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  • (15 mins) Developer Stand Up - Developers give brief updates on their effort (or their team's effort).

    • Update/see "Current Work" section below based on your status. Please feel free to update prior to meeting.
    • Please highlight any new work (needing reviews/testing), any blockers (for you), and any discussion topics you may have.
  • (30 mins) General Discussion Topics
    1. Preview Release Planning (Deadline/Goal is end of April 18). Where do we sit?
    2. Early Planning for OR2019
  • (15 mins) Planning for next week


  1. (warning) (REST Contract) Group and eperson management: (Waiting on updates from Ben Bosman )
  2. (blue star) (REST Contract) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (Mark H. Wood - approved., Paulo Graça  - approved, Andrea Bollini (4Science) - changes requested)(warning)
  3. (blue star) (REST) EPerson profile PATCH functionality : Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): (Tom Desair reviewed, Paulo Graça - reviewed, Andrea Bollini (4Science) , Tim Donohue .    - outstanding questions to be solved before a second review)
  4. (blue star)UPDATED. NEEDS RE-REVIEW)(blue star) (REST) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display):  feedback: (Tom Desair reviewed, Paulo Graça - reviewed, Andrea Bollini (4Science) )Tim Donohue
  5. (blue star) (REST) MyDSpace Endpoint PR: ( Ben Bosman , Tim Donohue , Kevin Van de Velde (Atmire) ) - previous discussion here: - all needed changes done, can be merged?
  6. (REST) Embed EPerson Groups on EPerson: (Tim Donohue, Paulo Graça - approved)
    1. (Angular) UI updates for this change (should be tested with #2216): (NEW PRTim Donohue Paulo Graça - approved)
  7. (REST) Refactor PatchBadRequestException to DSpaceBadRequestException and fix improper 500 response errors: (Needs updates - conflict to solve Andrea Bollini (4Science) review done)
  8. (warning) (Angular) Transfer to .po message format - Initial PR: (Paulo Graça - changes requested,  Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire)  UPDATED. NEEDS RE-REVIEW → Preview 2)
  9. (blue star) (Angular) Configurable Entities (Part 1 - Architecture & Display): ( Paulo Graça - approved. Giuseppe Digilio (4Science)  still reviewing code, Tim Donohue , Art Lowel (Atmire) - retested, looks fine)
  10. (Angular) Preview release theme: (Tim Donohue  - Should this be merged into "master" or a "preview" branch? )
  11. (blue star) (warning) (Angular) MyDSpace UI ( (Art Lowel (Atmire) - requested changes - still reviewing codePaulo Graça ,  Tim DonohueGiuseppe Digilio (4Science) NEEDS SECOND REVIEW)
  12. (blue star)(Angular) Content-Type fallback (Paulo GraçaTim Donohue)
  13. (warning) (Angular Bug) (Andrea Bollini (4Science) - information added, Art Lowel (Atmire) )
  14. (Backend) One Webapp Backend - Initial PR: (Ben Bosman , Mark H. Wood , Terrence W Brady - tested and found issues in getting RDF/SWORDv1 working in Docker)
    1. This PR will have a follow-up PR to rename the "dspace-spring-rest" webapp to "dspace-server" and update all URL configurations
    1. Docker changes to merge after this PR is merged:
  15. (Backend) Upgrading to Handle Server v9: (Mark H. Wood)
  16. (Backend) Our extensive EHCache configuration is ignored: (Terrence W Brady

PRs Merged this week!

  1. (Angular) Additional docs and tests:
  2. (Angular) Fix facet UI issue:
  3. (Angular) Fix 2 small edit item metadata issues:
  4. (REST) EPerson profile PATCH functionality :


  1. (Angular) Move Item Component:
    1. Blocked by DSpace PR#2283
  2. (Angular) Item-Collection Mapper:
    1. Blocked by DSpace PR#2282


  1. Submission & Workflow UI / backend
  2. Configurable Entities (from DSpace 7 Entities Working Group (2018-19))
  3. Upgrading Solr Server for DSpace (not required for Preview, as there's no user facing features. However, the earlier we feel comfortable merging this effort the better)


  • From DuraSpace Summit

  • New schedule.  Preview #1 by end of April, Preview #2 by end of May (for OR2019).  Beta would be later in Summer (timeline needs to be narrowed down)
    • Several note we need better estimates for what is left to do for Beta.  It's hard to give a realistic schedule for Beta (or see if we are on track) without those estimates
    • DuraSpace team (Heather, Mic & Tim) will discuss estimation tools. There's one we've used internally for other projects which might be adaptable for this. Accurate estimates will require several individuals helping out in estimation though.  We can do some more planning next week
  • OR2019
    • Jyrki (Steering Chair & OR2019 organizer) offered to change our DSpace 7 presentation titles or abstracts if any need updates prior to OR2019.  Get in touch with Tim or Jyrki if you want to tweak things
    • Tim will be organizing the DSpace 7 Workshop (with Art & Andrea) and the DSpace 7 Update talk (Tim will present but will require feedback from all)
    • First name listed on various talks is assumed to be the organizer of that talk.  But, if you need help, ask for it!
    • Before OR2019, we'll want a Preview #2 release to add some more features for the Workshops
      • Begin thinking about features we should prioritize for this Preview #2.  Currently, it seems like we'll want to concentrate on Install, Upgrade and Theming/Branding (as all of those are important topics for the DSpace 7 Workshop)
    • This will be an ongoing topic for future meetings.