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  • Atmire time until December: have around 1.5-2 FTE.  45 working days until Christmas.  Have 68 days of effort. (540 hours they can commit)
    • [Only UI:] Roughly 900 hours of work left to be done.
    • [REST API:] Estimate forthcoming (Ben will do)
  • 4Science time until December: have around 200 hours to commit for DSpace 7 effort (Giuseppe & Andrea). Addendum post meeting: the 4Science contribution to DSpace 7 in the first semester 2018 (Jan-June) was 1324 hours
    • Submission & Workflow: ~100 hour would be completed (from developer standpoint).  But, there will be feedback/discussion necessary along the way.
    • May not be able to achieve much more than Submission & Workflow & Admin Edit of Item (demoed at OR2018).
    • Much more time spent on review or discussion, rather than implementation.
  • Atmire
    • Content Management part is the concentration
    • Some dependencies on Submission features (UI related?)
  • 4Science
    • Unit tests for Submission may take a month. Could we have others contribute to this?
    • Submission on REST API should all be merged.
  • What can we get done by December?
    • 4Science will concentrate on Submission & Workflow & Administrative Edit of Items.  Highest priority is to get all of that work merged (in a "draft implementation" state) in time for an Alpha.
    • Atmire will concentrate on Content Management functions. Highest priority will be on Create / Edit / Delete activities.
    • Atmire has additional time they can also spend on Configurable Entities
  • If we have an Alpha release in December, then what would we potentially have to drop from the Alpha release?  (PLEASE NOTE: All of the below functionality will be in the final DSpace 7 release, we only discussed what may need to wait until after the "alpha" / "early" release, if we move ahead with the December release timeline)
    • Some/most "Administration" functions (see that section in our development spreadsheet).  (Highest priority there would be for Group/EPeople/Permission management first.)
    • Viewing/Visualizing Statististics in UI (Obviously, the DSpace backend automatically logs/tracks statistics, so that's already done)
    • ResourceSync (There is an early PR/branch that 4Science started at But, they will not have time to work on this before December.)
    • Need to determine what is doable for Configurable Entities.  Atmire says they can potentially put more development time into Entities, but we'd need to find corresponding time from community developers to review & test any code/functionality that is created.
  • What additional information do we need?
    • We still need a rough estimate of the amount of work left to be done on the REST API side (not including Submission & Workflow functionality from 4Science).  Tim asked Lieven Droogmansif Atmire could provide this in the near future.  They will.
    • What is the estimate for the Configurable Entities effort remaining?
    • It's becoming obvious that, even if we get all this development work done on time, we'll need more code reviewers to keep things moving smoothly.  The review process can be difficult to estimate (especially for large code changes)
  • Next Steps
    • Tim & Mic will summarize and take this feedback to Steering Group.  They will help make a final decision on whether we have an Alpha release in December (with some features not included, as noted above) or if we delay the Alpha release to include more of those features.
  • (Will be posted after meeting)
  • Development Planning Spreadsheet
    • Completed through 7.13 (mid way through Content Mgmt section)
  • The Next Meeting will be Thursday, Oct 25 at  14:00UTC (10:00am EDT) in DSpace Meeting Room