Versions Compared


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(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Andrew Woods
  2. Mike Conlon
  3. Huda Khan 
  4. María Amalia Flórez Huertas 
  5. Brian Lowe (star)
  6. Ralph O'Flinn (star)Brian Lowe
  7. Benjamin Gross
  8. William Welling
  9. Don Elsborg
  10. Pierre Roberge
  11. Alexander (Sacha) Jerabek
  12. Steven McCauley
  13. Maxime Bélanger
  14. Amin Keshavarz
  15. Rachid Belkouch
  16. Nicolas Dickner
  17. Michel Héon
  18. Martin Simoneau


  1. Community updates
    1. VIVO Scholars
  2. UQAM i18n demo
  3. Special topics for future dev calls
    1. Brown's read/write decoupled UI - Scheduled for next week: Nov 19th
    2. 2019-12-06 - Special Topic - TDB vs SDB
  4.  In-review tickets 
    1. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
       - need 1 reviewer
    2. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
       - need 2 reviewers
    3. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
       - need 1 more reviewer

    4. Expand

      serverDuraSpace JIRA

  5. Short-term development activity
    1. Extract ontology from core codebase
    2. Extract languages from core codebase
    3. Move from 'develop' to 'master' branch
  6. Review of vivo-project repos for appropriateness of being supported by Committers


  1. Status of In-Review tickets


    serverDuraSpace JIRA



  1. Pierre Roberge
  2. Maxime Bélanger
  3. Amin Keshavarz
  4. Rachid Belkouch
  5. Brian Lowe
  6. Andrew Woods
  7. Sacha Jerabek
  8. Nicolas Dickner
  9. Benjamin Gross
  10. Don Elsborg
  11. Ralph O’Flinn
  12. Michel Héon
  13. Steve McCauley

Brief updates on Vivo Scholar

  • Ralph is working on some visualizations, making some progress in general; tweaked some dates. 
  • Monday there will be a Vivo Scholar demo.
  • One other item from VIVO Scholar was that we talked about the use of the VIVO/Vitro language files instead of creating a new set.




Presentation by Michel Héon:

  • Created sample ontology for fr_CA addons
    • Includes additional fr_CA labels for entities in the ontology / knowledge base, e.g. “Rhétorique”@fr_CA in addition to “Rhetoric”@en_US .
  • Experiences with existing VIVO release:
    • Encountered issues with items displayed on the home page lists; mixture of French and English, regardless of language selected by user.
    • Editing interface was not aware of language setting; did not record expected language tags.
  • Improvements
    • Label editor will now add a language tag based on the current language setting of the application.  (For example, click the American flag and enter the label for a concept in English. Then, click the Canadian flag and edit the same label but change it to the French version.  Both values will be saved with the appropriate language tags.)
    • This modification should work for the other custom forms, such as the publication entry form with title and abstract fields, but systematic tests need to be performed to confirm this.
    • Capability map now shows values with the appropriate language in the lists, autocomplete and network graph.
    • Someone suggested that it might be useful for the capability map to drop concepts that do not have a label in the currently-selected language (strict behavior vs. lax behavior)
  • Integration in VIVO 1.10
    • Currently built with Maven using an overlay of the internationalization artifacts
  • Integration in VIVO 1.11
    • Started integration with VIVO 1.11; need to check whether there are changes that need to be merged in.
  • Future works
    • Unit tests
    • Documentation and Github availability

  • Andrew:  Changes as overlay vs. direct changes to Vitro codebase?
    • Michel: When the code is stable, we can integrate it in the main core of Vitro.
    • Interim step
    • Pierre: proposal is to create a separate project and let the community take from it if desired.
  • Ralph:  When might we see a pull request?  Might not be as complex or controversial a change as it seems.
    • Michel:  Prefer to use pull requests when teams are working closely together.  For now, it would be complicated to work that way.
  • Andrew:  Desirable actions:  (1) Push code to Github, (2) Share slides.

Draft notes in Google-Doc
