Versions Compared


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These training archives may be out of date, but have been retained and kept available for the community's benefit in reviewing previous sessions.

Current training documentation can be found here: Training

Table of Contents

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the main differences between Fedora 3 and Fedora 4
  • Understand the considerations necessary for migrating from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4
  • Explore new possibilities for enhancing data in Fedora 4

Differences Between Fedora


3 and Fedora



Nodes vesus Objects

Nodes with properties vs. XML objects.

This includes converting inline XML to properties or Datastreams.

Hierarchy versus Flat Filesystem

Nodes stored in a tree-structure rather than an Objects directory and a Datastreams directory.

Paths versus PIDs

Fedora 4 nodes are identified by a full path to their location on the filesystem, while Fedora 3 objects are identified by a PID in the URL. 

XML Objects vs. Nodes

Fedora 3Fedora 4
FOXML objectsModeShape nodes (still referred to as objects)
Inline and managed XMLRDF properties*

*XML Datastreams are still supported

Flat Filesystem vs. Hierarchy

Fedora 3Fedora 4
Objects and Datastreams stored in flat directoriesObjects and datastreams stored in a hierarchical filesystem

PIDs vs. Path

Fedora 3Fedora 4
Objects have Persistent Identifiers (PIDs)Objects have a path (including a UUID) based on their location in the file system hierarchy
 Objects can also have other identifiers (DOIs, Handles, PIDs, etc.)


Migration Considerations

To Ingest or Federate?

The advantages and disadvantages of ingesting data versus federating over an existing Fedora 3 filesystem.


Transferring security policies from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4.


Transferring versions from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4

Content Models

Migrating content models.


Understanding disseminators in Fedora 3 and translating their functionality into Fedora 4.

Other Considerations

Are we missing anything?

  • In addition to normal ingest, Fedora 4 supports federation over content in a existing file system.
  • Federating over Fedora 3 content is possible, but the connector would need to be updated and modified to suit a particular use case.
  • Federation also does not provide any opportunities for data enhancement, which is an important consideration.


  • What kind of security does your Fedora 3 repository use?
  • Many Fedora 3 repositories use XACML security; this is supported in Fedora 4.
  • However, it would be prudent to test your specific XACML policies within the context of Fedora 4.
    • While XACML in general is supported, broad testing of existing policies is recommended.


  • Does your Fedora 3 repository use versioning?
  • What versions do you want to preserve? Object or datastream level?
  • How should version dates be handled? Will you use the system modified date, or a special date property?

Content Models

  • How are content models used in your Fedora 3 repository?
    • Do they have any logic built into them, or is that handled at a higher application level (e.g. Islandora, Hydra)?
  • Are there opportunities for building common content models that could be shared between Fedora implementations?
    • E.g. Islandora content models that can also be recognized by Hydra.


  • Does your Fedora 3 repository make use of disseminators?
  • What are they used for? XSLT transformations? Something else?
  • How can we support the existing disseminator use cases in Fedora 4 without re-creating disseminators?

Other Considerations

  • Have we left anything out?
  • What else needs to be considered when planning a migration?


Taking Advantage of Properties

  • Converting Inline XML and/or XML Datastreams (e.g. RELS-EXT, RELS-INT) to RDF properties.
    • Inline XML is no longer supported.
  • Lightweight compared to XML.
  • New possibilities for complex queries that extend beyond the limits of the repository.
    • Linked data relationships can be exposed via a standardized REST-API
    • Web applications can take advantaged of these standardized representations.
    • Data can be shared and manipulated in new and interesting ways.

Enhancing Your Metadata


  • XML metadata datastreams are still supported, but there are new opportunities to explore!
  • XML metadata can be converted into RDF


  • metadata using an RDF-based schema.

Why should you do this? Show benefits of exposing linked data.



  • RDF metadata is easier to query and share.
  • Take advantage of linked data by pointing to authority URIs.
