Versions Compared


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This page was an initial attempt to start a conversation over the new REST API contract. We have now agree to have this conversation over a dedicated GitHub repository using pull requests and issues


Other useful resources about the necessary endpoints and functionalities of the REST API are:

Old notes not yet moved to the above github repository

Table of Contents

Defined end point

URI Structure




Code Block




Currently there a only one API name available, which will be discussed further below:

  • core - for minimal core functionalities on the data model guarantee by DSpace

It is expected to add more api names to group together specific functionalities (auth, "external plugin", ...)


The above endpoint typically refers to collection resources. Access to a specific item inside the collection is done

Code Block


Item resources generally support HEAD, GET , PUT , PATCH and DELETE

Returns a single entity.

Returns whether the item resource is available

Replaces the state of the target resource with the supplied request body.

Similar to PUT but partially updating the resources state.

Deletes the resource exposed.


Collection resources generally support GET, POST

Returns all entities in the collection we include the pagination links if necessary and additional page metadata.


page - the page number to access (0 indexed, defaults to 0).

size - the page size requested (defaults to 20).

sort - a collection of sort directives in the format ($sortcriteria,)[+|-] ?.

Custom status codes

405 Method Not Allowed - for resources like bitstream, bundle, etc.


Creates a new entity from the given request body.

Custom status codes
405 Method Not Allowed - if we define "read-only" collection as maybe i18n, configuration, etc.

titlework in progress

This endpoint is the entry point for all the actions on both Community and Collection.

titlework in progress

titlework in progress

titlework in progress

titlework in progress

titlework in progress

titlework in progress

Browse milestone - Feature requests



  • name

  • description

  • format

  • size

  • download URL

  • relationships

    • Bundle

    • Metadata

    • What with derived bitstreams?

      • thumbnails

        • would be best to keep the logic that determines bitstream X is the thumbnail of bitstream Y out of the UI.

        • andrea: rest is indeed better, but should we improve this in the datamodel?

        • tim: do it in rest, keep it based on the filename in dspace 7 fix it later

        • andrea: it is easy, using metadata for all

      • extracted texts


  • Name

  • relationships

    • Bitstreams

    • PrimaryBitstream

      • tim: should primarybitstream be on bundle or item?

      • andrea: let’s just keep using the current implementation and keep it there

    • Item

    • Metadata


  • Name

  • Handle

  • lastModified

  • isArchived

  • isWithdrawn

  • relationships

    • Bundle

    • Metadata

    • Collection(s)


  • Name

  • Handle

  • copyrightText

  • introductoryText

  • shortDescription

  • sidebarText

  • license

  • number of items

  • relationships

    • Parent(s)

    • Collections

    • Items

    • Logo

What are the “browse” endpoints?

  • `/collections/65/items` or `/items?collection=65` (or `items?q=collection:65`, …)

  • maybe both?

  • andrea: items can be in multiple collections

  • andrea: start with `/items` if we find a good use case to use `/collections/54/items` we can implement it later

General questions


  • returns a reference to the proper endpoint?

  • andrea: redirect, that way it can be the same for other persistent identifiers

Is there a use for a separate metadata endpoint in rest?

  • where you could retrieve or query for metadata rather than items/collections

  • as opposed to discovery, where the unit is the item.

  • tim: wait until we identify a real use case

  • andrea: don’t think so

  • terry: the DSpace 6 rest query tools query on metadata from the perspective of an item.  It is possible that a metadata service could be useful as a query starting point.  Example: find all metadat with a URL to a DOI


How does pagination work?


  • useful info

    • # results per page

    • total # of elements/pages

    • HATEOAS link to first/previous/next/last page

    • both agree

  • Sorting?

    • direction

    • sort field(s)

Limiting the number of fields in the response

  • profiles

    • minimal →

      • all DSO’s have this

      • for e.g. in the trail

      • fields

        • DSO name

        • id

    • list-summary

      • all

        • DSO name

        • id

      • Item specific

        • authors

        • date issued

      • for collections/communities it is identical to minimal

    • list-detailed

      • all

        • DSO name

        • id

      • collection/community specific

        • description

      • Item specific

        • authors

        • date issued

        • abstract

    • view

      • item

        • author

        • date issued

        • abstract

        • identifier.uri

      • collection/community

        • returns everything

    • omitting the profile returns everything

    • e.g. GET `/items?field-profile=list-summary`

    • andrea & tim: ok

    • andrea: should be configurable on the backend

  • also retain the ability to specify a custom set of fields?

    • e.g. GET `/items?fields=handle,dc.contributor.creator,dc.identifier.doi`

    • maybe that should be: GET `/items?fields=handle&fields[metadata]=dc.contributor.creator,dc.identifier.doi` → because metadata is a relationship of item, not an attribute

    • andrea: not sure if necessary, if you have a rest endpoint that allows the creation a new profile

    • tim: let’s go with a limited set of profiles (with configurable fields), and leave configuring new profiles via the rest api until later

    • terry: I like the idea of a configurable profiles appropriate to an instance

How do we handle relationships for objects that have a lot of them?

  • e.g. a collection can contain several thousand items

  • but an item can also have more bitstreams that it may make sense to display at once.

  • That problem is separate from regular pagination as the relation section should only return HATEOAS links, nothing else, unless you ask for it.

  • However maybe we can use the same params, and first/previous/next/last links for relationships. e.g. see this forum post

    • andrea: we may avoid this problem by leaving out some relationships, for example, don’t specify all items in a collection objects

    • andrea: we can also mitigate this problem by using profiles that work on relationships as well as attributes, so you could specify a profile that leaves out certain relationships

    • tim: if all else fails we may need to look at pagination

How does inclusion of related resources work?

  • often it will make sense to request related resources in the same request

  • e.g. request an item, and get not only the bundles, but the bitstreams inside those bundles as well

  • `include` param? e.g. GET `/items/15?include=bundles.bitstreams`

    • would return the item, it’s bundles and their bitstreams in a single response

    • multiple includes can be comma separated: GET `/collections/23?include=parents,logo`

  • we’ll that the JSON API way

Every DSpace Object needs to show its location in the trail

  • When showing an item page you don’t want to trigger a sequence of GETs to simply get the names of all its parent objects.

  • Should we include the entire path to the root in the relationships section?

    • Maybe an includes option with a profile for the trail that only returns their name and an identifier (to be able to link to them)

      • That way we can cache the parent objects already, and just add extra information when we need it. 

  • Andrea: we could also solve this by showing in the trail how you arrived there instead of where it is in the tree, but there will most likely be a use case where we need to show the item in the repository tree

Use UUIDs?

  • Not easy to type or to memorize

  • What if two items merge, or versioning is used. We need a persistent URI for an object.

  • Maybe we should also have a shorter ID that’s only unique within one type of object?

  • We could also use handles

    • In the UI I’d prefer to use `items/5123` instead of `handle/123456789/4561` → handle should redirect to the item url

    • But we could use `items/123456789/4561` or some kind of permutation or hash of the handle

    • Problem with versioned items perhaps?

  • tim: we have to use UUIDs or handles. Not calling them handles may not be a bad idea