Versions Compared


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...The conversation will be continuing at 1pm ET

Horizontal scalability: 

  • Aaron Birkland : sticky sessions is probably as far as we want to go;  distributed transaction management is going to be very complicated.


Mike Durbin created migration-utils to facilitate 3-4 migration.  Andrew has extended that project to migrate from Fedora 3 to OCFL.


It would be good to fix the travis.yml file to install Go and the ocfl client.

Meeting part II


Action on transactions?  Seems like we don't want to preclude arbitrary resources in transactions

Also may need to look at the transactions API.  The existing transaction API isn't part of the Fedora spec.  There is a draft of a new API, but it has no standing

Action: Peter Eichman and Ben Pennellgather opinions on transactions and APIs

Question:  How much do we have to plan about distributed/multiple Fedora instances?

To what extent do we have to plan for this pathway?

Ben Cail:  Not interested in multiple Fedora instances.  Don't anticipate needing to scale, don't want to worry about concurrency.  Would look at it if it came for free

Maybe that's a question that should go out to the community?

Don't want to get into transaction management.  


How much can we guarantee?

If we do a transaction involving bits and pieces of multiple OCFL objects, it is even possible to roll that back without direct support for these sorts of transactions in the OCFL client?  Probably not.

Strawman:  What if an OCFL client supported such transactions like this?  How could that be implemented?  Is it even desirable?

  • Write file content to staging places as usual
    • If a failure/rollback happens here, we just have un-referenced staged content we can garbage collect later (GC)
  • Maintain a database table that authoritatively OCFL metadata (that which gets written to inventory files)
  • Upon "commit", copy files to the right location in OCFL
    • If this fails, then these copied files can be GC'd later.  They aren't referenced by any inventory files, so as far as other OCFL clients are concerned, the incompletely-copied files are invisible.  That being said, the OCFL objects they've been copied to are technically invalid until these files are removed.
  • Commit (or roll back) that db table.  Report transaction success if that succeeds
  • Asynchronously, start writing the inventory files to OCFL that references the copied content.
    • If there's a failure here, that's OK.  The authoritative DB still has the information in it to re-try until all the inventory files on the FS agree with the db.

TODO:  Aaron Birklandflesh this out.  Maybe bounce it by the OCFL community.  Is an OCFL client that behaves that way "proper"?


  •  Danny Bernstein  will reach out to Greg about DRASTIC test results
  •  Aaron Birkland  to work with Andrew Woods to get the Go client working on travis.
  •  Aaron Birkland  to look explore notion of OCFL client with database as authoritative metadata source + asynchronous writing of the inventory.json file
  •  Peter Eichman   and maybe Ben Pennell to make recommendations re transaction side car specification.