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2121 Massachusetts Avenue, NW

Day 1, Tuesday, March 11IMG_2842.mp4

Please add your slides or notes from the meeting to the agenda

Day 1: Tuesday March 11

12-1pm: Lunch and welcome

12-12:30pm: Opening remarks, Paul Courant

12:30-1:10pm: DuraSpace strategic Strategic Overview "State of the Union", Michele Kimpton, CEO, DuraSpace


• Strategic priorities and goals for 2014

notes 1 Carol Minton Morris

notes 2


1:10-1:30pm: Membership model Model and Project Governance–Overview and Framework, Jonathan Markow, Chief Strategy Officer, DuraSpace

1:30-2:30pm: Open Source Project Overviews: Fedora, VIVO, DSpace–Accomplishments, Goals and Strategies

Presented by:

  • Rob Cartolano, Columbia University (Fedora)




2:45-3:30pm:  Breakout session: What have you heard, what concerns you, what inspires you?

What do you have questions about?

3:30-5pm: Research and Scholarship Ecosystem Evolution, James Hilton

Strategic projects for this community and project briefings (10 minutes, plus 10 minutes for discussion and Q&A)

DPLA (Dan Cohen, Executive Director, DPLA)

SHARE (Elliott Shore, Executive Director, ARL)

Coherence at scale (Chuck Henry, President, CLIR)

DPN (James Hilton, University Librarian/Dean of Libraries, University of Michigan)

5:30-7pm: Cocktail reception hosted by DuraSpace


9-9:15: General remarks, meeting kickoff (Coffee only)

9:15am-12pm: Breakout sessions: Fedora, DSpace and VIVO groups

Fedora project breakoutbreakout, Powell Room

(Facilitator: Tom Cramer, Stanford University)


• Meet the Project (David Wilcox, Fedora Product Manager; Andrew Woods, Fedora Technical Lead)

Fedora 4: What Does it Mean for Me? (Tom Cramer, Stanford University)

• DuraSpace Membership / Governance Models (Jonathan Markow)

DSpace project breakout, Board Room

(Facilitator: Debra Hanken Kurtz, Texas Digital Library)

DuraSpace Membership/Governance Models (Jonathan Markow)

DSpace: How Work Gets Done (Tim Donohue)

The DSpace Vision Survey (Stuart Lewis, University of Edinburgh; Sarah Shreeves, University of Illinois)


(Facilitator: Mike Conlon, University of Florida)

• The VIVO Technical Roadmap (Dean B. Krafft)

• DuraSpace Membership/Governance Models (Jonathan Markow)

• The VIVO Strategic Path (Bill Barnett, Indiana University)
