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Table of contents

Table of Contents

The goals of this proposal


  • reducing clutter of on the current search pages
  • reconsidering UX choices we made earlier
    • e.g. when we first added facetted search to dspace, it wasn't something the average user had a lot of experience with. These days most webshops, search engines, etc. have some form of facetted search.
  • making use of the advantages of a javascript UI
    • e.g. parts of the page can update without a classic page reload

Note: you can make inline comments by selecting a word and hovering over it for a moment:

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Facets are shown in a sidebar

  • That side bar stays fixed, when scrolling
  • The design assumes that there will be no navigational sidebar (with sections browse, my account, admin, etc)
    • the goal is to move this to a navbar at the top of the screen, but the navigation design needs an entire wiki page to itself

The gear dropdown is removed

  • its contents move to the sidebar as well

Facets are collapsed by default

  • you only see the name of the field
  • you need to click that name to open it
  • this makes the page seem less convoluted and daunting
  • it also makes it easier to use on mobile
  • It should still be configurable to have them open by default

Advanced filters and facets are combined

  • A advanced filter input is shown underneath the list of values for a facet
  • fields can be configured to have either a facet, an advanced filter, or both
  • the order in which the fields appear should be configurable

Active filters are shown in their respective section

  • no longer as a tag at the top of the page
    • that way, if you want to find a filter on Issue Date, for example, you can go search in the issue date section, where you activated it, rather than at the top of the page.
  • although, I am willing to show them at the top of the page as well if people think we should.

Selecting filters

  • A facet value is an unchecked checkbox, an active filter is a checked checkbox
  • if you select a facet or a filter, the number next to it (showing the number of matching results) disappears
    • All selected fiters are applied when they're selected, so that number would always be equal to the number of search results.


  • Selected filters will be shown both at the top of their category, and as tags underneath the search box

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Filter inputs have autocomplete

The equals, contains, not, ID, etc dropdown has been removed

  • Currently the same list of options is used everywhere, but doesn't make sense for each field
  • It makes the UI look more complicated for novice users
  • Even advanced users have to learn to work with it, before they understand exactly what every option means and how it works
  • So I propose we remove them, and use a single input with (a subset of) the lucene syntax
    • - for 'not'
    • `*` is a wildcard
    • id:e184785b-bb21-4168-8c43-b0070728a64a

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Scope is just another facet/filter

  • it's more useful to show scope as a facet, compared to the dropdown we have currently
  • You have the most relevant communities at the top
  • selecting a community will show its children, the most relevant first, etc
  • you also have an autcompleting input at the bottom, to select a specifc community or collection immediately

'Show more' happens in place

  • the list just gets longer by a page size (e.g. 5)
  • if there are more then 10, there's another show more link at the bottom to show the next set, etc.
  • if show more is clicked at least once, a collapse link appears next to it

Dates have a dedicated widget

  • Show both from and to inputs at the top, and a slider below
    • a slider is more useful with a mouse, the inputs are more acurate with a touch screen
  • Underneath that divide the total available date range for the repo in to a fixed number of ranges
  • If you select a range, the inputs and slider are updated, and a new set of categories for the current range appears
  • if you get to a single year, there are no more categories
  • categories are shown as checkboxes for consistency with the other filters, 
    • with this way of working they will never actually get checked, and could be replaced with links

A grid view mode for search results is added

  • as way for repositories that have nice thumbnails to showcase them
  • a grid of cards
  • shortened fields are expanded when clicked
    • that’s why there’s a view button, clicking the card doesn’t take you to the result
    • clicking the thumbnail will take to the result as well
    • if a card expands, the other cards in the row grow with it
    • to ensure the grid stays uniform
  • 4 cards per row on xl screens, 3 on lg and md, 2 on sm and 1 on xs
    • the number of results per page is a multiple of 12 to ensure you have filled rows in most cases
  • Both grid and list view can be disabled or made the default.
