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Day 1: Thursday, May 9, 2013, 12:00PM – 5:00PM


  1. Light breakfast (8:30AM – 9:00AM)
  2. Prep work on Vision Statement / High Level Roadmap
  3. Prioritize Use Cases
  4. Plan Next Steps
    1. Volunteer assignments




General Discussion

  • Do we need two platforms? DSpace & Fedora
    • Need to see if the 3-5 yr "visions" overlap for the platforms. Think of as a venn diagram - may be a lot of overlap or little
    • Would be important to the University Librarians - need a message as to why give to one or both. Show that we've analyzed whether merging platforms is worthwhile
  • Types of DSpace institutions
    • Institutions who are essentially happy with DSpace as out-of-the-box IR
    • Institutions who are stretching the boundaries of DSpace
      • Faculty wanting something easier to use, "flashier".  Even building their own tools, using other (non-preservation) system
    • "In between"  - like the simplicity but want "flashier" interface, similar
  • Is there a common vision for DSpace? (even amongst our small group)
    • In many ways it has morphed from it's initial use case that is was built for
    • Should it be a generic digital repository, or concentrate on solving just IR / preservation repository?

Institutional Visions / Use Cases for DSpace

(Anonymized, by request)

  • Institution #1 - Lots of integration points & access - less about preservation
    • DSpace is free, relatively robust.  Large User community.
    • End user deposit. published & unpublished content
    • Managing diverse research output (ORCIDs).  Data with access controls. Digital Collection & Mgmt)
    • Research info mgmt systems.  Needs good integration points
    • Integrates into a different digital preservation.
    • Streaming server, stats module were added as they went
    • "Killer App" = E-Theses.  Harder stuff is images/video.
  • Institution #2 - Started small and simple, constantly expanding
    • Initial decision was it is open source. Philosophy to support OS
    • Capturing university output
    • Getting to streaming servers
    • "In between group" - like ease of use. Small library - students could be used to do input
    • Migration of some content from ContentDM to DSpace.  Having requests to extend DSpace to add some ContentDM features
    • Feeding publications (university publishing) direct to DSpace
    • Getting data in and out easily
    • Went with Islandora for a Digital Library solution (better "Digital library" product than DSpace).
      • Question has come up whether to use Islandora instead of DSpace for some content
      • Possibility: Using DSpace as a true "preservation repository" and feeding content to Islandora (or similar)
    • Positives outweigh the negatives at this point.  But, how many systems can they really support amongst digital library / IR services?
  • Comment: "DSpace with a lot of 'hooks' on it" - could solve a lot of use cases with good integration points. But, shifts focus of spending staff time integrating and supporting a larger suite of software.
  • Institution #3
    • At time of adoption (early on), unique & filled a necessary role. Capturing the scholarship in a repository (initial needs came from library community)
    • Main concerns are performance issues / scalability
    • Handling preservation mgmt in DSpace
    • Continued modularization of DSpace - lots of things people want, but do we keep adding into DSpace.
    • DSpace not a swiss army knife. 
    • Lack of flexibility for non-text formats
    • Handle issues - cannot move content around easily as you cannot "split" a Handle prefix
  • Institution #4
    • Important that it is OS and successful with textual formats.  Good submission workflows.
    • Built up a lot of local expertise with DSpace
    • DSpace as sole Digital content mgmt system
    • Lots of user demand for images & data. DSpace not designed for these materials
    • Need for stronger preservation support. 
    • More complex metadata
    • Moving in a more modular direction.  Want DSpace to fit well into that ecosystem (modular instead of "stand alone")
    • Not the staffing to support Fedora.  DSpace is "perfect fit" in that it's turnkey, etc.
  • Institution #5
    • DSpace provides Persistent long term access.  Easily findable items
    • Want a system that can meet multiple types of needs.  Not enough staff to support many systems
    • DSpace is part of preservation strategy (and DuraCloud and other tools)
    • Need for stronger preservation support
    • Need to better support special collection
    • Journal article metadata becoming more critical. As is data
    • Want it to also "work well with" streaming server solutions (for video / audio). Better integration
  • Institution #6
    • At the time, it was the "out-of-the-box" product
    • Place to put documents for easy access.
    • Using both for archival materials and scholarly contentconten
      • Future to make it look "partitioned" to search types of content separately 
    • Integration with things like Symplectic Elements and/or VIVO.  Pull in metadata from external sources (easier deposit)
    • Data becoming more critical.  Both open access data, and data only for local community
    • Managing research data (long tail data...small data)
    • Hard to get stuff out of DSpace once it is in there (e.g. move it elsewhere).  Handle issues (cannot split up handle prefix)
    • Willing to run different systems for different purposes. But, limited staff – so needs to be easier integrations. Simplicity important
  • Institution #7
    • Role: mature IR platform, but has not evolved to solve all the various other use cases beyond narrow IR institutions
    • Imagine DSpace as an IR "backbone". Enforces various use cases for IR needs.  But interoperate with other tools/services that can solve other use cases
      • Interoperability with Tools:  e.g. DSpace more friendly with existing tools that solve preservation problems / dissemination, etc.
      • Interoperability with Services:  Large user community, which could be leveraged to build an 'ecosystem' of services which are "DSpace-aware".
      • Framework for modules/plugins , which would allow institutions/service providers to integrate other services into DSpace.  Could be supported by DuraSpace
    • Don't want to build more & more functionality on top of a monolith.  Want to create an "adapter" to plugin to other services & tools.
    • Some examples: Discovery & Access
      • E.g. specialized interfaces for searching across ETDs.  Perhaps ways to link that up to printing ETDs.
      • E.g. distributed digital preservation
    • Why use DSpace instead of something else
      • sunk costs - costs to switch
      • not a lot of digital content solutions that meet the base IR needs
  • Institution #8
    • Twin goals of DSpace: preservation & access to research & scholarship
      • content has to be related to research / scholarship.  Other types of content go in other systems
    • Worked well for that purpose.  Works well with textual docs.
    • Now getting some images / research data sets.  Small sized to medium sized data sets, DSpace works well
    • Limitations in terms of preservation side of things
      • investing in Fedora as a preservation platform (for all content, not just IR)
    • DSpace will be more of an ingest/access system.  Preservation will be in a separate platform "underneath"
    • Need to move content easily in/out of DSpace because of that
    • Increasing value.  Use ability to delegate control of Collections & Communities to departments to do their own training/submissions. Easy for people to pick up and use in that way
    • Have a large amount of "sunk costs".  Would like to see platform/community move
    • DSpace should continue to provide base IR functionality.  But, expand to handle more complex environment (e.g. relationships between sets of items).
    • DSpace should either improve with Preservation or have easier hooks to other preservation tools/services
    • Easier hooks into research profiler system or similar
  • Institution #9
    • DSpace is about Preservation, visibility & access to your work
    • Dspace great at end user deposit, creation of collections.
    • Do virtually zero vetting of what goes into DSpace.  Trust faculty to make this decision
    • "Directors cut" - multiple things under one handle
    • Good that you can put anything in it.  Can be a preservation problem
    • Preservation tools could be improved.
    • Like open source nature.
    • Want to look at handling small or large data sets in DSpace
      • hard to get stuff "out" (especially large data sets)
    • Concerns about the monolithic nature of code.  Need: "set of legos" instead

Pain Points / Frustrations

  • Poor end user experience
  • Customizations are "hard". Plugging things in. Code modifications (monolithic)
    • Hard to maintain once you make customizations.  Upgrades become more painful.
  • Current Content Model - especially difficulty with relationships
    • no metadata per bitstream  (e.g. preservation or admin metadata)
      • different types of files all related, but requiring their own unique metadata
    • no hierarchical metadata
    • no relationships between items
    • Needs a more flexible content model in general (hierarchical content model)
      • for preservation use cases, you might want to organize in on way.  for access, perhaps another way
      • Communities, Collections & Items hierarchy do not work for all use cases
        • inflexibility of this model causes you to have to work around it or "hack it"
  • No native support for complex metadata
    • Research data metadata is hard
  • Lack of training possibilities
    • Lack of user documentation for DSpace
  • Cost of ownership. Making installation/configuration/upgrades easier
  • DSpace primary UI technology based on aging technology (Cocoon)
  • Ease of use of getting data in/out of DSpace (metadata, actual content, etc.)
    • Getting data out in a form that is "useful" to researchers (for data mining, etc)
    • Also statistics lost if you move data out and back in
  • Scaling concerns. 
    • Concurrency issues (tuning for large scale concurrent access)
    • Scaling issues related to Collection size
  • Getting content in/out
    • Delivery of large files out of DSpace
    • Also getting large files into DSpace
    • Improved support for Bulk Uploads into DSpace (not to have to send to your programmer)
  • Governance & getting things (fixes / features) into the codebase.  Not enough developer resources.
  • Model to share common tools into a "commons" that are "DSpace aware". Lack of a framework to share these tools & manage.

Repository Use Cases for next 3-5 years

  • Large research data sets / large files / big images/videos
  • Need for streaming video / audio service
  • Integrated publishing system
    • publish journal articles
  • Current Research Information System (CRIS)  (BePress does that...why doesn't DSpace)
    • Faculty Research Pages
    • e.g. Hong Kong's work with DSpace-CRIS
  • Preservation Management
  • Newspapers, Serials, Complex Objects in general (or interoperability with an external system to handle)
  • Interoperate in general with external tools & services
    • Interoperability at any level of the DSpace hierarchy (Items/Collections/Communities) to other services
  • Archival vs. Access Copies - distinguishing different file types (for different use cases)
    • Storing master images (archival copies) - tag it in a particular way for preservation services
    • But, display a lower resolution copy (access copy)
    • Almost better relationships between files  (and allowing metadata on individual files)
  • Building different access "views" of objects (based on the type of content or audience or similar)
    • Possibly enabling different functionality per type of content (e.g. image viewers, document page-turners, ETD search/view, geospatial data)
    • Not necessarily a different interface, but a different "visualization" of content.
    • Image Server  / Page Turner / Geospatial / Media Player
  • More ease of branding. Not having everything be "DSpace-wide"
    • More customization abilities / theming at Community/Collection levels.
    • Making this process easier.  Provide a set of templates / base themes.  Manage this from the UI or similar
  • Version control
    • In the control of the end user.  So end users can choose when to version/update their content
  • Mediated & Author self-deposit
    • Mediated - = approval workflows, batch loading
  • Metadata Editing
    • Batch tool that is Admin UI-based
  • Self-service configuration (manage configuration from the Admin UI)
    • Ingest forms
    • Controlled vocabularies, etc.
    • More admin tools made available to UI
  • More Metadata Schemas
    • PREMIS
    • Geospatial
  • Tools that automate extraction of technical metadata (e.g. duration of videos, other admin/preservation metadata)
  • Granular Access Controls
    • Limiting access to new Item deposits as needed
    • Better communicate what is open access and what is restricted access
  • Identity Management
    • Author IDs
    • Object IDs - Not just Handles (also DOIs or other identifiers)
    • Authoritative Handling of Identification
  • Statistical Reporting
    • Usage statistics  (filtering out spiders/bots by user-agents)
    • Analysis of repository content
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
    • support different use cases
    • need to constantly keep on top of it

Brainstorming Vision

  • If silent majority likes simple, out-of-the-box...but others want extra functionality. Is this a reason to investigate more closely DSpace + Fedora integration
  • If we want to preserve simple / out-of-the-box, do we need to concentrate more on the "core".  Concentrate on making it modular (lots of hooks) for any "non-core" features / functionality.
    • harder to support a system that keeps adding more and more functionality (e.g. JSPUI & XMLUI)
  • More concentrated "core" would improve sustainability of the product/project
    • more understandable, easier to maintain
  • A lot depends on how the community would build extra "modules" / services
    • How to support these extra "modules" in a sustainable way
  • "Freezing the Spec" at some point?  "Effective core functionality" is whatever is in 3.x or 4.x or similar?
  • Stepping back and re-thinking what is the "value" of DSpace.  What does it do best?
    • e.g. a Content Model, a core set of services = make up the "core backbone" of what is DSpace
    • Stand up something simple with core services. Try and get others to migrate to this new platform and build for there.
    • Could "hosted DSpace" be a place to try this out and have customers help support extra module development
  • Challenge: we don't have a vibrant ecosystem for enhancing the DSpace platform
    • System not setup to be able to "evolve" to address new use cases.
  • Hydra as an example Fedora-based framework
    • Many Hydra developers need not know about how Hydra communicates with Fedora
    • The Fedora "complexity" is hidden from institutional Hydra developers (who mostly work in Ruby on Rails)
    • The connections between Hydra & Fedora are maintained centrally as the Hydra "core" (by the primary Hydra Committers)
  • Whatever we choose. We should optimize for a "software as a service" use-case.  Wonder if lots of institutions would gladly pay for a hosted solution elsewhere.
  • Existing Community vs. Potential Community
    • Need to think about upgrade paths of existing community (obviously)
    • Also consider - are their a blossoming set of use cases (white house OA etc) which would be interested in a DSpace-like platform.  Perhaps software as a service solution.
    • Don't "shed" too much of the existing community – but also want to expand potential community.
  • Need a real "turn-key" IR solution. Both free Open Source, and a hosted solution.
  • What was a traditional IR 8-10 years ago is quite different than today.  Still interested in DSpace as a modern traditional IR
    • DSpace as an IR for the next 10 years.  Not necessarily well suited for that now
  • IR for the next 5 years
    • software that plays well in an ecosystem of services (easier to get content in & out of DSpace).
    • Solve the IR needs, not necessarily all general digital repository needs.
  • Institutional Asset Management system  v.  "All in one" digital repository system
    • What if you have other services be "DSpace aware".  External tools/services an "slurp" in content (based on types/collections) and provide other views/services (page turner system, etc.).



Exercise: What Use Cases should DSpace meet for the next 3-5 years?

  • We took part in a brainstorming exercise around what common Institutional Repository Use Cases should be a part of "core" DSpace, and which could be handled by external systems/tools/add-ons.
  • Essentially, we grouped Use Cases into three main categories:
    • "DSpace Core Use Cases (next 3-5 years)" : These are use cases we feel should be met by "out-of-the-box" DSpace.
    • "Possible Extensions to DSpace Core" : These are use cases which could be provided "out-of-the-box", or might be met by external tools/services (or DSpace "add-ons" / plugins)
    • "NOT provided by DSpace Core" : These are use cases which we feel should NOT be provided "out-of-the-box".  They should either be handled by integrations to external services/systems, or they should be developed as a DSpace "add-on"/"plugin" which you can install in your DSpace instance.


DSpace Core Use Cases
(for next 3-5 years)

Possible Extensions to DSpace Core
(some may be external services or DSpace "add-ons")

NOT provided by DSpace Core
(but possible services DSpace should integrate with)

  • Create, Read, Update Delete (CRUD) on objects
  • Self deposit & mediated (approval workflow based) deposit of content
  • Access controls (Authentication & Authorization)
    • Also includes Embargo-style access controls
  • Batch Deposit of content (from a UI)
  • Batch Download of content (from a UI)
  • Basic Search & Browse functionality
  • Basic Preservation functionality (e.g. Fixity checks)
  • Basic Statistics (or "hooks")
  • Default out-of-the-box User Interface
    • Preferably some sort of template-driven UI framework
  • Standard Machine Interfaces (e.g. OAI, SWORD, REST API)
  • Persistent Identifier support
  • User Interface should be "SEO Friendly"
  • Structured Metadata
    • Metadata should be at all levels of object hierarchy
    • Hierarchical Metadata formats should be supported
  • Licensing support
    • Both deposit license and Creative Commons licensing
  • Support for Derivatives (e.g. thumbnail images)
  • Large File Support for End Users
    • End Users should be able to upload and download large files themselves
  • More Flexible Relationships
    • Including aggregations of objects, complex objects
  • Community & Collection "like" hierarchy
  • Ability to easily "hook" into external tools & services
    • e.g. Curation Tasks & more robust ways to integrate with other tools/services
  • Versioning of objects
  • Configuration Management in the UI
  • UI Template/Theme Management in the UI
  • Machine interfaces should be able to target content at any level (Community, Collection, Item
  • Enhanced Content Model
    • Community, Collection, Item "like" model
    • Should also include Author objects
      (which hold metadata about authors/researchers in the system)
  • Administrative Metadata at all levels
  • Richer Licensing support (individual CC licenses on individual files)
  • Support for Delivery of Media
    • Doc Viewers
    • Geospatial
    • Streaming content
  • Alt-metrics (downloads, tweets, etc.)
  • Support for small scale research data sets
    • Relationship back to publication (linked)
    • Also may include software programs
  • Metadata extensibility
    • Stronger support for channeling user contributed metadata
    • Schema agnostic
  • Compliance with Open Access directives (of various countries)
    • models to track with general worldwide OA directives
    • when possible, methods to check compliance
    • when possible, support for automated evaluation
  • Improved Statistics (could be external, e.g. Google Analytics)
  • Improved Support for External Identifiers (DOIs. Handles, etc.)
  • Customized / Flexible UI support
    • Users should be able to change their Collection's "theme"
      or "template"
  • Advanced Statistics engine
    • instead should look towards integration with Google Analytics
  • Advanced Preservation Activities
    • instead should provide integration with external preservation tools / services
  • Publishing System
    • instead, should provide integration with external publishing systems
  • CRIS (Current Research Information System)
    • instead, DSpace should integrate with CRIS systems, or offer a CRIS plugin.


Basic Vision Consensus

  • Getting back to basics & getting the basics right.  Focus on fundamentals
  • Re-architecting DSpace to be "leaner", but more flexible
  • Core functionality that can be "extended" or have "hooks" to other services
  • Designed in such a way that it can be easily/quickly configured to integrate with new tools/services in a large "ecosystem"
    • Agility and flexibility is a goal
  • Want to support low-cost, hosted solutions/deployments
    • Has the benefit of potentially broadening the potential user base



we need to answer as a Community


  • What are those core pieces & what is needed to make those pieces "better"?
  • Are we going to continue going down the path of an Open Source project primarily implemented as a local "stack"?  As opposed to a model with explicit support for hosted-services as a primary vehicle
    • E.g. Drupal & WordPress can be thrown up on an ISP quickly/easier
    • Allow for rapid & hosted deployment as a model
    • Are we shooting for a hosted deployment model?
    • Do we want to expand community in this way?
  • What are the other communities that we want DSpace to "play well with"?

Next Steps

  • Getting to a vision document - describe overarching vision & use cases (not technical implementation)
  • How does Governance discussion fit in?
    • Do we need to wait on Governance till we can get closer to a technical implementation plan.
    • Is OR13 an opportunity to get "buy-in" on the Vision (at a high-level), before even getting to technical implementation plan.
  • Draft a Vision document from our five bullets above & our lists of core versus non-core use cases.
  • Visioning before Governance
    • Need to get excited about vision to form Governance group.
  • Getting "buy in" at OR13
    • Could we introduce this idea as part of the DuraSpace Plenary?
    • Have a broader discussion as part of the DSpace User Group Meeting (just after the Plenary). Some sort of Panel? Open Discussion? - Tim can talk to DSUG folks