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  • Andrew Woods
  • Esme CowlesCowles (star)
  • Chris Beer *
  • Daniel Davis *
  • Declan Fleming
  • A. Soroka
  • Benjamin Armintor
  • Zhiwu Xie
  • Neil Jefferies (having issues with may data connection - may not be in the call if I can't fix it!)
  • Yinlin Chen


Note-taker = (star)
Previous note-taker = *


  1. Review of previous actions

  2. Revisit "Areas of Assessement" and establish plan of action 
  3. Thought exercise: "What would be the technical "risks" of releasing 4.0 Production *now*"?
    1. Or another way, "Where do we want to put next sprint's dev energy"?

Previous Actions

From 2014-08-20


  • (tick) Esme to investigate current ModeShape development roadmap and how it aligns with F4



      • Adam and Ben to assess REST-API (goal of versioning this API)



      • Neil to define initial set of system CI tests


      • Action items from last meeting
        • Esme: Modeshape 4 is pretty much like Fedora 4, targeted at improving sustainability, performance, etc.  Not much roadmap after 4.0, but areas of focus for 4.0 are well-aligned with ours.
        • Ben: REST API assessment/specification is a good idea, but not done
        • Dan: Enhanced areas of assessment
        • CI test definitions: Neil absent
      • Areas of assessment
        • Andrew: need to focus on topics with highest levels interest/concern, topics that can be acted upon now.
        • Priorities
          • Adam: REST API and Performance are highest priorities, and distinct areas of work
        • REST API
          • Adam: CRUD operations are the core and most in need of assessment, excluding auth, messaging, etc.
          • Dan: How to we ensure long-term evolvability of clients/apps
          • Adam: That's the purpose of specifying and versioning the API
          • Dan: What about other apis and stuff that's excluded from scope?
          • Ben: We should also create a TCK (
          • Dan: Need to specfy both how the functionality, and how that funcitonality is used used (identifiers, etc.)
          • Action: Ben and Adam will begin drafting a spec and what a TCK should cover
            • Incremental deliverable for next week: what LDP is, how F4 extends it, and bytestreams
            • Can draft Rob Sanderson, for input that's not so closely tied to the implementors
          • Dan: need to have criteria to judge REST API or anything else -- not just raw functionality, but also quality (reliability?)
        • Performance
          • Dan: It's importat to have multithreaded clients to simulate real-world performance
          • Andrew: Real world use cases are important
          • Chris: Neil and I have added some of these, see
          • CI test suite is the key deliverable
          • Dan: We have a limited amount of time to explore different scenarios
          • Andrew: Grinder work hasn't moved forward yet, but it seems like a good toolset for this work repeatable, flxible, multi-threaded, etc. suitable for CI integration
          • Action: Dan will review existing work and put together some scenarios will then move on to executing plan
          • Esme: will begin ingesting soon, can test repo v. federaetd filesystem, with and without jcr/xml serializer
          • Action: Esme will report plan/status next week
          • Dan: It's important to track when extended effects finish, and the system returns to baseline state


      1. (tick) Ben and Adam: Begin drafting REST API spec and what a TCK should cover.   Incremental deliverable for next week: what LDP is, how F4 extends it, and bytestreams
      2. (tick) Dan: Review existing performance work and put together some scenarios
      3. (tick) Esme: Report on status of filesystem serialization once UCSD beta pilot has progressed - Beta Pilot page has been updated with deliverables