Versions Compared


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  1. You will need to make a few jars available to Fedora so it can load and process the ActiveMQ configuration file. Drop the jars xbean-spring-3.4.3.jar and spring-context-2.5.6.jar files into the Fedora webapp WEB-INF/lib directory. It Fedora 3.8, updated copies of these jars are already included.  Most Spring applications provide these jars; if you are using Apache ServicemixServiceMix as the container for your remote broker, they can be found in the SERVICEMIX_HOME/lib directory.
  2. Create the Fedora activemq.xml file, put it in FEDORA_HOME/server/config (in newer versions like Fedora 3.8 use FEDORA_HOME/server/config/spring)

    Code Block
    <beans xmlns:amq="">
      <!-- ActiveMQ JMS Broker configuration -->
      <amq:broker id="broker" useShutdownHook="false">
          <amq:managementContext connectorPort="1093" createConnector="false"/>
        <!-- Your remote broker, configured with failover -->
          <amq:networkConnector uri="static:(failover:(tcp://"/>
        <!-- The directory where Fedora will store the ActiveMQ data -->
          <amq:amqPersistenceAdapter directory="file:./data/amq"/>
      <!-- Set this to prevent objects from being serialized when
           passed along to your embedded broker;  saves some overhead processing -->
      <bean id="jmsConnectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory">
         <property name="objectMessageSerializationDefered" value="false"/>

    This piece of the config file creates the bridge to the remote broker, configured in failover mode:

    Code Block
      <amq:networkConnector uri="static:(failover:(tcp://"/>
  3. Configure Fedora to read the activemq.xml file upon startup, create the embedded broker.
    Make sure messaging is enabled in fedora.fcfg:

    Code Block
    <module role="org.fcrepo.server.messaging.Messaging" class="org.fcrepo.server.messaging.MessagingModule">
      <comment>Fedora's Java Messaging Service (JMS) Module</comment>
      <param name="enabled" value="true"/>

    Also change the java.naming.provider.url parameter:

    Code Block
    <param name="java.naming.provider.url" value="vm://localhost?brokerConfig=xbean:file:/path/to/fedora_home/server/config/activemq.xml"/>
    In newer versions like Fedora 3.8
    <param name="java.naming.provider.url" value="vm://localhost?brokerConfig=xbean:file:/path/to/fedora_home/server/config/spring/activemq.xml"/>
  4. Restart Fedora, and start up your remote broker (or the other way around: it no longer matters).
    The ActiveMQ failover transport documentation contains a list of useful parameters that you can use to configure connection management to the remote broker (max reconnect attempts, period between reconnects, etc.)
