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  1. Danny Bernstein 
  2. Arran Griffith
  3. Michael Ritter 
  4. Jared Whiklo
  5. Ben Pennell 
  6. Doron Shalvi(star)
  7. Dan Field 
  8. James Alexander 
  9. Calvin XuDemian Katz 

**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**


  1. Announcements:
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. Governance Meeting Dec 8th - Strategic Planning Group is putting forward a recommendation to form a working group to continue the technology development discussion.
    2. Basic authentication and the one-click jar: functionality and documentation.
  3. Testing: Release Testing - 6.3.0 - status of release?
  4. Migration Updates:
  5. Updates on:

    1. in progress and older but still relevant open tickets:
      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
    2. In Review:
      1. none ?
  6. New tickets:

    1. Jira
      serverFedora JIRA
  7. Backlog Tickets to consider working:


  1. Announcements:
    1. Lyrasis will be closed between Christmas and New Years'.

    2. Arran will be in DC M-W next week at CNI.

    3. This will be the last Fedora Tech meeting in 2022.

    4. Code4Lib

      1. This is the first related conference of 2023 that we are aware of.
      2. National Library of Wales put forth a proposal to talk about their migration to Fedora 6.

      3. Arran and Andrew W. and Tom from Harvard will give a 15 minute presentation on OCFL.
      4. Notifications will be going out today.

  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. Governance Meeting Dec 8th - Strategic Planning Group is putting forward a recommendation to form a working group to continue the technology development discussion.  What does the future of Fedora look like?  Governance wants a larger group discussion, then will form a working group of governance and committers to develop a roadmap and push priorities.
    2. Basic authentication and the one-click jar: functionality and documentation.
      1. Demian - Authentication stopped working, or never did work, in the Fedora 6 One-Click-Run distribution.  What is the expected behavior and best practice for deployment?
      2. The One-Click-Run distribution is intended for test/demo, and NOT for production deployments.  Authentication was disabled on the One-Click-Run distribution so that it would be easy to deploy and demo.  For production, Tomcat or Jetty is recommended.
      3. Fedora documentation should be updated to reflect that the One-Click-Run distribution is not intended for production.  The download page indicates that "A fully-functional, executable Fedora application bundled with Jetty servlet container."  Another Fedora wiki page has similar language.  These pages should be updated.
  3. Testing: Release Testing - 6.3.0 - status of release?
    1. Only outstanding issue is a build issue.  The team will work together on slack today to resolve.
      1. Build is broken in github actions.
      2. Certain tests are failing, perhaps due to database race conditions.
        1. HTTP module successfully runs against all databases.
        2. WebAC seems to be failing on startup when container starts.  Error indicates tables not there to truncate, when attempting to clean database.
        3. This seems to be issue in database timing.  Tried adding timer delays in starting database - no impact.  Constantly resetting database.  Something maybe in config of database.
      3. All tests passed on a local database machine.
      4. Tested using both docker and One-Click-Run.
      5. We are generally OK for testing of this release, but are always happy to have more people testing.
    2. External testing - Trey ran tests using the latest Valkyrie, and reported that everything works.
    3. External testing - Jared is testing using the latest Islandora.  Had to rebuild several times using Vagrant.
      1. Mike replicated same issue on Tomcat - appends "HTML" to String.  Issue came up only when testing with fedorsauser, not fedoraAdmin (since authentication is skipped with admin).
    4. Should we add the version of Fedora to fcrepo/rest/fcr:stats ?
  4. Migration Updates:
    1. National Library of Wales
      1. Successfully completed an initial migration from Fedora 3 to Fedora 6 using migration-utils 6.2.
        1. Approx. 30 model types.
        2. 5.5 M objects
        3. 13 TB OCFL created, indexed to 150 GB Postgres data 
        4. 17-18 days to run to completion.
      2. Some Pull Request errors, some objects didn't migrate. Starting a snap 6.3 migration now, hopefully a few more objects will come through.  Generally happy, going over data for suitability.  
      3. After some Postgres tweaks (originally using individual containers), all endpoints are operating OK except for the fcrstats endpoint, which has some inefficient database queries.  Perhaps this could be improved by the Fedora team.
      4. Planning on a second migration pass to include additional metadata triples from METS docs that were originally migrated as binaries.
      5. Some issues with archival masters which were modeled as external in Fedora 3.  This back end has changed and those binaries are now behind S3, such that the original Fedora 3 external URLs are no longer accessible.  There is some work to do in how to reorganize these archival masters, but in general, the migration looks good.
      6. Will report soon on next large migration, which will be in a few weeks.
    2. Villanova
      1. Starting a migration to Fedora 6 on Tuesday.  
      2. Plan to go live on January 6.
      3. Need to redeploy Fedora in a different way.
    3. National Library of Medicine
      1. Plans to migrate one of its Fedora 3 instances to Fedora 6 in 2023.
  5. Updates on:

    1. in progress and older but still relevant open tickets:
      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
        1. Dan - Digest is not supported.  A pull request is in now and ready to be merged.  An independent sanity check from someone who knows well migration-utils would be appreciated.  Jared will look into it.
  6. New tickets:

    1. Jira
      serverFedora JIRA
      1. Danny indicates that sub-second granularity is not supported by memento, which only allows for one second granularity.  OCFL only provides the most recent version within a second.  How should Fedora handle multiple update requests within one second - should these be refused?
  7. Backlog Tickets to consider working:
    1. How do we prioritize tickets?  This is currently Ad hoc since Fedora 6 was released, but we can revisit this procedure with Dan coming on board.