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  • Status
    • Bill: 1316 and 1292
    • Danny: 
      • Nick brought up issue on the Mill. Danny added fix PR, has been merged.
      • Focused on Terraform/Docker for the Mill. It's coming along
        • Plan to have one Dockerfile in the mill that will get built and pushed on release. Will include all the java jars related to the mill. A script will run the type of node that we want.
        • A configuration setting (node type) will be passed in to say what that node will do
        • Will also be an AWS bucket that includes all the mill configuration
        • Outside of the docker container the mounting for EFS will be handled. Terraform will handle mounting EFS and set up the path mapping.
        • There will be a script to push to dockerhub, creating the image with Github Actions
    • Nick:
      • Working on 1268, Retrieval Tool failing.
        • Preferred solution: When dealing with files list, get the space manifest
    • Andy
      • Made a token start on updating the methods for the mill
  • Topics
    • Make the move from master to main - Action for Bill
      • Check on whether there can be a symlink? Are these auto-forwarded?
    • Github actions to push release artifacts should work off of tags (rather than merges to main)

Day 7 (2021-07-13)

  • Status
    • Danny:
      • Have a docker container working for the workman piece of the Mill
      • Structure in place for running the various node types
      • Will continue to use cloud-init for launch
        • The program will be invoked by terraform, passing in user parameters, which will generate the cloud-init scripts
        • Terraform will generate the auto-scaling groups
        • cloud-init has been pared down considerably (attach EFS, run docker)
        • Each node type will run have a distinct cloud-init
      • Within the docker container there will be scripts based on the node type
      • Most of the work so far has been in the mill project, will push so Andy can take a look
        • Feedback welcome!
      • Should be able to run the Docker container independently (locally)
    • Andy
      • Crossed off 1257 and 1258
      • Picking up 1304
      • Can't make Thursday call
      • Mohana focused elsewhere - not much traction on DuraCloud
    • Nick
      • PR for 1268 in progress (Retrieval Tool for list file)
        • Probably worth adding a comment in the docs to say how it handles
      • 1069 in process
        • Looking at an approach
      • 1150 also in process - snapshot totals in the Bridge API
        • Do we need to have a client parameter
    • Bill
      • Continued work on dependencies - 1292

Day 9 (2021-07-15)

  • Status
    • Danny:
      • The Terraform piece is mostly done at this point
      • Project (duracloud-aws-deployer), with shared and mill projects
        • shared brings up vpc, subnets, and db
        • mill does the mill setup
        • queues are being set up, along with the audit worker
        • still need to publish the docker image
        • each auto-scaling group has a launch config and auto scaling policies (all this done for one so far)
        • Publishing to DockerHub, requires setting up an org in DockerHub (Bill to look at this), maybe use ECR
        • Terraform configs sit in a new repo
      • Potential to import existing AWS components rather than creating everything new with Terraform
        • Perhaps just import the database. May need to also bring in the VPC and subnets into
    • Nick
      • 1268, test is taking some time
      • 1150, did total number of snapshots (1150 has work on snapshot and duracloud, two branches)
        • Looking to do the required and optional endpoints
        • using /snapshot/total/(endpoint)
    • Bill
      • Almost done with dependencies
  • Release planning
    • Nick may do some work next week
    • Planning to do release work for 7.1 week of August 16
  • Sprint retrospective
    • Danny
      • Plus: Having the sprint time blocked out helped to focus and get stuff done
      • Plus: Didn't need a lot of support from the team
      • Having this on the calendar to be able to block off the time
      • Deltas: Conflicts with Fedora meetings, need to make sure there aren't overlaps.
      • Delta: Better to kick off on Monday, wrap up on Friday. Maybe: Mon, Wen, Mon, Fri
    • Nick
      • Delta: Meetings on Mon/Wed/Fri would be better
      • Plus: Blocking off the time well in advance is incredibly helpful
      • Delta: Becoming more familiar with the application. To keep information fresh, would be good to get into the code more often
      • Plus: Two week sprint is better than one (couldn't really be more than two)
    • Bill
      • Delta: Having everyone focused
      • Delta: More conflicting meetings than I would like
    • Next sprint
      • One more this year?
        • Feels like this is a possibility
        • Sprint: Late-Oct, Early-Nov
        • One week sprint? Maybe two?
        • Plan to get this on the calendar during the August contributor call
