrong: not paired
    • wrong: not fully available
    • wrong: synchronizing import/export with verification
  6. Josh
    • well: productive, kudos to Danny
    • wrong: synchronizing import/export with verification
    • wrong: verification tool ended up in a broken state
    • change: verification sprint follows import/export sprint
    • change: would be good for there to be activity between sprints
  7. Longshou
    • well: pairing
    • well: focused on testing
  8. Andrew
    • wrong: too non-sprint many meetings
    • wrong: merging conflicts
    • change: do people read standups?
  9. General
    • maybe different timeframes for different roles
      • dev: 2week sprints
      • testing: 1week sprints
    • having pairing hangouts was helpful
  10. Mike - mail-in
    • well: pairing
    • productive
    • interest in working after sprint
  11. Youn - mail-in
    • wrong: two weeks too long
    • change: verification sprint follows import/export sprint
    • wanted to be in hangouts with danny/josh earlier


IRC Template

No Format
[Import/Export Standup]
Finished yesterday: 
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {and/or brief textual description}
Working on today:
  {ticket titles and associated JIRA links}
  {and/or brief textual description}
  {brief textual description}

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-16


<escowles> [Import/Export standup]
<escowles> Finished yesterday:
<escowles> * Adding option to overwrite tombstones on import
<escowles> * Suppressing duplicate RDF types on re-import
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Responding to code review comments
<escowles> * Support changing repository baseURL
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished yesterday:
<awoods> - Created and assigned several tickets based on Sprint Kickoff meeting:
<awoods> - Reviewed Adding option to overwrite tombstones on import
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing any tickets that are completed
<awoods> - Working "import tool looks for sha1 manifest file with capitalized filename" :
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - Ran export and import using one-click jar and 10KIndirectContainers
<youn> - Attempted to run
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - Run
<youn> - FCREPO-2369: fails on unicode-escaped characters; attempt to replicate error
<youn> - FCREPO-2438: document use of CND for namespaces; attempt to apply fix
<youn> - Will be offline in the afternoon for meetings, etc.
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - urllib module in

<mikeAtUVa> [Import/Export Standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Finished yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> Spoke breifly with benpennell to strategize
<mikeAtUVa> Working on today:
<mikeAtUVa> adding support to update certain server-managed triples
<mikeAtUVa> - replace code that simplifies PUT interactions to use existing "handling-lenient, received-minimal" pattern
<mikeAtUVa> - attempt to implement intuitive date updates adding children with provided creation dates
<mikeAtUVa> - add test cases for binaries and ensure that they work
<mikeAtUVa> - address test failure on travis (didn't appear locally) :
<mikeAtUVa> - determine the interaction of forced modification dates with etags and their implications on caching and if-modified headers
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> - none

<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * environment setup
<benpennell> * read through Mike's work on
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * familiarize myself with import/export codebase.
<benpennell> * familiarize myself with current and new versioning specifications, the challenges involved.
<benpennell> * strategize about how to represent versions
<benpennell> * work towards generating some tickets with Mike.
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * is there previous work/discussion about exporting versions to reference?

<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> Finished yesterday:
<westgard> re-familiarized myself with code and tickets
<westgard> consulted with dbernstein regarding logging behavior ticket (FCREPO-2368)
<westgard> identified test data that demonstrates bug in unicode escaping (FCREPO-2369)
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> FCREPO-2303 (verify triples)
<westgard> FCREPO-2329 (handle missing resources during verification)
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> More feedback from stakeholders regarding desired logging behavior & command line options would be helpful (relates to FCREPO-2368)

Finished yesterday:
  Installed applications / tools for import export testing on workstation.
Working on today:
Verifying installation of applications / tools.
Logging documentation for import/export:
Cannot load “main” sample datasets into one-click run Fedora 4.7.2.  “mvn -Dfcrepo.url=http://localhost:8080/rest/ exec:java” command results in “ERROR 08:29:39.119 (FedoraInvalidNamespaceExceptionMapper) NamespaceExceptionMapper caught an exception: Prefix fcr has not been registered” for each dataset.  (Loading the “additional datasets” via fcr:restore seems to work fine.)

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-17

<lsitu> [Import/Export Standup]
<lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<lsitu> Re-import of hierarchy:
<lsitu> Working on today:
<lsitu> Add support for round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<lsitu> Blockers:
<lsitu> N/A.

<dbernstein> [Import/Export Standup]
<dbernstein> Finished yesterday:
<dbernstein> * Added to verify tool and setup up support for adding unit tests
<dbernstein> * Did some minor refactoring of command line parser using ‘click’ module
<dbernstein> * Add support for installing verify (now fcrepo-verify) on the path.
<dbernstein> * Pull request is in.
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> *
<dbernstein> (provide full DEBUG-level logging for import-export verification tool)
<dbernstein> Blockers:
<dbernstein> None.

<bridgetalmas> [Import/Export Standup] Working on today:   Verify Perseids BagIt Profile Blockers:   Mapping to LDP model   Import of tag manifest contents (

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - Ran to verify export of 10KIndirectContainers; attempted to verify import but stopped when I ran into lots of verification errors
<youn> - Started repository with modified repository.json and namespaces.cnd
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - - backup and import data set that caused error
<youn> - - finish
<youn> - look into import verification errors
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none
<youn> Correction: - - restore and export data set that caused error

<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Verified installation of applications / tools.
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Logging documentation for import/export:
<coblej> Testing with subset of production-like Duke data:
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None

<escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Yesterday:
<escowles> * Updated PR for overwriting tombstones:
<escowles> * Worked on support for changing repository baseURL
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Continue working on changing repository baseURL
<escowles> * Meetings
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None

<mikeAtUVa> [Import/Export Standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Finished yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> -
<mikeAtUVa> - rolled back changes (in my work) that simplified PUT semantics
<mikeAtUVa> - identified additional work necessary to use existing "minimal" triples requests
<mikeAtUVa> - learned some more about how binary properties are stored, devised strategy for updating previously server-managed properties for binaries
<mikeAtUVa> Working on today:
<mikeAtUVa> - Hope to finish up
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> - None

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished yesterday:
<awoods> - Completed: "import tool looks for sha1 manifest file with capitalized filename" :
<awoods> - Reviewed: "Add ability to delete or overwrite tombstone on import" :
<awoods> - Reviewed / Merged: "Semantic differences between exports" :
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing any tickets that are completed
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-18

<dbernstein> [Import/Export Standup]
<dbernstein> Finished yesterday:
<dbernstein> *
<dbernstein> (Break up into smaller more focused modules.)
<dbernstein> *
<dbernstein> (provide full DEBUG-level logging for import-export verification tool)
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> *
<dbernstein> (make verification tool work with BagIt Bags)

<lsitu> [Import/Export Standup]
<lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<lsitu> Add support for round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<lsitu> Working on today:
<lsitu> Update PR for Re-import of hierarchy:
<lsitu> Blockers:
<lsitu> N/A

<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Logging documentation for import/export:
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Attempting to replicate verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in
<coblej> Testing with subset of production-like Duke data:
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None

<mikeAtUVa> [import/export standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Yesterday
<mikeAtUVa> * issued a PR for the server-managed-triples changes to fcrepo
<mikeAtUVa> * chatted with benpennell about versions
<mikeAtUVa> Today
<mikeAtUVa> * addressing reviewer comments for
<mikeAtUVa> * identifying/completing changes necessary to import tooling
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers
<mikeAtUVa> None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - - in review
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - - restore and export data set that caused Unicode errors; look into errors
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none

<escowles_> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles_> Yesterday:
<escowles_> * Support for changing repository baseURL
<escowles_> Today:
<escowles_> * Started looking at re-enabling support for user-supplied namespace prefixes

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-16


<escowles> [Import/Export standup]
<escowles> Finished yesterday:
<escowles> * Adding option to overwrite tombstones on import
<escowles> * Suppressing duplicate RDF types on re-import 2376
<escowles_> * Reviewing PR for allowing server-managed triples
<escowles_> Blockers:
<escowles_> * None

<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Created ticket for export naming convention collisions
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Responding to code review comments
<escowles> * Support changing repository baseURL
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None2452
<benpennell> * Discussed a proposed structure for exported versions with mikeAtUVa
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * Make revisions to versioning proposal and share it for feedback
<benpennell> * Create tickets for export of versions, begin work if practical
<benpennell> * Check about previous work on version exporting (umgrosscol?)
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * Need feedback on questions related to requirements/issues with exporting versions before proceeding

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished yesterday:
<awoods> - Created and assigned several tickets based on Sprint Kickoff meetingReviewed: "Re-import of hierarchy" :
<awoods> - Reviewed Adding option to overwrite tombstones on import : "Optionally Update Server Managed Triples" :
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing any tickets that are completed
<awoods> - Working "import tool looks for sha1 manifest file with capitalized filename" :
<awoods> Reviewed: "Support changing repository baseURL" :
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - Ran export and import using one-click jar and 10KIndirectContainers
<youn> - Attempted to run
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - Run
<youn> - FCREPO-2369: fails on unicode-escaped characters; attempt to replicate error
<youn> - FCREPO-2438: document use of CND for namespaces; attempt to apply fix
<youn> - Will be offline in the afternoon for meetings, etc.
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - urllib module in

<mikeAtUVa> [Import/Export Standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Finished yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> Spoke breifly with benpennell to strategize
<mikeAtUVa> Working on today:
<mikeAtUVa> - Reviewed / Merged: "Add ability to delete or overwrite tombstone on import" :
<awoods> - Reviewed / Merged: "Import/Export: Logging documentation" : adding support to update certain server-managed triples
<mikeAtUVa> - replace code that simplifies PUT interactions to use existing "handling-lenient, received-minimal" pattern
<mikeAtUVa> - attempt to implement intuitive date updates adding children with provided creation dates
<mikeAtUVa> - add test cases for binaries and ensure that they work
<mikeAtUVa> - address test failure on travis (didn't appear locally) :
<mikeAtUVa> - determine the interaction of forced modification dates with etags and their implications on caching and if-modified headers
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> - none2425
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing any tickets that are completed
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> Finished yesterday:
<westgard> revised
<westgard> created new tickets for handling of edge cases and errors in verification
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> continue testing for cause of
<westgard> finish review of <benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * environment setup
<benpennell> * read through Mike's work on
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * familiarize myself with import/export codebase.
<benpennell> * familiarize myself with current and new versioning specifications, the challenges involved.
<benpennell> * strategize about how to represent versions
<benpennell> * work towards generating some tickets with Mike.
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * is there previous work/discussion about exporting versions to reference?<westgard> 2448
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> None

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-19

<coblej> youn: about to try it so we'll see ... will let you know
<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> <coblej> Finished yesterday:
<westgard> re-familiarized myself with code and tickets
<westgard> consulted with dbernstein regarding logging behavior ticket (FCREPO-2368)
<westgard> identified test data that demonstrates bug in unicode escaping (FCREPO-2369)
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> FCREPO-2303 (verify triples)
<westgard> FCREPO-2329 (handle missing resources during verification)
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> More feedback from stakeholders regarding desired logging behavior & command line options would be helpful (relates to FCREPO-2368)<coblej> Verified that verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in does not appear to apply to exports from Fedora 4.7.2.
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Attempt to replicate verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in with exports from Fedora 4.6.0. Consult with westgard and youn on remaining work to be done on that issue (if any).
<coblej> Testing with subset of production-like Duke data:
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - Document use of CND for namespaces: closed
<youn> - <coblej>
Finished yesterday:
  Installed applications / tools for import export testing on workstation.
Working on today:
Verifying installation of applications / tools.
Logging documentation for import/export:
Cannot load “main” sample datasets into one-click run Fedora 4.7.2.  “mvn -Dfcrepo.url=http://localhost:8080/rest/ exec:java” command results in “ERROR 08:29:39.119 (FedoraInvalidNamespaceExceptionMapper) NamespaceExceptionMapper caught an exception: Prefix fcr has not been registered” for each dataset.  (Loading the “additional datasets” via fcr:restore seems to work fine.)

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-17

-2369: Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters: restored, exported, and verified resources from 4.7.2 repository without any verification failures
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - follow up on FCREPO-2369; possibly, version issues, as noted on ticket
<youn> - familiarize myself with bag export and with bagit-python
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none

<escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Yesterday:
<escowles> * Finished support for changing repository baseURL
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * User-supplied namespace prefixes
<escowles> * Export collections based on inbound links
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None

<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Initial proposal for version export plan in <lsitu> [Import/Export Standup]
<lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<lsitu> Re-import of hierarchy:
<lsitu> <benpennell> Working on today:
<lsitu> Add support for round-tripping with binaries excluded: <benpennell> * Implementation of version export for
<lsitu> Blockers:
<lsitu> N/A.<dbernstein> 2458
<benpennell> * Revisions to version export structure as needed
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * None

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished yesterday:
<awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> - Please let me know if you have any tickets whose review you would like to be prioritized
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<dbernstein> <westgard> Finished yesterday:
<westgard> Reviewed PRs for
<dbernstein> <westgard>
<dbernstein> * Added to verify tool and setup up support for adding unit tests
<dbernstein> * Did some minor refactoring of command line parser using ‘click’ module
<dbernstein> * Add support for installing verify (now fcrepo-verify) on the path.
<dbernstein> * Pull request is in.
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> * (Add python project setup scaffolding for fcrepo-import-export-verify),
<dbernstein> (provide full DEBUG-level logging for import-export verification tool), and
<dbernstein> Blockers:
<dbernstein> None.<bridgetalmas> [Import/Export Standup] Working on today:   Verify Perseids BagIt Profile  <westgard> (Break up into smaller more focused modules)
<westgard> Continued troubleshooting Blockers:   Mapping to LDP model   Import of tag manifest contents (-2369 (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters)
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> Try to get to resolution on<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - Ran to verify export of 10KIndirectContainers; attempted to verify import but stopped when I ran into lots of verification errors
<youn> - Started repository with modified repository.json and namespaces.cnd
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - 2469;
<westgard> - backup and import data set that caused error
<youn> - 2460 (update readme (help text) and inline comments in newly refactored codebase);
<westgard> Attempt again to reproduce - finish2462 (verification tool gives random incorrect responses) and resolve if not possible.
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> None.

<youn> - look into import verification errors
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none
<youn> Correction: - - restore and export data set that caused error<coblej> [Import/Export Standupstandup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Verified installation of applications / tools.
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Logging documentation for import/export: <mikeAtUVa> Yesterday
<mikeAtUVa> * addressed comments, improved (relaxed server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> * started settinng up environment to work on
<coblej> Testing with subset of production-like Duke data: 2461 (add support for roundtripping of server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> Today:
<mikeAtUVa> *
<coblej> <mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<coblej> <mikeAtUVa> * None

<escowles> <dbernstein> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Yesterday<dbernstein> Finished yesterday:
<escowles> * Updated PR for overwriting tombstones: <dbernstein> * https://githubjira.duraspace.comorg/fcrepo4-labsbrowse/fcrepo-FCREPO-2368
<dbernstein> (retool logging for import-export /pull/76
<escowles> * Worked on support for changing repository baseURL verification tool)
<dbernstein> More improvements - feature branch rebased with master and pull request is in.
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> *
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Continue working on changing repository baseURL
<escowles> * Meetings
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None2408
<dbernstein> (make verification tool work with BagIt Bags)
<dbernstein> Blockers:
<dbernstein> None.

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-22

<coblej> <mikeAtUVa> [Import/Export Standup]
<mikeAtUVa> <coblej> Finished yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> - <coblej> Replicated verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in
<mikeAtUVa> - rolled back changes (in my work) that simplified PUT semantics
<mikeAtUVa> - identified additional work necessary to use existing "minimal" triples requests
<mikeAtUVa> - learned some more about how binary properties are stored, devised strategy for updating previously server-managed properties for binaries
<mikeAtUVa> 2369 with exports from Fedora 4.6.0.
<coblej> Working on today:
<mikeAtUVa> - Hope to finish up <coblej> Document import structural expectations —
<mikeAtUVa> <coblej> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> - <coblej> None

<awoods> <mikeAtUVa> [Importimport/Export Standupexport standup]
<awoods> <mikeAtUVa> Finished yesterdaylast Friday:
<awoods> - Completed: "import tool looks for sha1 manifest file with capitalized filename" : <mikeAtUVa> - last modifications and changes to
<awoods> - Reviewed: "Add ability to delete or overwrite tombstone on import" : (relaxed server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> Today:
<mikeAtUVa> - mostly unrelated meetings
<mikeAtUVa> -
<awoods> - Reviewed / Merged: "Semantic differences between exports" : 2464 (documenting relaxed server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> -
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing any tickets that are completed
<awoods> 2461 (updating importer to support relaxed server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-18

<mikeAtUVa> - probably can't fully finish the importer updates without a version of 4.7.4 available for download for integration tests

<escowles> <dbernstein> [Import/Export Standup]
<dbernstein> Finished yesterday<escowles> Last Friday:
<dbernstein> <escowles> * Debugged parallel build failures
<dbernstein> (Break up into smaller more focused modules.)
<dbernstein> * 2466
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Exporting members based on inbound links
<dbernstein> (provide full DEBUG-level logging for import-export verification tool)
<dbernstein> 2453
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None

<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Second proposal for structure of version exports for
<benpennell> Working on today:
<dbernstein> * <benpennell> * Finish up implementation and unit tests for version export, create PR
<dbernstein> (make verification tool work with BagIt Bags)<lsitu> 2458
<benpennell> * Start thinking about implementation of versions importing
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * none

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<lsitu> <awoods> Finished yesterday:
<lsitu> Add support for round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<lsitu> last Friday:
<awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<lsitu> Update PR for Re-import of hierarchy:
<lsitu> Blockers:
<lsitu> N/A<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

<lsitu> <coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> <lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Logging documentation for import/export:
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Attempting to replicate verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in last Friday:
<lsitu> Rebase PR and refactor codes to fix conflicts for Re-import of hierarchy:
<coblej> Testing with subset of production-like Duke data2428
<lsitu> Updated PR for round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None<mikeAtUVa> [import/export standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Yesterday
<mikeAtUVa> * issued a PR for the server-managed-triples changes to fcrepo
<mikeAtUVa> * chatted with benpennell about versions
<mikeAtUVa> Today
<mikeAtUVa> * addressing reviewer comments for
<mikeAtUVa> * identifying/completing changes necessary to import tooling
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers
<mikeAtUVa> 2426
<lsitu> Working on today:
<lsitu> Import of Bags should verify binary digest:
<lsitu> Imporve PR for round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<lsitu> Blockers:
<lsitu> None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters) - added note on Unicode errors to README
<youn> - tested bag export and verification with bagit-python - in review
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - up on comments on FCREPO-2369 - restore and export data set that caused Unicode errors; look into errors
<youn> - get feedback on (and work on) ideas for videos
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none<escowles_> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles_> Yesterday:
<escowles_> * Support for changing repository baseURL
<escowles_> Today:
<escowles_> * Started looking at re-enabling support for user-supplied

namespace prefixes <westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> Finished Friday:
<escowles_> * Reviewing PR for allowing server-managed triples 2460 (update readme (help text) and inline comments in newly refactored codebase)
<westgard> https://githubjira.duraspace.comorg/fcrepo4/fcrepo4/pull/1193
<escowles_> Blockers:
<escowles_> * None<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Created ticket for export naming convention collisions browse/FCREPO-2463 (minor formatting fixes in verification tool)
<westgard> Continued troubleshooting of (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters)
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> (handle failed connection gracefully)
<westgard> Continued troubleshooting of (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters)
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> None.

<dbernstein> [Import/Export Standup]
<dbernstein> Finished yesterday:
<dbernstein> * Nothing finished (out most of the day)
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> *
<benpennell> * Discussed a proposed structure for exported versions with mikeAtUVa
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * Make revisions to versioning proposal and share it for feedback
<benpennell> * Create tickets for export of versions, begin work if practical
<benpennell> * Check about previous work on version exporting (umgrosscol?)
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * Need feedback on questions related to requirements/issues with exporting versions before proceeding<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished yesterday:
<awoods> - Reviewed: "Re-import of hierarchy" :
<dbernstein> (make verification tool work with BagIt Bags)
<dbernstein> Blockers:
<dbernstein> None.

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-23

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> -
<awoods> - Reviewed: "Optionally Update Server Managed Triples" :
<awoods> - Reviewed: "Support changing repository baseURL" :
<awoods> - Reviewed / Merged: "Add ability to delete or overwrite tombstone on import" :
<awoods> - Reviewed / Merged: "Import/Export: Logging documentation" :
<awoods> 2369 (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters) - used sample RDF containing Unicode to test the verification tool with the one click for 4.6.0 and 4.7.3-RC
<youn> - started proposal for videos
<youn> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing any tickets that are completed
<awoods> <youn> - finish proposal for videos
<youn> Blockers:
<awoods> <youn> - Nonenone

<westgard> westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> Finished yesterday:
<westgard> revised
<westgard> created new tickets for handling of edge cases and errors in verification
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> continue testing for cause of started (handle failed connection gracefully)
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> finish review of FCREPO-24482457
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> None

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-19


<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Document import structural expectations —
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None

<awoods> <coblej> youn: about to try it so we'll see ... will let you know
<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Verified that verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in does not appear to apply to exports from Fedora 4.7.2.
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Attempt to replicate verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in <awoods> Finished last Friday:
<awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

<mikeAtUVa> [import/export sprint standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> - mostly worked on urelated things
<mikeAtUVa> Today:
<mikeAtUVa> - Finish up with exports from Fedora 4.6.-2461
<mikeAtUVa> - Determine if more changes to fcrepo are in order (for versioning) in the scope of this sprint
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> - none

<escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Yesterday:
<escowles> * Exporting members based on inbound links 0. Consult with westgard and youn on remaining work to be done on that issue (if any).
<coblej> Testing with subset of production-like Duke data:
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - 2453
<escowles> * Fix Bag import using config file
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Rebase PR #84 (exporting members based on inbound links)
<escowles> * Not sure after that: whatever needs help
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None

<benpennell> [Import/Export Standup]
<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Create PR for export of versions : Document use of CND for namespaces: closed
<youn> - Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters: restored, exported, and verified resources from 4.7.2 repository without any verification failures
<youn> 2458
<benpennell> Working on today:
<youn> - follow up on FCREPO-2369; possibly, version issues, as noted on ticket
<youn> - familiarize myself with bag export and with bagit-python
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none<benpennell> * Planning and implementation of version import
<benpennell> * Some local stuff
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * none

<lsitu> <escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Yesterday:
<escowles> * Finished support for changing repository baseURL <lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<lsitu> Import of Bags should verify binary digest:
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * User-supplied namespace prefixes 2418
<lsitu> Consolidate the findRepositoryRoot method for PR with round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<escowles> * Export collections based on inbound links 2426
<lsitu> Working on today:
<lsitu> Improve Import of Bags should verify binary digest:
<escowles> 2418?
<lsitu> Will find more tickets.
<lsitu> Blockers:
<escowles> * None<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Initial proposal for version export plan in
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * Implementation of version export for <lsitu> None

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-24

<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Testing sprint changes using interim code releases
<coblej> Document import structural expectations —
<benpennell> * Revisions to version export structure as needed
<benpennell> 2455
<coblej> Blockers:
<benpennell> * <coblej> None

<awoods> [ Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished yesterday:
<awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> - Please let me know if you have any tickets whose review you would like to be prioritized
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None<westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> Finished yesterday:
<westgard> Reviewed PRs for
<awoods> - Created testing recipes (please everyone do at least one unique test): (Add python project setup scaffolding for fcrepo-import-export-verify),
<westgard> Import+-+Export+Testing+Recipes
<awoods> - Uploaded recent versions of import/export utility and Fedora-master: (provide full DEBUG-level logging for import-export verification tool), and
<westgard> (Break up into smaller more focused modules)
<westgard> Continued troubleshooting FF/2017-05+Import+-+Export+Sprint+04+Meetings#id-2017-05Import-ExportSprint04Meetings-Resources
<awoods> - Created ticket for testing import into Cavendish: (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters)
<westgard> 2476
<awoods> Working on today:
<westgard> Try to get to resolution on;
<westgard> <awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - Waiting on resolution to: new bug "import-export does not respect containment predicates when pointed at rest/" ( (update readme (help text) and inline comments in newly refactored codebase);
<westgard> Attempt again to reproduce 2474)

<mikeAtUVa> [import/export sprint standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> - (verification tool gives random incorrect responses) and resolve if not possible.
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> None.<mikeAtUVa> [Import/Export standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Yesterday
<mikeAtUVa> * addressed comments, improved com/fcrepo4-labs/fcrepo-import-export/pull/88 updated importer to support lossless roundtripping of RDF
<mikeAtUVa> Today:
<mikeAtUVa> - (document "relaxed server managed " triples mode)
<mikeAtUVa> * started settinng up environment to work on - I'll take a look at (add support for roundtripping of server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> Today:
com/fcrepo4-labs/fcrepo-import-export/pull/85 if it's not already reviewed/merged
<mikeAtUVa> - Look into aligning versioning with spec, providing feedback where necessary<mikeAtUVa> *
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> * None- none

<dbernstein> <youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<dbernstein> <youn> Finished yesterday:
<dbernstein> <youn> - draft proposal for videos and ***WELCOME YOUR FEEDBACK***
<dbernstein> (retool logging for import-export verification tool)
<dbernstein> More improvements - feature branch rebased with master and pull request is in.
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> *
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - test bag import export and version import export
<youn> - test predicates and inbound with lubm
<youn> -
<dbernstein> 2473 (make verification tool work with BagIt Bags)
<dbernstein> Blockers:
<dbernstein> None.

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-22

should handle import-export v1.1 config files)
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none

<lsitu> <coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> <lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Replicated verification tool Unicode-escaped characters failure reported in <lsitu> Improved and rebased the PR for Import of Bags should verify binary digest: with exports from Fedora 4.6.0.
<coblej> 2418
<lsitu> Working on today:
<coblej> Document import structural expectations —
<coblej> <lsitu> Not sure: can help on anything else.
<lsitu> Blockers:
<coblej> <lsitu> None<mikeAtUVa> [import/export standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Finished last Friday:
<mikeAtUVa> - last modifications and

changes to (relaxed server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> Today:
<mikeAtUVa> - mostly unrelated meetings
<mikeAtUVa> - <escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Yesterday:
<escowles> * Exporting members based on inbound links (documenting relaxed server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> - 2453
<escowles> * Fix Bag import using config file (updating importer to support relaxed server managed triples)
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> - probably can't fully finish the importer updates without a version of 4.7.4 available for download for integration tests<escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Last Friday:
<escowles> * Debugged parallel build failures browse/FCREPO-2462
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Trailing slash issues
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Exporting members based on inbound links * Containment predicates don't work when pointed at /rest
<escowles> * Squashing bugs from testing
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None

<benpennell> [Import/Export Standup]
<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Second proposal for structure of version exports for bunch of local stuff
<benpennell> * Some decisions about requirements for import of versions related to timestamps
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * Finish up implementation and unit tests for version export, create PR Implementation of version import
<benpennell> * Start thinking about implementation of versions importing
<benpennell> Blockers:
<benpennell> * none

<awoods> <westgardj> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished last Friday:
<awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None<westgardj> Finished yesterday:
<westgardj>   Finished (handle failed connection gracefully)
<westgardj>   Tested current master branch of import-export tool
<westgardj> Working on today:
<westgardj>   Additional testing of import-export and verifier
<westgardj> Blockers:
<westgardj>   None.

<dbernstein> <lsitu> [Import/Export Standup]
<lsitu> <dbernstein> Finished last Friday:
<lsitu> Rebase PR and refactor codes to fix conflicts for Re-import of hierarchy: yesterday:
<dbernstein> *
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> * finishing up
<lsitu> Updated PR for round-tripping with binaries excluded: 2408
<dbernstein> (make verification tool work with BagIt Bags)this morning
<dbernstein> *
<lsitu> Working on today:
<lsitu> Import of Bags should verify binary digest:
<lsitu> Imporve 2475
<dbernstein> (verifcation tool should log to timestamped log files)
<dbernstein> Blockers:
<dbernstein> None.

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-25

<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Document export format in partial response to PR for round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<lsitu> 2455 (Import/Export: Document import structural expectations)
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Testing sprint changes using interim code releases
<coblej> Blockers:
<lsitu> <coblej> None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - tested export with lubm
<youn> - regenerated lubm backup, replacing link for external content; https://jirayale.duraspacebox.orgcom/browse/FCREPO-2369 (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters) - added note on Unicode errors to README
<youn> - tested bag export and verification with bagit-pythons/0rkv4q1akg7g1w3oq4zhnrkafeppmplg needs to be added to github repo; previous versions should be deleted
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - follow up on comments on FCREPO-2369
<youn> - get feedback on (and work on) ideas for videostest lubm import and verify export and import
<youn> - test versions and bags
<youn> - (verification tool should handle import-export v1.1 config files)
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none

<westgard> <escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> Finished Friday<escowles> Yesterday:
<westgard> <escowles> * Trailing slash issues (update readme (help text) and inline comments in newly refactored codebase)
<westgard> FCREPO-2467
<escowles> * Containment predicates don't work when pointed at /rest (minor formatting fixes in verification tool)
<westgard> Continued troubleshooting of 2474
<escowles> * Test import into Cavendish (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters)
<westgard> Working on today:
<westgard> 2476
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * findRepositoryRoot should have a sensible fallback (handle failed connection gracefully)
<westgard> Continued troubleshooting of 2477
<escowles> * Error importing export with inbound references (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters)
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> None.2483
<escowles> * Squashing bugs from testing
<escowles> * Couple meetings
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None

<awoods> <dbernstein> [ Import/Export Standup]
<dbernstein> <awoods> Finished yesterday:
<dbernstein> * Nothing finished (out most of the day)
<dbernstein> Working on today:
<dbernstein> * <awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

<mikeAtUVa> [import/export sprint standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Finished Yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> -
<dbernstein> (make verification tool work with BagIt Bags)
<dbernstein> Blockers:
<dbernstein> None.

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-23

2464 documented "relaxed" triple mode
<mikeAtUVa> Working on Today:
<mikeAtUVa> - testing scenarios
<mikeAtUVa> - comments for
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> none

<benpennell> <youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> <benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - <benpennell> * Created ticket for issue with generated relations in versions (Import-export verification tool's rdf comparison fails on unicode-escaped characters) - used sample RDF containing Unicode to test the verification tool with the one click for 4.6.0 and 4.7.3-RC
<youn> - started proposal for videos
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - finish proposal for videos
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none2479
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * Respond to feedback on version export PR
<benpennell> * Continue to work on initial implementation of version import ticket
<benpennell> * Can't guarantee version import will be done by the end of the sprint, it will depend on how smoothly today goes and feedback on the export, but I hope to have a first pass at it
<benpennell> Blockers
<benpennell> * none

<lsitu> westgard> [Import/Export Standup]
<westgard> <lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<westgard> started <lsitu> Testing export and import the plant patent dataset (restored from plants.tar.gz) with options -b, -g (default/aptrust), -i, -p, -t, -x in (handle failed connection gracefully)
<westgard> Import+-+Export+Testing+Recipes
<lsitu> Working on today:
<westgard> finish FCREPO-2457
<westgard> Blockers:
<westgard> None.<lsitu> Use the verification tool to verify import/export.
<lsitu> Fix bugs that coming up from from testing.
<lsitu> Blockers:
<lsitu> It seems that the verification tool works fine for binary export at this time but has limitation on other options. What can we test now?

titleStand-up report - 2017-05-26

<coblej> [Import/Export Standup]
<coblej> Finished yesterday:
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Document import structural expectations — Two test scenarios using then-current code, documented at
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None

<awoods> [Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished last Friday:
<awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None

Import+-+Export+Testing+Recipes .
<coblej> Working on today:
<coblej> Testing sprint changes using interim code releases against subset of production-like Duke data ( )
<coblej> Blockers:
<coblej> None

<youn> [Import/Export Standup]
<youn> Finished yesterday:
<youn> - tested export with lubm; tried to test import
<youn> - responded to feedback on <mikeAtUVa> [import/export sprint standup]
<mikeAtUVa> Yesterday:
<mikeAtUVa> - mostly worked on urelated things
<mikeAtUVa> Today:
<mikeAtUVa> - Finish up
<mikeAtUVa> - Determine if more changes to fcrepo are in order (for versioning) in the scope of this sprint
<mikeAtUVa> Blockers:
<mikeAtUVa> 2299 (Import Export Videos)
<youn> Working on today:
<youn> - sprint feedback
<youn> Blockers:
<youn> - none

<escowles> [Import/Export Standup]
<escowles> Yesterday:
<escowles> * Exporting members based on inbound links findRepositoryRoot should have a sensible fallback
<escowles> * Fix Bag import using config file
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Rebase PR #84 (exporting members based on inbound links)
<escowles> * Not sure after that: whatever needs help
<escowles> Blockers:
<escowles> * None<benpennell> [Import/Export Standup]
<benpennell> Finished yesterday:
<benpennell> * Create PR for export of versions Error importing export with inbound references
<escowles> * Only writing config file if specified
<benpennell> Working on today:
<benpennell> * Planning and implementation of version import 2430
<escowles> * Adding If-Modified-Since header to PUT-to-update requests
<benpennell> * Some local stuff
<benpennell> 2498
<escowles> Today:
<escowles> * Rebasing PRs and responding to code review
<escowles> * Available to fix any last-minute bugs
<escowles> Blockers:
<benpennell> <escowles> * noneNone

<lsitu> [Import/Export Standup]
<lsitu> Finished yesterday:
<lsitu> Import of Bags should verify binary digestImprove logging for HTTP exception in export with binary excluded:
<lsitu> Consolidate the findRepositoryRoot method for PR with round-tripping with binaries excluded:
<lsitu> Working on today:
<lsitu> Improve Import of Bags should verify binary digest2480.
<lsitu> Tested the the vrification tool and replcate the errors.
<lsitu> Tested the export/import tool and the vrification tool from master branch with Fedora fcrepo-webapp-4.8.0-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console-a07a1a46:
<lsitu> Will find more ticketsImport+-+Export+Testing+Recipes.
<lsitu> Working on today:
<lsitu> Test export/import tool and use the verification tool to verify the result.
<lsitu> Fix bugs that are coming up from from testing.
<lsitu> Blockers:
<lsitu> None

<awoods> Import/Export Standup]
<awoods> Finished yesterday:
<awoods> - Reviewed tickets
<awoods> Working on today:
<awoods> - Reviewing tickets
<awoods> Blockers:
<awoods> - None