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The It Takes a Village Toolkit is an adaptable set of tools for practical use in planning and managing sustainability.

The ITAV Analysis Kickoff Activity is designed to help determine a program's sustainability status, priorities, and capacity, to then be able to decide which of the activities in the Toolkit would be most helpful to complete.

To get started with the Kickoff process, read through the Pre-Work and Activity Instructions below to get a general sense of the meeting’s core components. Next, read through the Planning and Facilitator Guide, which provides links to all the materials needed for your program to plan and carry out a successful Kickoff. After reading through the Pre-Work, Activity Instructions, and Facilitator Guide, choose the path that will work best for your program. Potential pathways include:

  • Carry out the Kickoff Activity as designed, using the scripts and templates linked in the Planning and Facilitator Guide.
  • Identify a specific Facet your program would like to focus on and shorten the Kickoff to complete only the Core Data Activity and Analysis Checklist for that specific Facet.
  • Determine Decide that the level of planning described in this document is not needed and move directly to the table of contents for each Toolkit Facet and choose Activities “a la carte.”

Activity: ITAV Analysis Kickoff

Download Complete Activity and Planning Guide: DOC | PDF


ITAV Analysis Kickoff Pre-Work

  • Determine who will be responsible for managing the kickoff process. One or two members of the program team or governance group are recommended as facilitators, or you may wish to engage outside facilitators.
  • Read through the entire Kickoff Activity and Planning/Facilitator Guide.
    • Determine the format of the Kickoff – i.e., in-person or virtual.
    • Review the linked resources in the Planning/Facilitator Guide and customize them for your program.
    • Complete Activity: Core Data Worksheet
    • Schedule and carry out Activity: ITAV Analysis Kickoff.
    Schedule and carry out Activity:


    Toolkit Activity Section. ExpandtitleITAV

    Analysis Kickoff Activity Instructions

    Introduction and kickoff description

    Have the facilitator introduce the It Takes a Village in Practice Toolkit to the meeting participants and explain the purpose of the kickoff meeting


    Core data and information sharing

    Have the meeting facilitator or member of the program team present an overview of the Core Data gathered during the pre-work phase to all meeting participants. Allow time for those familiar with the data to speak about it, and for those unfamiliar to ask questions. 

    ITAV Phase Analysis Checklist

    As a group, complete the ITAV Phase Analysis Checklist for each of the four facets in the ITAV Framework (Governance, Technology, Resources, and Community Engagement). The ITAV Analysis Checklist is designed to help your program determine which Phase of Sustainability you’re currently in: Getting Started, Growing, or Assessing and Evolving.  

    Identify and prioritize sustainability goals

    As a group, prioritize two or three Objectives identified via the checklist to explore further using the ITAV toolkit. These might be strengths you’d like to amplify, weaknesses to shore up, opportunities to take advantage of, or threats to mitigate.

    Wrap up

    As a group, complete Part 1 of the ITAV Analysis Project Planning Template. The plan should be based on the baseline information gathered and priorities mapped during the kickoff.

    Next Steps

    Schedule and move on to Activity: ITAV Analysis Activity Selection. This activity can be completed synchronously or asynchronously.

    ITAV Analysis Kickoff Planning and Facilitator Guide

    The Kickoff Planning and Facilitator guide provides timings, scripts, action items, and related resources for a two-hour in-person or virtual kickoff meeting. 

    Download Planning and Facilitator Guide: DOC | PDF

    titleExpand here to view the complete Kickoff Meeting Facilitator Guide

    Time, Duration

    Facilitator /


    Topics and Activities


    10 mins

    Welcome, Introduction, Agenda Review


    Introduce activity participants to the kickoff and explain the purpose and format of the meeting.



    5 mins

    Icebreaker/Mental Warmup


    Virtual Meetings - Use this time to confirm that all attendees can access any virtual collaboration tools. Icebreaker questions can be answered via the tool.

    In-Person Meetings - Ask a few people in the group to answer the icebreaker question; it is not necessary to go around and have everyone answer.

    Sample icebreaker questions:

    • What is the longest you’ve ever kept a plant alive? 
    • What is a food everyone seems to love but you dislike? 
    • What fictional location would you like to live in? 
    • Where would you travel if you could go anywhere?


    20 mins

    Core Data and Information Sharing

    Walk through core data and metrics to provide all attendees a baseline of information for the next elements of the kickoff.

    NB: Provide a five-minute warning to the presenter at 0:30


    ITAV Core Data TemplateWorksheet


    15 mins

    Phase Analysis Checklist – Governance 


    • Provide general overview of checklist – list of objectives to achieve to move forward to the next Phase in a given Facet
    • Explain purpose: Use the checklist and core data to determine the program’s current sustainability status
    • Explain activity:
      • In checklist, read through Objective and definition
      • Assess the program’s progress for each objective (yes, done; no, not done; in progress). Looking for a “gut-check” reaction, 5 - 10 seconds per objective, goal is to determine where to deep-dive later
    • Lead participants through the Governance checklist 
    • Provide additional context/questions on objectives if needed
    • Guide participants to prioritize objectives
    • Keep record of top 2-3 vote getters


    ITAV Phase Analysis Checklist

    ITAV Phase Analysis Checklist Slides

    Checklist Strategy Guide for In-Person Meetings (includes script with intro)

    Checklist Strategy Guide for Virtual Meetings (includes script with intro)


    15 mins

    Phase Analysis Checklist – Technology 


    • Lead participants through the Technology checklist 
    • Provide additional context/questions on objectives if needed
    • Guide participants to prioritize objectives
    • Keep record of top 2-3 vote getters 


    See above


    15 mins

    Phase Analysis Checklist – Resources 


    • Lead participants through the Resources checklist 
    • Provide additional context/questions on objectives if needed
    • Guide participants to prioritize objectives
    • Keep record of top 2-3 vote getters 


    See above


    15 mins

    Phase Analysis Checklist – Community Engagement 


    • Lead participants through the Community Engagement checklist 
    • Provide additional context/questions on objectives if needed
    • Guide participants to prioritize objectives
    • Keep record of top 2-3 vote getters 


    See above


    15 mins

    Identify and Prioritize ITAV Analysis Goals


    • Lead participants in deciding 1 - 2 facets to focus on based on Objectives that received the most votes
    • Remind participants that chosen facets are the focus for the first phase of analysis and other facets can be revisited at another time



    10 mins

    Complete ITAV Analysis Project Plan & Wrap Up


    • Lead participants in completing Part 1 of Project Planning Template
    • Discuss follow-up activities such as completing the ITAV Analysis Activity Selection and Part 2 of Project Planning Template


    ITAV Analysis Project Planning Template

    Download as DOC | Download as PDF

    Meeting Facilitation

    ResourcesITAV Kickoff Agenda TemplateA template for the ITAV Analysis Agenda that can be customized and shared with meeting attendees.DOCPDF

    and Planning Resources

    ITAV Kickoff Introduction Slides

    A short introduction to the ITAV Framework and to the Kickoff process for meeting attendees. The slides can be adapted for your program and include a suggested script.


    Google Slides

    ITAV Core Data TemplateWorksheet

    The Core Data Template Worksheet should be filled out by program leadership / program management participants before the Kickoff event and presented to attendees during the event. It provides a baseline of information about the program's current sustainability status sustainability status to all Kickoff attendees.

    ITAV Phase Analysis Checklist & Related MaterialsPhase Analysis Checklist - a list of all Moving Forward Objectives in the Guidebook and is used during the Kickoff to determine what progress a program has made in achieving the Objectives, and which Objectives are the highest priority to achieve or sustain.DOCPDF

    Phase Analysis Checklist Slides - all Moving Forward Objective in slideshow format; one Objective per slide.

    Google Slides 


    Phase Analysis Checklist Strategy Guide: In-Person - a detailed script and facilitation suggestions for completing the Phase Analysis Checklist during an in-person meeting.DOC


    Phase Analysis Checklist Strategy Guide: Virtual- a detailed script and facilitation suggestions for completing the Phase Analysis Checklist during a virtual meeting.DOCPDF
    ITAV Analysis Project Planning Template

    The Project Planning Template is completed at the end of the Kickoff meeting, and provides a place to note the outcomes of the Kickoff, and determine roles and timelines for moving forward.

    ITAV Analysis Activity Selection

    ITAV Analysis Activity Selection is used to help choose the Toolkit Activities related to the high priority Objectives identified. This is a separate meeting from the Kickoff and can be completed synchronously or asynchronously.


    Meeting Planning Resources - In Person or Virtual

    ITAV Kickoff Agenda TemplateA template for a Kickoff agenda to share with meeting participants.DOCPDF
    Meeting Planning ChecklistsA set of checklists to:
    Download all Meeting Planning ChecklistsDOC | PDFGeneral Meeting Information ChecklistA brief checklist to
    gather key points about your program's Kickoff
    (e.g. purpose,
    date, time, and participants
    .Meeting Preparation ChecklistA checklist to
    ); manage the logistical tasks of the Kickoff
    including scheduling, collaboration tool identification and testing, and agenda and participant list development

    Meeting Setup Checklist: In Person

    A checklist to
    ; manage the logistical tasks specific to an in-person Kickoff

    Meeting Setup Checklist: Virtual

    A checklist to
    ; manage the logistical tasks specific to a virtual Kickoff
    meeting.Post-Meeting ChecklistA checklist to
    ; and manage post-meeting follow up tasks.DOCPDF