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Mark - I didn't see in the report the role of the service provider community. The decision to migrate might be reliant on service provider support. DGI they were skeptical of Fedora 4 because of performance. But we are now hearing they will support Islandora 8 with Fedora 4 on the back end. This could be another factor. 

David - a lot of institutions that don't have the staff to migrate also don't have the cash to pay a service provider


Erin - FSU said their goal was reducing complexity and for that reason, they are using AWS. But that doesn't make sense for organizations outside the US


Erin - I don't think they have the support to be a the main competitor to a community product. The Fedora software didn't solve their problem so they created something that does and that's something to expect. 

Este - we're part of the Islandroa collaboration group and it support supports ISLE. We talked about Archepeligo and said the community isn't there and we want to go with the community. We are looking at how to work with AWSS to simplify things. Our org is saying "we want you in the cloud" and it's a good reason to move. I also think the service provider question is important. The expertise we have with Born Digital is part of how we are able to do this. We need to keep the eggs in the Fedora 6.0 basket and we need there to be a community of users in that community. 


Sayeed - we're being asked to move to the cloud too. But using the cloud and be dependent on AWS and microsoft Microsoft infrastructure and it would be hard to take them out. If you use Fedora 6 in the cloud it gives you some insulation to those hooks. Is that part of the value or values? It can be framed as insurance 


What will your community do if you need to change directions.? 

Scott - some schools might not have options to not move to the cloud. 

Sayeed - one of my colleagues has gone to town on researching the terms and conditions of cloud services. ACTION - Sayeed will ask his collegues colleagues to share the info he is compiling in a shareable format. 


Tim - if you're not worried about lock-in, AWS will save you money. But if you protect yourself, if will not save you money. Sayeed, you should write a breif brief statement we can elaborate on ACTION - 

Mark - executive roundatble roundtable at recent CNI (spring) was about this. We could cite that. Lots of similar themes. ACTION - get those. 

Tim - this is similar to the publishing use case. It's easy for people to see themselves in. The customer is the product. We should draw these parallels. Even provosts see this and understand it

Erin - protection is a counterbalance to reducing complexity in our messaging. 

Scott - storage people are worried about where things should be stored. Storage and repository people can structure it differently.

Sayeed - we shouldn't cast this as complexity. It's insurance. It's protection from lock-in 

Tim - Privacy and autonomy taxes - it is worth the resources for the organization to have these things? But tax is negative. I like insurance or protection better. What is our portability worth to us? 

Recommendations - what is missing and what do we do with them. 

Tim - some of the recommendations seem more like observations and not recommendations. 

David - these are basically rough notes at this point. But we don't need to limit the recommendations to what's in the current notes. 

How we frame Fedora (based on community, use of LOD, and if you use cloud storage) is useful, offering a pilot or service, 

Sayeed - getting a grant for a pilot at LYRASIS would make sense. I'm not speaking as a bod member of IMLS but as an org 

Tim - could we have Fedora and general recommendations. YES

The audience is broad. 

Scott - part of this is marketing and addressing the things that people are concerned about. 

David - make sure Fedora 6 is solving a problem, communicate that problem and how it solves it (for different constituents) and get people onto the new platform an communicate the outcomes. 

The Fedora product position should be reviewed in light of the discussions in this project. We could add something about protecting and isolating from vendor lock-in (from cloud storage) 

Tim - Awe to grind = I would like to recommend an explicit scale/performance test for Fedora 6.0 before its release. I would like to see that written down somewhere. 

David - it's part of the development plan for Fedora 6.0. There are Czech institutions that have hardware and they can test it for us. They haven't been able to ingest because it's too slow.  

Erin - should we pay to have these tests done? Could we get this grant-funded? 

Erin - recommend a second grant project
