Versions Compared


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14:00 - 14:10Welcome and Introductions

14:10 - 14:30Fedora Program & Community UpdateDavid Wilcox & Arran Griffith, LYRASIS
14:30 - 14:50Data Communication Between Fedora, IIIF Server and MadocAndrey Buchmann, Berlin State Library
14:50 - 15:10Institutional Repository; Dealing with Requirements from Different DisciplinesRaman Ganguly, University of Vienna
15:10 - 1415:30BREAK
15:30 - 16:00

Lightning Sessions:

  1. Ongoing Work & Plans with Fedora 6
  2. Digital Archiving Using Hyrax & Archivematica

  1. Felix Helfer, ASV Leipzig University
  2. Chris Awre, University of Hull
16:00 - 16:40Fedora Migration Break-OutDanny Bernstein, LYRASIS
16:40 - 17:00Wrap-up and DiscussionAll

Wednesday, March 17, 2021





Welcome and Introductions


Migrating Fedora - Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

Oliver Schöner, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin


Centralizing Repository Infrastructure

Ralf Claussnitzer, Saxon State Library Dresden




Islandora and Fedora 6

Danny Lamb, Islandora Foundation


Samvera Update

Heather Greer Klein, Samvera Community


Wrap-Up and discussion




Andrey - Data Communication Between Fedora, IIIF Server and Madoc

Currently using Fedora 4/5 but started process of migrating to 6

  • When might the project be publicly available?
    • No concrete plans as of right now
      • Wanted to offer insight in to new approach to using data within in Fedora
    • What kind of IIIF server are you using in the architecture?
      • Own implementation at State Library of Berlin, only for local usage right now
    • How do you achieve synchronization between the IIIF server and the image/manifests data from Fedora ?
      • No need to sync, it just works
      • Reads directly from Fedora, doesn’t get stored in IIIF
    • Notice any differences in API from 4 or 5 to 6?
      • Using Fedora 4 currently, but don’t anticipate problems migrating
    • How much content have you moved from 4/5-6?
      • Just started
      • Performance bottlenecks?
        • Migrated content is larger than source content
        • With smaller collections, no problems
    • What version of Madoc are you using?
      • Version 2

Raman - Institutional Repository; Dealing with Requirements from Different Disciplines

  • Have you considered migrating to Fedora 6?
    • Would like to start later this year
    • Have done some kinds of pre-testing, but also need a strategy because there are over 1 million items in the repository

Felix - Ongoing Work & Plans with Fedora 6

  • Ralf discussed their solution for OAI Endpoints
  • Could you elaborate on why you want to restructure data?
    • Structuring would only be for internally working with repository (nicer environment for working in the backend)
      • Would not change how data is presented

Chris - Digital Archiving Using Hyrax & Archivematica

  • Where will the metadata be archived in the workflow process?
    • Assumption that metadata taking place in Hyrax, but they have been able to do it elsewhere
      • If captured in CALM or other places like that it would not exist anywhere for digital preservation purposes
  • Chris will share link to Whitepaper once it’s available 

Fedora Migration Break-Out

  • Migration testing so far
    • Berlin State Library
    • Leipzig University (CLARIN-D)
  • External content (Paul - Running Fedora 3.8.1 w/ Islandora 7)
    • Fedora API supports this content by storing a reference to the external content
    • OCFL does not formally support external content as a first class resource
    • From the Fedora perspective, this is just metadata so any updates should not require a migration and would not be a big deal
  • Migration tool testing
    • If you have lots of versions in Fedora 3 you will get lots of versions in Fedora 6. Can these be squashed? (Ralf)
      • There is not currently a public open source tool that can squash OCFL versions
      • Migraiton-utils only supports migrating versions, but it would be fairly easy to allow users to ignore versions and only import the latest
      • Don’t NEED this, but had noticed versions that weren’t necessary, but not a roadblock to adoption
    • Migration tool basically replicates Fedora 3 structure
      • You could delete the old versions from the Fedora 3 objects using the API before migrating. If you want to do it on specific objects.
  • LDP containment
    • Different container types
    • Mostly based on metadata, not structural 
  • Archival groups
    • Multiple Fedora objects contained in a  single  OCFL object
  • PCDM in Hyrax
    • Indirect containers are used
  • Bloat in Fedora 6
    • OCFL does use more space than Fedora 3 storage
    • Changing SHA-512 to SHA-256 will improve storage space
  • May want to schedule a special topics call for OAI


Oliver - Migrating Fedora - Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

  • How hard was migration from 5-6 and how big was the data?
    • 5-6 easy, applied upgrade utilities and it went well
    • Start at 5.1.1 is recommended
    • 10G of data
  • Were there changes in the API?
    • Didn’t see any (read only repository)
    • No major API changes between 5 and 6

Ralf - Centralizing Repository Infrastructure

  • Have any problems w/ different workflows needing a different namespace?
    • Was kind of an issue - do have different namespaces for publications
    • In Fedora they have only 1 namespace for all objects but metadata is different
  • How do you manage changes of metadata schema?
    • Started by defining metadata schema - made 2 (info and metadata)

Wrap-up and Discussion

