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Table of Contents

Installing DSpace on Windows

Running DSpace on Windows is actually rather similar to running it on any other operating system. For the most part, you should be able to follow the normal DSpace Installation Documentation. However, this page provides you with some hints that are specific to Windows.


You should also read the DSpace install docs corresponding to your DSpace version (for the latest stable version they're available online). Make sure to look most closely at the section on "Windows Installation" in the System Documentation.

Pre-requisite Software

You'll need to install this pre-requisite software (for DSpace 1.5.x and higher). Check the "Windows Installation" section of the System Documentation for the most recent pre-requisites, as they sometimes differ based on the version of DSpace you are running.

  • Java SDK of course; v 1.5+ For Ant to work properly, you should ensure that `JAVAJAVA_HOME` HOME is set. (Why in the world the Sun installer doesn't do this, I know not.)
  • PostgreSQL 8.x for Windows. This comes with a Windows installer app. Make sure the ODBC + JDBC options are selected, as well as the pgAdmin III tool.
  • Wiki Markup[Apache Maven 2.0.8\+|http://maven.apache. org/download.html]. Just unzip it wherever you want it installed, and add `\[path-to-apache-maven\|path-to-apache-maven\]\]\bin` bin to your system `PATH`. Wiki Markup[Apache Ant PATH.
  • Apache Ant 1.7.x|http://ant.]. Just unzip it wherever you want it installed, and add `\[path-to-apache-ant\|path-to-apache-ant\]\]\bin` bin to your system `PATH` PATH.

General Installation Steps

  • Ensure the PostgreSQL service is running, and then run pgAdmin III (Start -> PostgreSQL 8.x -> pgAdmin III). Connect to the local database as the `postgres` postgres user, and:
    • Create a 'Login Role' (user) called `dspace` dspace with the password `dspace` dspace (feel free to set your own password
    • Create a database called `dspace` dspace owned by the user `dspace` dspace, with UTF-8 encoding
  • Wiki MarkupUpdate paths in `\[dspace-source\|dspace-source\]\dspace\config\dspace.cfg`cfg.

Note: Use forward slashes `/` for path separators, though you can still use drive letters, e.g.:

dspace.dir = C:/DSpace
  • Create the directory for the DSpace installation (e.g. `CC:\DSpace`)unmigrated-wiki-markupDSpace)
  • Build DSpace in the normal fashion. From `\[dspace-source\|dspace-source\]\dspace\` run:
mvn package
  • Wiki MarkupThen install DSpace to your specified location. From `\[dspace-source\|dspace-source\]\dspace\target\dspace-\[version\].dir\` run:
ant fresh_install
  • Create an administrator account, e.g. assuming `CC:\dspace` dspace is where your DSpace installation is:
C:\dspace\bin\dspace.bat dsrun org.dspace.administer.CreateAdministrator

(then enter the required info)

  • Copy the `.war` war Web application files from `CC:\dspace\webapps\` to Tomcat's `webapps` webapps dir, which should be somewhere like `CC:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat\webapps`webapps
  • Start the Tomcat service

Run Handle Server as a Service

See instructions at Handle Server Setup as Windows Service (using Tanuki)


  • This should work for either Windows XP or Windows 7. Not tested on other versions of Windows.
  • Only `dsrun` dsrun has been translated to a Windows `.bat` bat file. The other scripts (e.g. `cleanup` cleanup, `indexindex-all`all) won't work on Windows, hence you have to use `dsrundsrun.bat` bat with the class name as shown in the install steps above. You can run any other script by opening up the file, and finding the class name after "$BINDIR/dsrun". So, to run `cleanup` cleanup on Windows, you'd instead run `dsrun dsrun`Cleanup
  • No information yet about how to initialise regular scheduled tasks (e.g. e-mail notification of new items) – please feel free to add!!