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  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. Andrew Woods
  3. Peter Eichman 
  4. Aaron Birkland Jared Whiklo 
  5. Bethany Seeger (star)
  6. David Wilcox
  7. Ben Pennell


  1. Announcements

    1. Some good reading:
  2. Follow up from last meeting: 
    1. UMD is storing checks and results for fixity checks inside Fedora, it would be good to capture this process in the community documentation.
  3. 5.0.1 Release
    1. Issues: 
      1. Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
  4. 5.1.0
    1. Borderline PRs (5.1.0 or 5.0.1?)
    2. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
    3. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
    4. Jira
      serverDuraSpace JIRA
  5. Status of ecosystem tools:
    1. Java Client Release
    2. fcrepo-camel
    3. camel toolbox
    4. fcrepo-mint (question: is any one using it) 
  6. 4→ 5 migration and 5 → 5 support.
    1. Next steps 
  7. Themes of first quarter 2018
    1. 4→5 Migration (import export tool)
    2. 6.0.0: 
      1. Modeshape replacement
      2. OCFL
    3. 5.1.0 - state tokens
  9. Archiving following GitHub projects (making read-only)

  10. 2019 Priorities 
    1. Modeshape replacement
    2. OCFL
    Follow up from last meeting: UMD is storing checks and results for fixity checks inside Fedora, it would be good to capture this process in the community documentation.
    <Your Discussion Point Here>
  11. Please squash a bug!


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  12. Tickets resolved this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA

  13. Tickets created this week:


    serverDuraSpace JIRA


  1. Announcements

    1. Talked about Ruben Verborgh's blog about making a front-end developers experience using linked data easier.  Might make a shift in the accessibility of linked data. 
    2. Andrew mentioned this making him rethink the JS we use in the front end of fedora. 
    3. Aaron Birkland talked about how they use plain old JSON in their Ember JS project at Johns Hopkins.  It worked well, but is very specific to their use case given how Ember JS works.  Aaron Coburn had been looking into designing a UI with a more general approach for linked data (maybe using React); not sure of where that went.  
  2. Follow up from last meeting regarding UMD fixing checks - made into an action. 
  3. 5.0.1 Release
    1. Both issues done and merged into master and 5.X
      1. Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverDuraSpace JIRA
  4. Talked about point release process – for 5.0.1.   Closest thing we have is: Policy - Release Candidates which covers point releases.  Shorter period of testing.  For a point release - it's an acknowledgement that we know something is not right and we want to get a fix out quickly. These changes should not break any API.  Each time we do a point release, we should have a discussion of scope of fixes, what is necessary amount of testing required, versus a set process.   Point releases warrant a conversation, which might result in standard testing, but not necessarily.  
    1. What do we want to do for this release?  Aaron Birkland  thinks a light weight cycle for this one, given the tickets involved. Bethany Seeger and Ben Pennell  agree.
    2. Simple test page should be fine for 5.0.1 - tests: building source code, running all the tests on three platforms, CTS test, and the tests in the PR for the two issues.  Maybe a few of us could go through the page and do sanity testing.  
    3. Create RC for 5.0.1?  Yes, but how long would we have for public comment on it?   Danny Bernstein will create an RC for 5.0.1 today and we will test it for 1 week then release it. 
    4. Andrew Woods  - would like to put CTS test results for 5.0.0 and then 5.0.1 results on the Fedora page.  Need to figure out how to highlight the differences between tests as well as how to interpret the test results.  A top level page that makes it easy to navigate through results would be nice.  More on this below. 
    5. 4.7.X - need a separate conversation regarding release testing process on this branch
  5. CTS test results organization on web page – figuring out where to put it, repository wise:  Andrew Woodswill setup the github site infrastructure and pass on to Danny Bernsteinand Bethany Seeger.   Andrew Woodswill transfer ownership of that repo to the fedora project.
  6. Status of ecosystem tools:
    1. Java Client Release - status:  what is process? Ben Pennell unsure - the client is ready for a release and can be done now.  The process has been that there isn't really a process. Since they are under 'exts' and therefore community supported, they can release when they feel it's ready. 
    2. fcrepo-camel - status: Aaron Birkland - there's a PR there. This PR makes it 5.0 ready.  Ready for review
      1. do we support 4.7 and 5.0?  Yes, we probably should make sure that 4.7 users can still use this (either via a branch or extra code to ensure it's backwards compatible). 
      2. It would be good to see how this PR behaves with 4.74 and camel tool box.  Peter Eichmanmight already be planning to test this. Ben Pennell can test it.  The process of migrating API-X to it and the camel tool box will highlight anything that's lacking and needs to be changed. 
  7. Release announcement went out yesterday, release has been happening since last Friday. Lingering tasks around documentation and javadocs. CNI Fedora leaders meeting, consensus around moving off of Modeshape and bringing in OCFL in some sense. Read the minutes from the meeting. Bringing preservation into Fedora in some more concrete ways and OCFL seems like a place to start. Penn State and Emory are very interested and have funds to push this forward.
  8. Some issues related to updated plugins during the release process and some bugs have been found already that will need to be fixed.
  9. Master branch is now the 6.0.0-SNAPSHOT and the 5 maintenance branch is 5.1.0-SNAPSHOT to house any minor or bugfix releases.
  10.  is in fcrepo4-exts and does not have a supporting institution (let alone 2), we need to find out if anyone is using and will help support it.
  11. fcrepo-audit is not performant and it is recommended to use the asynchronous auditing messages from the fcrepo-camel-toolbox. To make keep Fedora as "preservation", we should consider how we might adapt audit in the "after Modeshape" Fedora impl.
  12. UMD is storing checks and results for fixity checks inside Fedora, it would be good to capture this process in the community documentation.
  13. fcrepo-webapp-plus has no use in the 5.x branch
  14. fcrepo4-java-client can be released and should still work with the 4.7 branch.
  15. Should we be releasing fcrepo4-docker regularly sort of like the fcrepo4-vagrant?
  16. Should fcrepo-import-export be released with the other pieces to help people with migrate their repositories? Will not happen this time, but be good to consider going forward.
  17. Would be good to get fcrepo-camel-toolbox and fcrepo-vagrant updated and ready.
    1. fcrepo-camel-toolbox will need separate LDN processors for Fedora 4.x and 5.x, could release with 5.x compatibility and open some issues to add in 4.x compatibility too.
    2. Will return to this in the new year.


  •  Danny Bernstein to write short technical summary for the  newsletter
  •  Danny Bernstein will rename the 5x-maintenance branch to 5.x-maintenance  will setup test page for 5.0.1
  •  Danny Bernstein to create 5.0.1 RC
  •  Bethany Seeger  will start page for CTS testing results  (matrix), to include explanation of test and results
  •  Andrew Woods  will start by putting up raw HTML results for CTS now, so community can have access to them. 
  •  Checking with Peter Eichmanregarding: UMD is storing checks and results for fixity checks inside Fedora, it would be good to capture this process in the community documentation.
  •  Danny Bernstein will reach out to Yinlin Chen to see about a fcrepo4-docker release with the 5.0 architecture.
