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Fedora 4 is a Linked Data Platform server as defined by the Linked Data Platform 1.0 specification. As such, many of the terms in this glossary are drawn directly from this specification.

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Access Role

A named role, such as "writer", that is assigned to a user, group or some other identifying principal within part of the repository. Roles may be used by the policy enforcement point (PEP) to authorize actions taken in the repository.


A container is a resource that represents intellectual entities and can also be used to aggregate other resources in a Fedora repository. Containers may container other containers or binaries and their nonRdfSourceDescriptions.


See: NonRdfSourceDescription


An approach previously available in Fedora 3 that allowed for binding a service to a content model. Note: disseminators, as such, do not exist in Fedora 4.

Federation (aka Projection)


Creating, modifying or deleting objects in resources in the repository generates events. The indexer monitors and processes these events; by ingesting relevant RDF to an external triplestore, for example.


This is a pluggable component in the Fedora framework that is responsible for authorizing all actions take on resources.


...A predicate expresses a relationship between the subject and the object of a triple.


Typically a short string representation of an associated namespace. For example the prefix "dc" could be used to represent the namespace "". If we wanted to access an element (e.g. "contributor") within that namespace we could do it with the prefix "dc:contributor" or in the full form "".

Prefixes are limited to the following grammar:


Resources are the primary organizational structure in the repository. A resource is any web-addressable entity, such as a container, a nonRdfSourceDescription, or a binary. Every resource has a name and a unique identifier, and can also be identified by a path. They are comprised of zero or more properties / child resources.


A tombstone is a repository resource indicating that a container, binary, or nonRdfSourceDescription used to exist at a given URL. A tombstone is created when a resource is deleted or moved.


A transaction represents a series of changes to the repository that must execute successfully and completely or not at all. Transactions should be used to ensure consistency. Each transaction succeeds or fails as a complete unit; it cannot remain in an intermediate state.


A triple is a fundamental building block of RDF. It consists of: a subject, predicate, and an object. In this way, a triple can describe a relationship (via the predicate) of the subject to the object. The official definition can be found here.

Uniform resource identifier (URI)
