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  • Catalogers working on LD4P effort(s), namely around music
    • 2022-08-12 Jason discussed cataloging work with Tracey and she is confident that they will have data by the end of 2022, they are going to focus on Vivaldi. MLA folks on wikidata project feel comfortable with that timeline. Will check in again in October
  • POD & SHARE-VDE... should this team interact with that re: use cases, data analysis or other?
    • 2022-09-15: Tech services reps from Columbia, Cornell, Penn, Stanford and Yale met to outline work. Will be acclimating ourselves to both SVDE and POD in coming weeks; once we better understand the state of things, will better define use cases. Casalini expects it to take a few months to set up the SVDE instance for POD.
  • Sinolio - Sinopia-FOLIO
    • Possibly next work cycle toward end 2022
  • Entity Management in FOLIO
  • Authorities in FOLIO
    • 2022-07-21:
      • Breakthrough this week! Frances processing Peter Ward files weekly; sharing report from LC, strategizing how to convert JSON to spreadsheets for Mary to work; productive and identifying improvements. Soon can start doing authority maintenance through this process.
      • Discussed FAST maintenance strategy going forward... agree we need to do it but outstanding questions persist. Agree that should use OCLC change report. Assuming FOLIO works on better overlay strategy, considering pulling from OCLC. For records where we only have FAST, interested in pulling in LCSH
      2022-08-12 Recent presentation giving past, present and future of our authorities maintenance. Currently about 95% of the way there, even without a FOLIO maintenance module. Widget Connectorurl Workflow is in production; continuing to tweak reporting based on Mary Campany's experience with existing reports, particularly around diacritics
    • Began thinking about URIs in MARC again. Getting reacquainted with possible workflows, matching, tooling. Do we building tooling outside of FOLIO (e.g. using Frances' index)? Do we try to leverage FOLIO tools? How much can we opt to receive through OCLC exports? How do we protect them once in the record? Can we then rely on them for at least some heading maintenance?
  • BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) - Steven Cornell rep and Jason alternate


  • BF Europe (Budapest)
    • Jason planning to attend in person
    • Huda will present virtually on Sept 20, 9:15am EDT (3:15pm CEDT). 9/15: Have roped in Steven as co-presenter!
  • LD4P Fall meeting and Interoperability meeting, DC, November 7-9  at LC
    • LD4P meeting and also the data interoperability meeting
  • SWIB (virtual) - Nov 28 - Dec 2
    • Data provenance and transparency in UI

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

2022-09-22 -  Jason in Hungary