Versions Compared


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  1. External content issues:
    1. Need to separate proxy vs. ingest-by-reference operations
      1. Content-Location cannot be used to indicate the URL should be used instead of the request body
    2. Clarify response when copying remote content
    3. Clarify "expires" parameter
      1. Suggestions:
        1. Potentially remove the "expiration" header parameter
        2. Add "Content-Location" under PUT for ingest by reference
          1. If you wanted to add to repo, you would retrieve and upload
        3. Further discussion with Benjamin Armintor before taking action
  2. Versioning issues:
    2. Other versioning questions from API Alignment sprint: Versioning - Authorization Design
  3. Revisit strictness of requirements for external content, recursive deletion, client-specified ACLs, etc.
    1. Specifically:
      1. 3.7.1 Depth Header 

        1. https://fcrepo.github.iocom/fcrepo/fcrepo-specification/issues/#httpDELETEDepth234

        2. Use OPTIONS to signal availability of DELETECould possibly be removed entirely with an informative note (re: WebDAV) and expectations about OPTIONS when recursive not supported

      2. 3.8 External Binary Content 


        2. Support for 'message/external-body'

    External content issues:
    1. Clarify response when copying remote content
  4. Notifications section:
    1. Esmé and Danny to review and create issues
    2. Passing mention of LDN - can it be removed? Probably not.
    3. Barring further feedback from Esmé, good Good enough for candidate impls? 
    Fixity section:
    1. Simeon Warner thinks this is done. , see review in 2017-09-14 - API Spec Meeting notes. Issue 218 was created and has been fixed, issue 235 is about naming of digests in modeshape implementation, not about spec. No other issues.

Old business

  1. Authorization issues
    1. issue-165: Removing support for acl:accessToClass?
        1. Wait on response to
        2. CLAW only uses ACLs for very basic partitioning of drupal instances
          1. Suggestion, add wording that indicates:
            1. implementations MUST do accessToClass
            2. explain what accessToClass does
            3. inference is a MAY 
      1. issue-168: Cross-domain Authorization?
        1. PR: — needs
        review from Andrew, Ben, Simeon
        1. to resolve conflicts
      2. issue-170: Require acl:Append and acl:Control
        1. PR: — needs review from Andrew, Ben
      3. issue-172: Clarify algorithm for finding authorizations
        1. Still pending clarification from Solid
      4. issue-176: ACL creation and linking -- be explicitly silent or specify?
        1. PR: — needs review from Andrew, Ben, Danny


  1. External Content
    Versioning issues:

      1. Considering using Location header in requests to denote location of external content:
      215 — clarifying creation of versions with PUT
    1. Other versioning questions from API Alignment sprint: Versioning/Authorization Design
    External content issues:
      1. 236.
      2. Also, strengthen the language around external content with access-type=URL:
      210: Clarify "expires" parameter
      1. Suggestions:
        1. Potentially remove the "expiration" header parameter
        2. Add "Content-Location" under PUT for ingest by reference
          1. If you wanted to add to repo, you would retrieve and upload
        3. Further discussion with Benjamin Armintor before taking action


  1. Do we want to require specific values for Depth header or external-content access-type values?
    1. Depth: unless we can agree on at least one value to require support for, we should leave this alone
      1. Is there a response header to advertise which Depth values are supported?
      2. Alternative: Deletes are always recursive, if you can't do recursive deletes, then don't include DELETE in an OPTIONS response
        1. ACTION: Benjamin Armintor will open a PR
    2. User-supplied ACLs: lots of different options for implementation, maybe better to leave this alone
    3. External content: 
      1. Require access-type="URL"?
        1. ACTION: Esmé Cowles will open an issue for requring access-type="URL"

Action Items

      1. 237
  1. VersioningACTION: Need reviews:
    1. Issues
      1. Re:, Daniel Lamb to provide a PR moving previous PUT-on-LDPRv behaviour to POST-on-LDPCv.  Will also move ahead with merging
      208 - Andrew WoodsBenjamin ArmintorSimeon Warner
      1. 225 pending Daniel Lamb's PR.
      206 - Andrew WoodsBenjamin Armintor
      1. 232 can be closed
      214 - Andrew WoodsBenjamin Armintor,Daniel Lamb
  2. ACTION: Andrew Woods to collect 4xx/mandatory topics from the spec for discussion next time
  3. ACTIONBenjamin Armintor to talk about Expires with alignment sprinters
  4. ACTION: Everyone weigh in on version API questions with alignment sprinters
      1. 226 being considered for restoring versions.  Best to accept it and move forward with further clarification.
      2. has been merged.
      3. Benjamin Armintor to make a follow up issue about the semantics of restoring versions.
  5. Setting the milestone for American Thanksgiving for Candidate Recommendation

Action Items
