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  1. (Lieven, Ben, Tim, Fernando, Jose, Mark, Oliver, Paulo) Submission integration (creating Entities & relations using the Item submission process) - Mockups already created by Paulo previously.
  2. (Lieven, Ben, Tim, Jose, Oliver, Paulo) Which metadata fields should be used for each Entity type. (DS-4223).
  3. (Lieven, Ben, Tim, Mark) Additional data for relations (essentially "metadata" or labels on relations) - Related to many other features / use cases. 
  4. (Oliver, Paulo) Author name variants - Not currently implemented
  5. (Jose) Configuration of batch import (via CSV) for Entities - Already a CSV import available, but can only link entities in CSV to existing entities (in the system). Need to decide how to represent relations in CSV.
  6. (Mark) Permissions on Relations (who has permissions to add/modify/delete relations) - Currently, if you have Edit permissions on the Entity, then you can edit/delete any relationships to/from that Entity.
  7. (Fernando) Deleting objects with Relations (How or should deletion propagate between closely related objects, e.g. delete entire Journal) - Currently, deleting a relation just decouples the two Entities.  E.g. If you delete a Person entity, that Person may no longer be listed on any Publications it is linked to (may want to copy info over after deletion).
    1. Relates to GDPR
  8. (Alexander) AIP Backup & Restore (of Entities)*
  9. Dynamic display of Relations - determine automatically how a list of entities displayed on an Item page (list vs search). Currently hardcoded based on entity type (in item page template). Want to make it configurable/dynamic.
  10. SWORD integration (submission of Entities via SWORD) - Uses same format as AIP. Once AIP is implemented, SWORD should be easy.
  11. OpenAIRE v4 implementation using Entities* - Brought up in Steering.  Possibly just an OAI-PMH configuration which maps Entity metadata fields to OpenAIRE v4
  12. ORCID integration with Entities (for Person Entities).
  13. Best Practices around Entities in Collections.  We've suggested in the Preview Release to structure Collections based on Entity Type (Person Collection, Projects Collection, etc).  We should better document and formalize these best practices.  Can we hide these Collections which only serve to store Entity Type.


  • No major updates on Submission Integration today. Next step is to approve the REST Contract PR:
  • OpenAIREv4
    • Schedule is based on Open Science Fair.  RCAAP team (and Michele and Dimitris) have a workshop at Open Science Fair and would like to show off the DSpace 7 integration as part of that workshop
    • Three main sections of work
      • Configuring necessary Entities, relationships & their metadata schemas
      • Configuring Submission Process (input forms)
      • Configuring/updating OAI-PMH to support OpenAIRE v4
    • First step is to draft up plans around Entities & metadata necessary to support OpenAIRE v4.  Will be brought back to larger team for feedback
      • Goal is to work from the existing DSpace 7 Entities / metadata as much as possible
      • SubTeam working on this is RCAAP and Dimitris
      • Will also be basing this on past experience getting DSpace 5.x to work with OpenAIRE v4
    • Implementation for each section will only occur after initial plans are drafted up and approved by the larger team.
    • Subteam should bring larger discussion topics to Tim to add to these meeting agendas
    • Question: Should OpenAIREv4 be enabled out-of-the-box in DSpace 7?
      • Likely not enabled by default, but it should be as easy to enable as possible.  Ideally, if you enable the CRIS-related entities, then OpenAIREv4 would be auto-enabled.  The larger Entities WG wants to make Entity "sets" as easy to turn on/off as possible. 
      • So, to enable OpenAIREv4 might just be running a script (or enabling a single configuration) to enable the CRIS-related entities.  Exactly how this would be done still needs to be determined though.
  • Assigned tickets
  • Next meeting will be next week, Tuesday July 2 at 15UTC.

Action Items

Any assigned actions will appear here, along with details of who they are assigned to.
