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D.C. Fedora User Group Meeting


National Museum of the American Indian
Washington, D.C.

Room 4018, which is a space just off the main hall, so no need for special access


10 Mar 2014
10:15 am until 5:00 pm



Image Added


10:15 10:30Welcome and introductions all aroundThorny Staples, Smithsonian
10:30 – 10:50The Fedora community and DuraSpaceDavid Wilcox, DuraSpace
10:50 – 11:20Fedora 4 developmentAndrew Woods, DuraSpace
11:20 – 11:50?mystery?Bria Parker and Kevin Rice, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library
11:50 – 1:00Lunch on your own 
1:00 – 1:30Fedora Membership and the DC user communityJonathan Markow, DuraSpace
1:30 – 1:50RUcore and their research data portalRon Jantz, Rutgers University
1:50 – 2:10Federal Science Repository ServiceWayne Strickland / Gail Hodge, Information International Associates
2:10 – 2:30break 
2:30 2:50SIdora, a research support environmentThorny Staples, Smithsonian
2:50 – 3:30Short Presentations


Longer presentations:


  • Don Gourley, National Agricultural Library
  • Ben Wallberg, University of Maryland
  • John Doyle, National Library of Medicine
  • Anyone else?
3:30 – 4:00Discussion and wrap-up 



10:15 – Welcome and introductions all around
  • Thorny Staples - Smithsonian
  • Andrew Woods - Fedora Tech Lead
  • David Wilcox - Fedora Product Manager
  • Jonathan Markow - DuraSpace
  • Tom Cramer, Stanford
  • Ron Jantz, Rutgers
  • Don Gorley, National Agricultural Library USDA
    • Ursula Pieper
    • Wei Wu
    • Chuck Schoppet
  • Rob Cartolano, Columbia
  • Bria Parker - NASA Goddard Library, Space Flight Library
    • Kevin Rice
    • Mitzy Cole
  • Stefano - Art Institute of Chicago - new Fedora adopter
  • Patrick - Northeastern University
  • Fran Stern - Smithsonian
  • Ti Amy - NLM, long-time user of Fedora
  • Jenny - UMD
    • Ben Wallburg
  • Adam Soroka - UVa
    • Mike Durbin - UVa - repository manager
  • Josh Wesgard - UMD
10:30 – 10:50 David Wilcox – update on the Fedora community and DuraSpace
  • slide show
  • revitalized technology
  • revitalized pool of contributors
  • increase community involvement in project
  • use-case driven
  • review of steering and advisory group
  • Fedora Community
    • 326 Registered Fedora Implementations
    • 21 new instances in 2013
    • 858 members of fedora community mailing list
    • 40 Fedora Sponsors
    • 19 Active Developers
    • 17 Members of Fedora Advisory Group
    • 10 Members of Fedora Steering Group
10:50 – 11:20 Andrew Woods – update on Fedora 4 development
  • Fedora 4
  • call to engage in generating use cases, testing
  • Fedora 4 Features
    • Content Modeling
      • nested or hierarchical structure
    Bria Parker and Kevin
      • validation - define properties on objects
    • Authorization
      • application has pluggable authorization mechanism
    • Durable storage
    • Versioning
    • Scale (large files and many files)
    • Linked data / RDF (and external triplestore)
      • although not part of core base
      • important that triplestore be readily available for Fedora
      • pattern for triple store and SOLR index
        • every event that takes place on repository, JMS events come out of repository
        • completely functional message consumer
    • Internal and external search
    • Transactions
      • any action, largest bottleneck is persistence of action
      • when save takes place, takes significant part of action's time
      • pull together a series of actions into a single transaction
        • one larger save at the end
    • Performance
      • recent sprint
      • 30% faster using transactions for update operations
    • Clustering
      • consistent, scriptable way to put together Fedora servers
F4 Timeline
  • Spring 2014 - 3.7.2 release
    • around code4lib conference
  • Spring 2014 - 4.0-beta release
    • feature complete beta in spring Q1/Q2 boundary
  • Engagement with the community
  • Beta acceptance testing
    • download the alpha and beta, to provide feedback
  • Beta pilot projects
  • 4.0 Fall 2014
  • Mailing Lists
    • fedora-community
    • fedora-tech
    • dc-fedora-users
  1. Migration path from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4
    • greenfield first
    • options
      • projection of Fedora 3 content in Fedora 4
        • can use immediately
        • copy over time
  2. Ron Jantz
    • is there a 3.8?
    • No, we do not expect a 3.8
  3. Jonathan
    • acceptance testing using F3 connector?
      • not hardened code yet
    • F4 has one click install, amazingly simple
    • what can we do to lower the bar to get you to test it
  4. Transactions
    • we rely on transaction msg that they've actually occurred
    • at end of commit, want JMS msg, that transaction is complete
    • Adam - answers the question
11:20 – 11:50 Bria Parker and Kevin Rice, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Library – update
  • Bria Parker - metadata librarian - since 2010
  • Kevin Rice - web programmer since 2012
  • Mitzy Cole
    • contractors at Goddard Library
    • they've been downsized
    • originally 2 programming, 1 metadata librarian
  • Godard Library Repository
    • Drupal 6 on top of Fedora 3.3
    • harvest, scripting before it gets to Fedora
    • two collections
      • JSP scripts load collections from outside Fedora
      • two collections entered right into Fedora using Drupal interface
  • what's in it?
    • colloquia, authors and publications
      • haven't ingested PDF
      • use link resolver to get to PDF content
    • separate authority author objects
    • balloon technology
      • scientific documents
    • a list of publications,
      • RDF - all other Goddard authors
      • all happening in Fedora
    • script to check author authority match
    • plans to move to Drupal 7
      • original people that built it are gone
      • some documentation
      • some logic is lost
  • Kevin Rice
    • Drupal 6 - piecemeal version of Islandora
    • works in a similar process to Islandora
    • do not intake data through Drupal
    • only display it through Drupal
    • migrating from drupal 6 to 7
      • mysql transactions have changed
      • take a step back
    • fixing Drupal issues
      • will help get to new versions of Fedora
    • change made to core Fedora system
      • by local developer
      • no feature needs for future versions of Fedora
    • harvest publication information from variety of commercial databases
      • since we started, VIVO came out! 8-)
11:50 – 1:00 Lunch on your own
1:20PM - DuraSpace - Jonathan Markow
  • overview of chart
  • Sponsorship vs. Membership model
    • "Sponsorships" not part of European approach/budgets
    • many are budgeted for "memberships"
    • libraries have "membership" budget lines
  • membership - more participatory governance
  1. Q:Rob Jantz
    • challenge with synchronizing our development with Fedora development
1:50 – 2:20 Ron Jantz, Rutgers University – update on RUcore and their research data portal


  • DOI and micro-citation
  • RUCore Data Repository
    • Research Data Working Group
      • Established group including library liaisons
      • group provides supports for grants and NSF Data mgmt plan
      • Developed extensive metadata profile for research data
    • Research Data Portal - recent additions
      • ingest of multi-level directories as submitted by the researcher
  • link data to articles and vice-versa
  • Rutgers allows a researcher to give us a full multi-level directory all metadata is typically in the file name
  • using CDL's EZID service
  • 35,000 objects in RUCore
  • Questions
    • Do we want to assign every one of those items a DOI?
    • we think probably not, but then how do we filter out?
    • Not everything in RUCore is research data
  • Example: 3,000 Roman coins
    • we take 7 images per coin
    • we would probably not create a DOI for every image
  • can we do even finer grained linking, subset of a dataset, paragraph in a book, video clip, etc.?
  1. Questions:
    1. Robin
      • ORCID - give them a choice
      • Ron
        • fair amount of faculty pushback
        • Universities trying to do University-wide
          • don't want to fill out "yet another profile"
        • some faculty pushback
    2. Tom
      • upload a whole directory of files, is it one fedora object?
        • Yes
    3. Any migration to other formats?
      • Ron - we do. We take Word documents, migrate to XML, keep original
2:10 – 2:30 Wayne Strickland, Information International Associates – Update on the Federal Science Repository Service.
  • Federal Science Repository Service
    • Wayne Strickland
    • Gail Hodge - private contract - public/private partnership
    • Don Hagen - Associate Director (Wayne's boss)
  • National Technical Reports Library
    • NOAA - deep water horizon project
  • FSRS
  • Technical reports used to be much more important
    • Data needs to accessible
  • Object model
    • geospatial data example
  • NOAA Repository - Deepwater Horizon Repository
    • 8,000 metadata records
  • Two Islandora implementations for programs in D of Commerce, and DoD
  • Don Hagen - talking with OSTP
    • open source, open access
    • part of the culture shift
3:00PM - 3:30 Thorny Staples, Smithsonian – update on SIdora, a research support


  • Putting data that has never been in an organized place is hopeless
    • Rather, create a workspace to better manage research data from the start
    • So that when the research process is done
  • Research Project - no formal hierarchy, it's a graph
  • Two RDF relationships
  • We will collect more and more standards
    • concepts are metadata objects
  • Discovery and Collecting Environment - starts collecting data right at that moment. Starts gathering links to things, with links to items already in their project.
  • DataSet concept - concept of sets to bound the data
  • Analysis Environment:
    • Galaxy - workflow management system, by genomics
      • reflect a SIdora set as a Galaxy set, and all the tools in Galaxy can be used
    • Taverna
      • workflow environment, comes with all the R tools
      • can convert a SIdora set to a Taverna set
  • Researchers have their own stuff, own tools on their own desktop/laptop
  • Have files look like local filesystem (like dropbox)
  • Questions
    1. Tom - access
      • Thorny - wants to use disseminators
        • for tabular data files - the idea is when you upload tabular data, assign to a code book
        • don't upload unless you assign the variables
      • can build disseminators on the dataset concept
    2. Do you expect to assign workflows as objects?
      • Workflow in Taverna is already an XML file
      • Adam Soroka - get connected to Kepler
    3. rtc - enforce requirement to upload codebook?
      • Thorny - yes
      • we will ask for absolute minimum metadata
        • try to fill out the code book and ask them to correct it
        • huge payoff when you upload 1,000 data sets with same codebook
        • can generate spss output for use by R later in workflo
    4. Working on relationship with Oakridge
      • Smithsonian, public-facing front end
      • grid ftp in a lab
      • lab's work becomes a research project
      • each
3:40 - Don Gorley, National Agricultural Library
  • OSTP mandated that agencies that meet a threshold need to make results of research publicly accessible
  • Saw our area as the place to make materials publicly available
  • 2 Fedora instances, and ILS
  • be prepared to scale up discovery and access
  • Single Fedora instance, with 4 to 5 million objects
    • MODS data streams
  • A lot of overlap
  • A lot like a PubMed Central system
  • Use Islandora as the management platform
  • For discovery, it's really working against SOLR index, and not Fedora at all
  • staff were reluctant to mix
  • separate out discovery interface completely from Fedora
    • Fedora is back-end
  • build indexes and content servers
    • java applicaion servers
    • nginx front-end
    • SOLR index
    • filestore of content that we are delivering
    • simple pear tree directory structure
  • JBOSS domain controller
  • SOLR master server - keep SOLR slaves up-to-date
  • Content server - copying
  • changes in Fedora repository will change
    • Fedora master
    • content server
    • use Rsync to distribute to front-end
3:45PM Ben Wallberg, UMD
  • moved toward management
  • building up the development staff
  • Fedora - many home-grown applications
    • search service - moving to SOLR
  • use plain file system storage
    • research hadoop as a back-end for Fedora
    • hadoop has big growing community
    • if we could use hadoop to store large files
    • share results on code4lib
  • four home developed interfaces to Fedora
    • 1 staff facing
    • 3 public facing
  • open source - hippo
    • libraries web site
    • use it for other interfaces
  • focus on improving loading and backlog of collections
  • we are on Fedora 2.2 instance
4:00PM - National Library of Medicine
  • John Doyle
  • Fedora, Blacklight
  • 2 million items
  • working with serial content
  • Running Fedora 3.6
  • hoping to go to Fedora 4
  • indexcat - 3.7 million items
    • special Fedora instance to handle ingest of older XML data
    • mainly journal articles cited over decades
    • not full-text content
    • purely for preservation
Thorny - Closing Discussion
  • Technical Training for Fedora 4
  • Fedora 4 Migration meeting

Other Attendees

  • Tom Cramer, Stanford University
  • Robin Ruggaber, University of Virginia
  • Jennie Levine Knies, University of Maryland Libraries

Short Presentations:

  • Don Gourley, National Agricultural Library
  • Ben Wahlberg, U. of Maryland
