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For CS to run a task, the code for the task must of course be included with other deployed code (to [dspace]/lib, WAR, etc) but it must also be declared and given a name. This is done via a configuration property in [dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg as follows:

Code Block
### Task Class implementations = \
org.dspace.ctask.general.NoOpCurationTask = noop, \ = org.dspace.ctask.general.ProfileFormats = profileformats, \ = org.dspace.ctask.general.RequiredMetadata = requiredmetadata, \ = org.dspace.ctask.general.ClamScan = vscan, \ = org.dspace.ctask.general.MicrosoftTranslator = translate, \ = org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataValueLinkChecker = checklinks


Each of the above pages exposes a drop-down list of configured tasks, with a button to 'perform' the task, or queue it for later operation (see section below). Not all activated tasks need appear in the Curate tab - you filter them by means of a configuration property. This property also permits you to assign to the task a more user-friendly name than the PluginManager taskname. The property resides in [dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg:

Code Block
curate.ui.tasknames = \
     profileformats = Profile Bitstream Formats, \
curate.ui.tasknames = requiredmetadata = Check for Required Metadata

When a task is selected from the drop-down list and performed, the tab displays both a phrase interpreting the "status code" of the task execution, and the "result" message if any has been defined. When the task has been queued, an acknowledgement appears instead. You may configure the words used for status codes in curate.cfg (for clarity, language localization, etc):

Code Block
curate.ui.statusmessages = \
     -3 = Unknown Task, \
curate.ui.statusmessages = -2 = No Status Set, \
curate.ui.statusmessages = -1 = Error, \
curate.ui.statusmessages = 0 = Success, \
curate.ui.statusmessages = 1 = Fail, \
curate.ui.statusmessages = 2 = Skip, \
curate.ui.statusmessages = other = Invalid Status

As the number of tasks configured for a system grows, a simple drop-down list of all tasks may become too cluttered or large. DSpace 1.8+ provides a way to address this issue, known as task groups. A task group is a simple collection of tasks that the Admin UI will display in a separate drop-down list. You may define as many or as few groups as you please. If no groups are defined, then all tasks that are listed in the ui.tasknames property will appear in a single drop-down list. If at least one group is defined, then the admin UI will display two drop-down lists. The first is the list of task groups, and the second is the list of task names associated with the selected group. A few key points to keep in mind when setting up task groups:


Code Block
# ui.taskgroups contains the list of defined groups, together with a pretty name for UI display
curate.ui.taskgroups = \
  replication = Backup and Restoration Tasks, \
curate.ui.taskgroups = integrity = Metadata Integrity Tasks, \
# each group membership list is a separate property, whose value is comma-separated list of logical task names
curate.ui.taskgroup.integrity = profileformats, requiredmetadata


Code Block
Curator curator = new Curator();
     curator.addTask("vscan").queue(context, "monthly", "123456789/4");


Code Block
host = configurationService.getProperty("");

and similar. But tasks are supposed to be written by anyone in the community and shared around (without prior coordination), so if another task uses the same configuration file name, there is a name collision here that can't be easily fixed, since the reference is hard-coded in each task. In this case, if we wanted to use both at a given site, we would have to alter the source of one of them - which introduces needless code localization and maintenance.


Code Block
host = taskProperty("");

Note that there is no name of the configuration file even mentioned, just the property name whose value we want. At runtime, the curation system resolves this call to a set of configuration fileproperties, and it uses the name the task has been configured as as the name prefix of the config fileproperties. So, for example, if both were installed (in, say, curate.cfg) as:

Code Block
org.dspace.ctask.general.ClamAv = vscan, = virusscan,

then "taskProperty("foo")" will resolve to [dspace]/config/modules/the property named vscan.cfgfoo when called from ClamAv task, but [dspace]/config/modules/virusscan.cfgfoo when called from ConflictTask's code. Note that the "vscan" etc are locally assigned names, so we can always prevent the "collisions" mentioned, and we make the tasks much more portable, since we remove the "hard-coding" of config names.


Another use of task properties is to support multiple task profiles. Suppose we have a task that we want to operate in one of two modes. A good example would be a mediafilter task that produces a thumbnail. We can either create one if it doesn't exist, or run with "-force" which will create one regardless. Suppose this behavior was controlled by a property in a config file. If we configured the task as "thumbnail", then we would have in (perhaps) [dspace]/config/modules/thumbnail.cfg:

Code Block
...other properties...
thumbnail.thumbnail.maxheight = 80
thumbnail.thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

Then, following the pattern above, the thumbnail generating task code would look like:


But an obvious use-case would be to want to run force mode and non-force mode from the admin UI on different occasions. To do this, one would have to stop Tomcat, change the property value in the config file, and restart, etc However, we can use task properties to elegantly rescue us here. All we need to do is go into the config/modules directory, and create a new file perhaps called: thumbnail.force.cfg. In this file, we put only one propertythe properties:

Code Block
thumbnail.force.thumbnail.maxheight = 80
thumbnail.force.thumbnail.maxwidth = 80

Then we add a new task (really just a new name, no new code) in curate.cfg:

Code Block
org.dspace.ctask.general.ThumbnailTask = thumbnail,
org.dspace.ctask.general.ThumbnailTask = thumbnail.force

Consider what happens: when we perform the task "thumbnail" (using taskProperties), it reads uses the config file thumbnail.cfg * properties and operates in "non-force" profile (since the value is false), but when we run the task "thumbnail.force" the curation system first reads thumbnail.cfg, then reads uses the thumbnail.force.cfg which overrides the value of the "forceupdate" property* properties. Notice that we did all this via local configuration - we have not had to touch the source code at all to obtain as many "profiles" as we would like.


Support for scripted tasks does not include any DSpace pre-installation of the scripting language itself - this must be done according to the instructions provided by the language maintainers, and typically only requires a few additional jars on the DSpace classpath. Once one or more languages have been installed into the DSpace deployment, task support is fairly straightforward. One new property must be defined in [dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg:

Code Block
curate.script.dir = ${dspace.dir}/scripts


The third part (here 'dc.publisher') is simply the name of the metadata field to be updated. These two mandatory properties (template and datamap) are sufficient to describe a large number of web services. All that is required to enable this task is to edit 'config/modules/curate.cfg' (or your local.cfg), and add 'issn2pubname' to the list of tasks:

Code Block = \
... other defined tasks
org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataWebService = issn2pubname, \ other metadatata web service tasks
dspace.curate.CurationTask = org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataWebService = doi2crossref, \

If you wish the task to be available in the Admin UI, see the Invocation from the Admin UI documentation (above) about how to configure it. The remaining sections describe some more specialized needs using the MetadataWebService task.


In [dspace]/config/modules/curate.cfg, activate the task:

  • Add the plugin to the comma separated list of curation tasks.
Code Block
### Task Class implementations = \
org.dspace.ctask.general.ProfileFormatsNoOpCurationTask = profileformats, \
noop = requiredmetadata, \
org.dspace.ctask.general.ClamScanProfileFormats = vscan
profileformats = org.dspace.ctask.general.RequiredMetadata = requiredmetadata
# This is the ClamAV scanner plugin = org.dspace.ctask.general.ClamScan = vscan = org.dspace.ctask.general.MicrosoftTranslator = translate = org.dspace.ctask.general.MetadataValueLinkChecker = checklinks
  • Optionally, add the vscan Optionally, add the vscan friendly name to the configuration to enable it in the administrative it in the administrative user interface.user interface.
Code Block
curate.ui.tasknames = profileformats = Profile Bitstream Formats
curate.ui.tasknames = requiredmetadata = Check for Required Metadata
Code Block
ui.tasknames = \
profileformatschecklinks = ProfileCheck BitstreamLinks Formats,in \Metadata
requiredmetadata# =Enable CheckClamAV for Required Metadata, \
from UI
curate.ui.tasknames = vscan = Virus Scan for Viruses
  • In [dspace]/config/modules, edit configuration file clamav.cfg:
Code Block =
# Change if not running on the same host as your DSpace installation.
clamav.service.port = 3310
# Change if not using standard ClamAV port
clamav.socket.timeout = 120
# Change if longer timeout needed
clamav.scan.failfast = false
# Change only if items have large numbers of bitstreams
  • Finally, if desired virus scanning can be enabled as part of the submission process upload file step. In [dspace]/config/modules, edit configuration file submission-curation.cfg:
Code Block
submission-curation.virus-scan = true

Task Operation from the Administrative user interface


If desired virus scanning can be enabled as part of the submission process upload file step. In [dspace]/config/modules, edit configuration file submission-curation.cfg:

Code Block
submission-curation.virus-scan = true

Task Operation from the curation command line client


Table 1 – Virus Scan Results Table

GUI (Interactive Mode)





Stop on 1st Infected Bitstream



Stop on 1st Infected Item



Stop on 1st Infected Bitstream



Scan all bitstreams




Command Line





Report on 1st infected bitstream within an item/Scan all contained Items



Report on all infected bitstreams/Scan all contained Items



Report on 1st infected bitstream



Report on all infected bitstreams

Link Checkers

Two link checker tasks, BasicLinkChecker and MetadataValueLinkChecker can be used to check for broken or unresolvable links appearing in item metadata.


An example configuration file can be found in [dspace]/config/modules/translator.cfg.

Code Block
# Configuration properties used solely by MicrosoftTranslator   #
# Curation Task (uses Microsoft Translation API v2)             #
## Translation field settings
## Authoritative language field
## This will be read to determine the original language an item was submitted in
## Default: dc.language

translatetranslator.field.language = dc.language

## Metadata fields you wish to have translated
translatetranslator.field.targets = dc.description.abstract, dc.title, dc.type

## Translation language settings
## If the language field configured in translate.field.language is not present
## in the record, set translate.language.default to a default source language
## or leave blank to use autodetection
translatetranslator.language.default = en

## Target languages for translation
translatetranslator.language.targets = de, fr

## Translation API settings
## Your Bing API v2 key and/or Google "Simple API Access" Key
## (note to Google users: your v1 API key will not work with Translate v2,
## you will need to visit and activate
## a Simple API Access key)
## You do not need to enter a key for both services.
