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Comment: adding a link to the presentation



  • We discovered immediately that this Google Hangouts has a 10 person limit. Some people may have been blocked out of discussion.  Apologies for anyone who got kicked off, but we'll meet on Zoom for the next meeting (see below)
  • About the Working Group / How it was formed (Google Slides)
    • About RCAAP : Presentation by Paulo L
    • Motivation : Presentation by Paulo G
    • Work done (by RCAAP): Presentation by Paulo G
      • Scenario #1: DSpace-CRIS pilot (decided they were not ready to move to yet)
      • Scenario #2: Built out DSpace 5/6 with custom features (author profiles from Atmire adapted to JSPUI)
      • Scenario #3: Decided they'd rather participate in Dspace development. This is how discussions started and this WG was established
    • Entities Working Group purpose and objectives: Presentation by Jose Carvalho
    • Identified a few models to work from
      • Top / Down (starting at DSpace-CRIS)

      • Bottom / Up (starting at community needs)

  • Discussion
    • Tim: Could we mesh the two models (top/down and bottom/up) together? Start at community needs, prioritize those needs...analyze how DSpace-CRIS can meet these needs?
      • Andrea B agrees. Same with Mark W
      • Andrea reminds of DSpace 2.0. Tried to find "best solution", but it was too distant from current DSpace. Impossible to migrate to it. We don't want to repeat that obviously
      • DSpace-CRIS built as an addition (different dev pattern) for this reason. Keep it close to DSpace roadmap.
    • Andrea: DSpace-CRIS is also a larger community. 70 installations in Italy. 30-40 around the world, with increasing interest. Discovered interest in Germany too (at DSpace German User Group Mtg)
      • Don't want to lose these users to publishers or proprietary CRIS systems
      • Ideally, any new CRIS-like system enhancements should be an evolution of DSpace-CRIS
    • Should we start at use cases (and prioritize)?  Then analyze how DSpace-CRIS aligns (or doesn't)
      • Some agreement here
    • Can you split DSpace-CRIS into software parts?  Or is it an entire bundle?
      • Can enable/disable functionality easily
      • But, it is shipped more like a bundle right now.
    • Joao: Perhaps it'd be good to start with one major use case and do a deep dive into DSpace-CRIS to see how it handles it?
      • Lieven agrees. Use cases take a while to fully build out. Start in one area first.  Get a good understanding of DSpace-CRIS
      • Tim agrees. Author or Author Profile pages is a good place to start? That is also a frequently requested feature outside of CRIS
    • Others agree that Author / Author Profile pages (aka Research Pages) would be a good starting point
    • Stephen: One of the intro presentations implied that DSpace-CRIS is "closed"? Is it really? Impression is that it's open, but just a slightly separate community
      • No it isn't closed. But, it is primarily developed and supported by one institution (4Science). So, it's not as widely known/understood
      • But it has the same open source software license as rest of DSpace. Uses the same mailing lists. Presents at the same conferences (Open Repositories, etc)
    • Also, is DSpace-CRIS following DSpace roadmap?
      • Yes, 4Science is highly involved in DSpace 7 efforts and DSpace-CRIS will be moving on the same roadmap as DSpace 7
    • DSpace-CRIS solves multiple needs.  It's an advanced repo that better integrates with other (external) CRIS systems.  It's also possible to use as a standalone CRIS system + repo combo.
      • DSpace-CRIS allows you to enable/disable features to either make it a full CRIS, or just an advanced repo that integrates well with an external CRIS system.  Different users configure it differently
    • Next meeting plans?
      • Meet in two weeks at same time. Friday, Oct 27 at 15:00UTC (11am-12pm EDT, 8am-9am PDT)
      • Main agenda item will be a deep dive into how DSpace-CRIS manages Authors and Author Profiles (Researcher Pages).
      • Next time we'll meet via Zoom. This will avoid the attendee limits. (Joao has a Zoom account we can use)