Versions Compared


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Multiple records with status "assigned" for the same identity are considered duplicates in the ISNI database.  Such records should be merged when encountered.


Records may be merged in the web interface when they are suggested by the system.  Resolve Duplicate records that are identified by other means can be merged by the PCC ISNI Quality Team in the WinIBW client.

Resolving possible matches

The record retrieved for Charley Rogers suggests that the record with number 072452757 is a possible duplicate.

Click on compare to show the possible match.

Image Modified

Both records are displayed for comparison. 

Investigate and click Equal when both records are for the same public identity.Image Removed

Image Added

Click Close to complete the process.Image Removed

Image Added

The System system will add the

  • 006


  • field to flag the merge


  • action


  • 77A field  with the type of identity (Person) and the PPN


  • number.


Image Added

The merge program acts on the basis of field 77A in records.  It is run on the database twice a day at 11:00 and 16:00 GMT.  

Multiple matches

If the system identifies multiple possible matches, they will be shown together.  Each of the possible matches must be resolved as either "Equal" or "Unequal" before the records can be merged.  In the example below, four matches have been marked "unequal" and one has been marked "equal," but there is still one shown as a "possible match."  The record showing the possible merges won't be merged until all of them are resolved.  (However, in this example, the first and third possible merges reference the same PPN (12022884X).  This prevents the user from marking the third one as "equal."  The situation can only be resolved by deleting one of the 77A fields in the WinIBW client.  This situation is rare.)

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Matches not suggested by the system

If you locate a duplicate that was not flagged by the system, it can be reported to the PCC ISNI Quality Team for merging.

For example, these 2 records below (both assigned) are duplicates; several bibliographies confirm that the two names represent the same person, but they are not flagged by the ISNI system.

Image Added

When you identify records that should be merged, enter them on this spreadsheet: LD4P ISNI maintenance requests