Versions Compared


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  • [dspace-source]
    • LICENSE - DSpace source code license.
    • README - Obligatory basic information
    • - The basic settings necessary to actually build/install DSpace for the first timeEXAMPLE - an example "local.cfg" file, which can be used to store all your local configuration overrides. See Configuration Reference.
    • dspace/ - Directory which contains all build and configuration information for DSpace
      • bin/ - Some shell and Perl scripts for running DSpace command-line tasks. Primary among them is the 'dspace' commandline utility
      • config/ - Configuration files:
        • controlled-vocabularies/ - Fixed, limited vocabularies used in metadata entry
        • crosswalks/ - Metadata crosswalks - property files or XSL stylesheets
        • emails/ - Text and layout templates for emails sent out by the system.
        • modules/ - Configurations for modules / individual features within DSpace
        • registries/ - Initial contents of the bitstream format registry and Dublin Core element/qualifier registry. These are only used on initial system setup, after which they are maintained in the database.
        • dspace.cfg - The Main DSpace configuration file
        • dc2mods.cfg - Mappings from Dublin Core metadata to MODS for the METS export.
        • default.license - The default license that users must grant when submitting items.
        • dstat.cfg , - Configuration for statistical reports.
        • input-forms.xml , item-submission.xml - Submission UI configuration files
        • news-side.html - Text of the front-page news in the sidebar, only used in JSPUI.
        • news-top.html - Text of the front-page news in the top box, only used in JSPUI.
        • news-xmlui.xml - Text of the front-page news, only used in XMLUI
      • etc/ - This directory contains administrative files.
        • postgres/ - Administrative scripts for PostgreSQL
        • oracle/ - Administrative scripts for Oracle.
      • modules/ - The Web UI modules "overlay" directory. DSpace uses Maven to automatically look here for any customizations you wish to make to DSpace Web interfaces.
        • jspui - Contains all customizations for the JSP User Interface.
          • src/main/resources/ - The overlay for JSPUI Resources. This is the location to place any custom files. (Previously this file had been stored at: _[dspace-source]/config/language-packs/Messages.properties_
          • src/main/webapp/ - The overlay for JSPUI Web Application. This is the location to place any custom JSPs to be used by DSpace.
        • oai - Contains all customizations for the OAI-PMH Interface.
        • sword - Contains all customizations for the SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) Interface.
        • xmlui - Contains all customizations for the XML User Interface (aka Manakin).
          • src/main/webapp/ - The overlay for XMLUI Web Application. This is the location to place custom Themes or Configurations.
            • i18n/ - The location to place a custom version of the XMLUI's messages.xml (You have to manually create this folder)
            • themes/ - The location to place custom Themes for the XMLUI (You have to manually create this folder).
      • solr/ - Solr configuration files for all Solr indexes used by DSpace.
      • src/ - Maven configurations for DSpace System. This directory contains the Maven and Ant build files for DSpace.
      • target/ - (Only exists after building DSpace) This is the location Maven uses to build your DSpace installation package.
        • dspace-[version].dir - The location of the DSpace Installation Package (which can then be installed by running ant update)


  • [dspace]
    • assetstore/ - assetstore files. This is where all the files uploaded into DSpace are stored by default. See Storage Layer.
    • bin/ - shell scripts for DSpace command-line tasks. Primary among them is the 'dspace' commandline utility
    • config/ - configuration, with sub-directories as above
    • etc/ - Administrative and database management files
    • exports/ - temporary storage for any export packages
    • handle-server/ - Handles server files and configuration
    • imports/ -  temporary storage for any import packages
    • lib/ - JARs, including dspace-api.jar, containing the DSpace classes
    • log/ - Log files
    • reports/ - Reports generated by statistical report generatorsearch/ - Lucene search index files (when Lucene is enabled)
    • solr/ - Solr search/browse indexes
    • triplestore/ - RDF triple store index files (when enabled)
    • upload/ - temporary directory used during file uploads etc.
    • webapps/ - location where DSpace installs all Web Applications
