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Attendees: Steven, Jason, Simeon


Discovery (WP3)



  • Steven is officially added to D&A. 
  • Steven updated Production: Knowledge panels and author/subject/work pages to include a brief description of BAWWOW knowledge panels for Works that went into production.
  • Jason and Simeon had an initial discussion with Bonna about taking discovery work forward
  • Consider WP3 done

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration - Meetings with Stanford will only occur on an as needed basis. Authority request issues: (prioritized based on "important" authorities and ease of completion)2023-11-30
  • Steven added all of the direct LOC vocabs/authorities to Sinopia, Subjects and Names are working.
    • Waiting on the commits the rest to be deployed so Steven can do a final check that they are all working. Had an issue because the first time adding non-linked data lookup configs, and they need a flag to build correct URL for the API call.
  • Steven added RDA Aspect Ratio local (yml) lookup to Sinopia (first time adding local  lookup), if it works correctly, Steven will add all the others.
  • Wikidata direct lookup broke due to the Ruby/Rails/Gem updates. Troubleshooted, and Christina quickly made a fix to get it working again.
  • Steven will prune tests that we aren't using and add tests for lookups that don't currently show up on the test page. Might require some investigation to work out how this is organized
  • We still have links to Dave's cache, Steven will give deadlines (mid-January)
      of when these will be disabled in QA and can be replaced with direct lookups. After that we can let Dave know that the cache is no longer being usedSimeon is now an owner of qa_server on RubyGems so we can push updates
    • 2023-12-07
      • Tested all of the LOC lookups, most are working, made a pull request to fix 4 that had small errors.

      • Added 48 RDA lookups to Sinopia

      • Adding issues to TODO column of Project board. Would like a small sprint to complete as much as possible. Mainly to add MESH, ISNI if possible, and update documentation wrt recent technical changes. Steven can complete the pruning and connection test issues.

      • Discussed transition to direct lookups with Kalli Mathios, begain working on a plan to communicate.
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2023-11-30
      • Kevin to write LOC part to conform to what Dave already wrote.
      • Simeon secured domain, and updated spec to remove github URLs.
      • Kevin's agreed to finish LOC section
      • Began final editing phase
      • Brainstormed messaging/outreach for version 1.0
  • AWS Server Cleanup
    • Greg is working on this, nothing has caused a problem so far

Shared Cataloging Explorations

  • SWIB workshop write-up
    • Simeon to take a pass at a write-up
  • CNI presentation (Simeon and Tom)
  • Meeting at LC happening 12/14-12/15
    • Jason, Steven, Laura and Simeon attending
    • 2023-12-07 Norms group met and started recording some norms, lots of questions, some things depend on where LOC lands, and ingest decisions. Will be creating a doc for the meeting.

Other Topics

  • POD & SHARE-VDE... should this team interact with that re: use cases, data analysis or other?
    • 2023-11-16 - POD data not yet loaded and may not be fully loaded until sometime in December; first chance to evaluate the full data likely in either December or January.    
  • FAST at CUL
    • 2023-09-28 - position paper drafted/ready; not yet shared administratively
    • 2023-10-19 - CUL Authorities in FOLIO Working Group in contact with product owner about getting $0s for FAST in exports and reports for nic/nacs. Many nic/nacs have been replaced with established FAST>
  • BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) - Steven Cornell rep
    • 2023-09-28 Steven is facilitating the SHACL DC TAPS WG, and thinking about workflows for the use of SHACL. Another group working on requirements with a focus on monographs. Another group working on PCC profiles spreadsheet for DC TAP, intention is that it stay human readable yet be translatable to SHACL. There is a prototype SHACL validator in Sinopia
    • 2023-10-16, Fiddling with spreadsheets to get them to work with Sinopia SHACL prototype. First pass at bf:Works and bf:Instances for Monographs. Will need more decisions on shapes like Titles and Agents before we have meaningful validation/reports on instance data

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:


2023-12-14 - In DC

2023-12-21 - All planning to be available