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Table of Contents


The Sync Tool is a utility which was created in order to provide a simple way to move files from a local file system to DuraCloud. To get started with the Sync Tool, read on, or watch videos of the process here.

This page describes using the SyncTool via the User Interface. The SyncTool can also be used in command line mode.

System Requirements

The system requirements for operating the SyncTool are described here.

Download and Install

Download installers for Mac OSX, Windows, or Linux from the DuraCloud Downloads page. 


The Catalina version of MacOS (v10.15), released on Oct 7, 2019 no longer supports 32-bit applications: The DuraCloud SyncTool installer is 32-bit, meaning that the Mac installer will not work for the latest version of the MacOS. This is a known issue that is expected to be addressed in the next DuraCloud release. More details about work on this issue can be found in the associated ticket.

The work around for this issue is to use the JAR version of the DuraCloud SyncTool on MacOS v10.15+. The JAR can be used to either operate the SyncTool in Command Line mode or launch the SyncTool UI directly.


The Sync Tool requires that Java version 8 17 or above be installed on your system in order to run. The installers for your operating system will check to make sure that you have the correct version of Java and will prompt you to download and install Java if necessary. If you would like to update Java directly, it can be downloaded from here.

The Sync Tool defaults to a graphical user interface.


  • Closing the browser window will not stop the Sync Tool. It will continue to run and transfer files.
  • Getting back to the Sync Tool
    • Once the Sync Tool is started, it will continue to run in the background, even if you close your browser. You can get back to the UI by pointing your browser to: http://localhost:8888/sync (hint: bookmark this page).
    • Selecting any of the shortcuts created by the installer will bring up the Sync Tool UI.
  • Stopping the Sync Tool
    • Within the UI there are options to stop and start the sync. This will allow you to stop syncing for a time, and start it up again later.
  • Stopping the Sync Tool process
    • If you would like to completely shut down the Sync Tool process, such that the UI is no longer available:
      • On Windows: Look for a DuraCloud Sync icon in the task tray, right click on it, select Exit
      • On Mac: Look for a DuraCloud Sync icon in the menu bar, right click on it, select Exit
      • On Ubuntu: Look for a DuraCloud Sync icon in the task bar, right click on it, select Exit
  • Work Directory
    • The work directory is named duracloud-sync-work, and can be found under your home directory (C:\Users\[username] on Windows, /Users/[username] on Mac, /home/[username] on Linux)
    • In the work directory you will find: 
      • A configuration file which includes the data you entered when configuring the tool
      • A logs directory with log files containing runtime status information of the Sync Tool. These can be helpful when diagnosing a problem the tool may have had.
  • Jump Start
    • The Jump Start option available in the SyncTool is designed to streamline the transfer of new file sets to DuraCloud. This is accomplished by removing the checks that the SyncTool traditionally performs before uploading a file. These checks normally try to determine if a file already exists in DuraCloud. With the Jump Start option enabled, the SyncTool assumes that all files are new and need to be moved to DuraCloud. This is option is ideal for the initial data transfer into DuraCloud, when all selected data needs to be transferred. The Jump Start option should be turned off when running the SyncTool over a data set that is already in DuraCloud (in order to discover and transfer any new files), so that unnecessary content transfers can be avoided.
  • Transfer Rate Optimization
    • When performing a transfer of files to DuraCloud, the goal is often to get those files moved as quickly as possible. To assist with this the Sync Tool allows you to adjust the number of simultaneous transfers (a.k.a "threads") on the Configuration tab. One caveat here is that the higher the number of threads, the more system resources will be consumed. Additionally as the number of simultaneous transfers increases, more network bandwidth will be consumed. So what is the best number of threads? It depends on the characteristics of your machine and the network to which it is attached. We've added a handy new feature that will automatically determine the optimal number of threads for your system. In the "Transfer Rate" section of the configuration page you'll notice an "Optimize Automatically" button. Click it to automatically discover and set the optimal number of threads.
    • Note that "optimal", in this context, means the number of threads that will allow content to be transferred as quickly as possible. 
    • The determination of "optimal" thread count is based on testing actual timed transfers, which is why the test may take a while to run when resources such as upload bandwidth or CPU or memory capacity are constrained. This also means that the optimal thread count given will reflect the capability of the machine while the test is running. If other tasks on the machine are consuming significant system resources, this will affect the results of the test.
    • If the machine being used for the transfer of content is not primarily dedicated to this one task (at least while the SyncTool is running), then you may want to set the thread count lower than the determined "optimal" setting. This will, of course, reduce the transfer rate, but would allow the machine to have capacity for other activities.
    • You can use the SyncOptimize Tool to perform these tests if you would prefer to run them on the command line, have more control over the parameters used, and see more details about the testing process.
  • Destination Prefix
    • Using the prefix option, the content IDs that are created for the files being moved to DuraCloud by the SyncTool can be made to begin with a consistent text value. There are several reasons this might be useful, such as to include the name of a top-level directory in the path, or to be able to run the Sync from a new sub-directory, but still maintain the full path included on all existing stored content. Suppose the path to a local file (found within the watch directory) is "dir1/file.txt" and you would like the resulting content stored in DuraCloud to be 'a/b/c/dir1/file.txt. To achieve that result, the destination prefix of "a/b/c/" would need to be set.


      Adding or changing a prefix for content that has already been transferred to DuraCloud will result in those files being duplicated in DuraCloud storage with the new prefix. Removing the duplicate files can be done by using the "sync deletes" option, but this will cause all content in the destination space which does not include the prefix to be deleted (along with any content that is not found in the local watch directories.) Be cautious when using this feature if you have already uploaded content to your DuraCloud space.


      If you use a prefix to include a file path (such as a top level directory name), remember to include the "/" character at the end of your prefix. For example, using the prefix "dir1/" with file "file.txt", your final content ID will be "dir1/file.txt". If you were to forget the slash, your prefix would be "dir1", which would lead to a content ID of "dir1file.txt", which is likely not what you want.

  • Run Modes
    • You may run your synchronization operations in one of two modes: continuous or single pass. In continuous mode, DuraCloudSync will continue indefinitely to watch for additions, updates, and deletions to the file system after adding all the files in your watched directories when the sync starts. In the single pass mode, the application will not continue to watch for changes after making the initial pass of your configured directories and/or files. 
    • For Chronopolis users, single pass mode is recommended.
  • Update Policy

    • General

      • Overwrite existing content - This is if you want to overwrite any existing content in this space with any changes every time you upload.

      • Do not sync updates - This turns off the syncing function entirely for any files that already exist in DuraCloud. So every time you sync from this folder, it's just adding content and not updating or renaming anything.
      • Update but do not overwrite (preserve original in cloud)- This is if you want the tool to sync and recognize changes to the files and ingest updates, but the original uploads would stay put in storage. If there is a changed version of a file, the name would be adjusted to reflect that it's a different version.
    • (for Chronopolis Users)

      • Overwrite existing content - (Recommended for Chronopolis users) This is if you want to overwrite any existing content in this space every time you upload. This doesn't meant that you're overwriting what's in Chronopolis, but it would allow you to keep using the same space over and over again. For Chronopolis, you will notice that the Space is emptied every time the snapshot to Chronopolis has completed, so this is kind of happening anyway. This option ensures if you're transferring content to the space and the operation is interrupted for any reason, the next time you run the SyncTool, it will overwrite any files that may not have transferred completely or correctly with the correct version on local disk.

      • Do not sync updates - This turns off the syncing function entirely for any files that already exist in DuraCloud, so every time you sync from this folder, it's just adding content and not updating or renaming anything.
      • Update but do not overwrite (preserve original in cloud)- This is if you want the tool to sync and recognize changes to the files and ingest updates, but the original uploads would stay put in storage. If there is a changed version of a file, the name would be adjusted to reflect that it's a different version.

Command Line Interface

The Sync Tool provides a command line interface which can be executed directly, used in scripts, or used for scheduling sync activities (such as within a cron job.)  The command line interface provides access to all feature of the Sync Tool, some of which are not available (yet) in the graphical interface.


If you encounter an error when running the Sync Tool, please first consult the list of error messages and suggested fixes below. If the error you are experiencing is not included in the list below, please visit the support system and submit a ticket with a detailed description of the issue you are experiencing (and include screenshots when available).
