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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
titleMarch 3rd, 2012 - Artifact Sync in Progress

Version 0.4.0 is currently being synced to maven central. This may take a few hours. Until then, the download links below won't work. If you're in a rush, you can find them now at

The Akubra Project is a new effort to provide a pluggable file storage interface that can be adapted to almost any storage subsystem. Akubra supports both ordinary and transactional storage systems, but makes simplifying assumptions in order to achieve a high level of interoperability between storage systems:


Latest Downloads & Javadocs

  • Core API
    • [akubra-core-0.4.0.jar| - core-0.4.0.jar] \- The Core Akubra API \ [[javadocs|]\]
  • Base Implementations
    • [akubra-fs-0.4.0.jar| - fs-0.4.0.jar] \- Simple filesystem implementation (non-transactional) \ [[javadocs|]\]unmigrated-wiki-markup[
    • akubra-mem-0.4.0.jar| - mem/0.4.0/akubra-mem-0.4.0.jar] \- In-memory implementation (non-transactional) \ [[javadocs|]\]unmigrated-wiki-markup[
    • akubra-www-0.4.0.jar| - www/0.4.0/akubra-www-0.4.0.jar] \- Web implementation (non-transactional, read-only) \ [[javadocs|]\]
  • Layering Implementations
    • [akubra-map-0.4.0.jar| map/0.4.0/akubra-map-0.4.0.jar]\- Wraps an existing BlobStore to provide a blob id mapping layer \ [[javadocs|]\]unmigrated-wiki-markup[
    • akubra-mux-0.4.0.jar| - 0.4.0.jar] \- Provides a unified view over any number of backing stores \ [[javadocs|]\] Wiki Markup[akubra-qsc-0.4.0.jar|
    • akubra-qsc/0.4.0/akubra-qsc-0.4.0.jar] \ - Provides quiescing capability to a BlobStore \[ [javadocs|]\]unmigrated-wiki-markup[
    • akubra-rmi-0.4.0.jar|] \ - Allows a BlobStore to be exposed and accessed remotely, via RMI \ [[javadocs|]\]unmigrated-wiki-markup[akubra-txn-0.4.0.jar|
    • akubra-txn-0.4.0.jar] \ - Uses Derby to provide transactional capabilities over a non-transactional store \ [[javadocs|]\]
  • Utilities
    • [akubra-tck-0.4.0.jar|] \ - Technology Compatibility Kit for Akubra implementations \ [[javadocs|]\]

Known Third-Party Implementations

  • akubra-caringo - Concrete implementation for the Dell DX Object Storage Platform
  • akubra-hdfs - Concrete implementation for Hadoop filesystemsakubra-bhle - Multiplexing implementation with short-term and long-term underlying stores
  • atmosakubra-plugin - Concrete implementation for Atmos Cloud Storage System
  • akubra-hdfs - Concrete implementation for Hadoop filesystems
  • irods-akubra - (TBD) IRODS implementation


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  • *Akubra Users* \ [subscribe [via google|http://groups.] or [via email |] \| [view|] \] \\ _General information, questions, release announcements, etc._
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    \\  _Discussions pertaining the development of Akubra._
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    General information, questions, release announcements, etc.
  • Akubra Developers [subscribe via google or via email | view | original list archive ]
    Discussions pertaining the development of Akubra.
  • Akubra Codewatch [subscribe via google or via email | view ]
    Intended for developers, this read-only list provides automatic notification of commits to the source code repository. Wiki Markup*Akubra Codewatch* \[subscribe [via google|] or [via email|] \| [view|] \] \\ _Intended for developers, this_ _{+}read-only{+}_ _list provides automatic notification of commits to the source code repository._

Source Code

The source source repository is hosted at github:
