Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


For a list of what's new in DSpace 5.0, see the Release Status Page.

Updated Documentation for 5.0

There are substantial upgrades to the DSpace documentation for version 5.0. Volunteers are needed to review it for clarity and accuracy. Visit the DSpace 5.x Documentation page for more info.

Testing Scripts

The below scripts can be used as a starting point for any DSpace Testing you wish to perform. They may not be 100% complete, so feel free to test other features you come across.

NOTE, the list presented below was copied directly from the DSpace 1.6.0 Testathon page, and has had minimal editing since being pasted. It is highly likely to omit important functionality as well as contain references to features that have changed since 1.6. We will do our best to rework this list so it is more complete and accurate–in fact, your help in doing so is much appreciated.

If you feel comfortable editing this wiki page, you may also note any features you've successful tested below (be sure to add your name after any comments you make).

  • If you don't yet have a Wiki account, you can visit the "Log in / create account" link at the very top of this webpage. After creating your account, visit this page and click on the "Edit" link next to the section you wish to edit.
  • If you don't have the time to add your notes to this Wiki page, don't worry about it. Just please report any bugs or problems you have, so that we can get them fixed!

Web UI - JSP

  • Accuracy and completeness of online help
    • standard help
    • administrator help

Admin UI - JSP

  • Communities and collections
    • Create new community
    • Create new sub-community
    • Create new collection
      • Create collection with template
      • Create collection with own license
      • Create collection with one ore more workflow steps
      • Create collection with collection-admin
  • Epersons and groups
    • Create new e-person
    • Create new group
    • Edit existing eperson
    • Edit existing group
    • Delete existing eperson
    • Delete existing group
    • Change groups which have been added to groups
  • Items
    • Edit item
    • Withdraw and reinstate item as an admin
    • Withdraw and reinstate item as an collection admim
      • withdraw
      • reinstantiate - the collection administrator has no possibility to reinstantiate an item as he got no access to the admin withdrawn items or other possibility to get a list of his withdrawn items 
    • Move Items
    • Expunge item
  • Registries
    • Metadata registry
      • edit schema
      • create new schema
      • edit field
      • create field
      • delete field
      • move field
    • Bitstream format registry
      • create new - note newly created bitstream formats not applied to existing bitstreams with this format
      • edit existing
        • edit metadata
        • change internal flag
      • delete existing - wonder whether the license formats (default and CC) should be deletable at all
  • Admin tasks
    • Abort a workflow via admin UI -the admin should enter a reason and the submitter and workflow responsible should be notified
    • Authorisation (see Authorisation below)
    • Edit top news on front page (test UTF-8 characters)
    • Edit side news on front page (test UTF-8 characters)
    • Edit License
    • Supervisors - wonder who really uses this feature, it has such a small scope, maybe we should ask via the lists. Some other admin tool to view in general unfinished submissions and lingering workflow tasks might be more useful 
    • Statistics (see statistics below)
    • Delete collection
      • on deleting the collection there should be more information about it's content for the admin. Maybe an automated export of the collection for the admin would be usefull too
        • items in the collection
        • items in submission
        • items in workflow
      • anything in progress should be deleted with notifications
        • ongoing submission
        • workflow task
    • Delete community - see comments above on collection deletion same for community deletion
    • Metadata import (see Batch import below)

Miscellaneous UI - JSP

  • Item Display
  • Community and Collection Home Pages
    • Elements of the Home Page
    • Recent Submissions
  • Configure metadata fields to appear in simple item display
    • Default
    • collection specific
  • show strength of communities and collections
    • cached
    • not cached
  • HTML documents (see also: Submission UI)
  • RSS Feeds (not completely testable without a real handle server running)
    • For the top level
    • For a community
    • For a collection
  • OpenSearch
  • My DSpace
    • View and manage subscriptions (see also E-mail below)
    • View accepted submissions
    • View uthorization groups I am member of
    • Unifinished Submissions
      • Delete
      • View
      • Resume
    • Usability - could do with a bit of tidying up, not very concise
    • Password forgotten
      • standard registered user
    • Register
    • Edit profile
      • User data
      • Change password
    • OpenURL links - we need a neutral Logo not the MIT Links one
  • Suggest an item
    • without login restriction
    • without login restriction
  • Map an item from one collection to another
    • mapping - the mapping itself works, but the search for items to map is case sensitive in the jspui 
      • collection, item was mapped to, browse indices
      • parent communities of this collection, browse indices
    • unmapping
      • collection, browse indices
      • parent communities, browse indices

Submission UI - JSP

  • Creative commons licences
    • Switch on and off
    • Try using HTTP proxy via ``
  • File
    • Submission with single file
    • Submission with multiple files
    • Upload HTML document (multiple files with primary bitstream)
  • Configure input-forms.xml
    • added/removed dc fields
    • added other metadata schema fields
    • using fields of different schemas
  • Recognised and unrecognised formats
  • Checksum verification
    • See below
  • Licences
    • Site default (check for UTF-8 characters)
    • Collection specific (check for UTF-8 characters)
  • use of controlled vocabulary

Submission workflow - JSP

  • Collections with no workflow steps, or a combination
  • For each workflow step, test editing metadata
  • Test accept and reject or new submissions

Authentication - JSP

under UI for now, since it's the only place it's currently used

  • Simple login username/password
  • Edit user profile
  • Registration, forgot password
  • LDAP server
    • Hierarchical LDAP
  • Shibboleth
  • X509 certificate
  • Logging out

Search and Browse - JSP (nearly done)

  • Configure columns in item lists (search results etc) using webui.itemlist.columns in dspace.cfg
  • Browse communities and collections
  • Browse titles, authors, subjects, by date
    • With scope 'All of DSpace'
    • in a community
    • in a sub-community
    • in a collection
      Configure date, author, title, subject by using `webui.browse.index.` properties in `dspace.cfg`
    • add a new browse index
    • change order and properties
  • Search
    • simple search
    • advanced search
    • change default search operator
    • configure search indices
    • Controlled vocabulary subject search
    • Try configuring a different analyzer (e.g. for Chinese)


  • UI
  • emails

Web UI - XML

  • Accuracy and completeness of online help - there is no online help for the xmlui atm

Admin UI - XML

  • Communities and collections
    • Create new community
    • Create new sub-community
    • Create new collection
      • Create collection with template
      • Create collection with own license
      • Create collection with one ore more workflow steps
      • Create collection with collection-admin
  • Epersons and groups
    • Create new e-person
    • Create new group
    • Edit existing eperson
    • Edit existing group
    • Delete existing eperson
    • Delete existing group
    • Change groups which have been added to groups
  • Items
    • Edit item
    • Withdraw and reinstate item as an admin
    • Withdraw and reinstate item as an collection admin
    • Expunge item
  • Registries
    • Edit metadata registry - new DC fields
    • Move metadata fields between schemas
    • Edit metadata registry - new schema
    • Edit bitstream format registry
  • Admin tasks
    • Abort a workflow via admin UI
    • Authorisation (see Authorisation below)
    • Edit top news on front page (test UTF-8 characters)
    • Edit side news on front page (test UTF-8 characters)
    • Edit License
    • Supervisors
    • Statistics (see statistics below)
    • Delete collection
    • Delete community
    • Login as a different user (impersonate)

Miscellaneous UI - XML

  • Item Display *
  • default display
  • full display
  • Community and Collection Home Pages *
  • Elements of the Home Page
  • Recent Submissions
  • ** Recent Submissions list is different in xmlui from jspui
    *Configure metadata fields to appear in simple item display
  • Default (webui.itemdisplay.default = ...)
  • Per-collection ( = ... and = ...
  • Show strengths (item counts) of communities and collections
  • HTML documents (see also: Submission UI)
  • RSS Feeds
    • For the top level
    • For a community
    • For a collection
  • Translations
  • My DSpace
    • View and manage subscriptions (see also E-mail below)
    • View accepted submissions
    • View authorization groups I am member of
    • Unifinished Submissions
      • Delete
      • View
      • Resume
    • Usability
    • Password forgotten
      • standard registered user
      • not registered user, inactive user account
    • Register
    • Edit profile
      • User data
      • Change password
    • OpenURL links
  • Suggest an item
  • Map an item from one collection to another
    • mapping
      • collection, item was mapped to, browse indices
      • parent communities of this collection, browse indices
    • unmapping
      • collection, browse indices
      • parent communities, browse indices

Submission UI - XML

  • Creative commons licences
    • Switch on and off
    • Try using HTTP proxy via ``
  • File
    • Submission with single file
    • Submission with multiple files
    • Upload HTML document (multiple files with primary bitstream)
  • Configure input-forms.xml
    • added/removed dc fields
    • added other metadata schema fields
    • using fields of different schemas
  • Recognised and unrecognised formats
  • Checksum verification
    • See below
  • Licences
    • Site default (check for UTF-8 characters)
    • Collection specific (check for UTF-8 characters)

Submission workflow - XML

  • Collections with no workflow steps, or a combination
  • For each workflow step, test editing metadata
  • Test accept and reject or new submissions
  • Controlled vocabulary

Authentication - XML

under UI for now, since it's the only place it's currently used

  • Simple login username/password
  • Edit user profile
  • Registration, forgot password
  • LDAP server
    • Hierarchical LDAP
  • Shibboleth
    • WAYF login
    • WAYFless login
    • Single logout
  • X509 certificate
  • Logging out

Search and Browse - XML

  • Configure columns in item lists (search results etc) using webui.itemlist.columns in dspace.cfg
  • Browse communities and collections
  • Browse titles, authors, subjects, by date
    • With scope 'All of DSpace'
    • in a community
    • in a sub-community
    • in a collection
      Configure date, author, title, subject by using webui.browse.index. properties in dspace.cfg
  • Try configuring a different analyzer (e.g. for Chinese)
  • Basic and advanced search
    Configure search fields (search.index. in dspace.cfg)
  • Controlled vocab subject search

Advanced functionality


Batch import/export

  • Test import
  • Test export


  • Add metadata
  • Delete metadata
  • Add bitstream
  • Delete bitstream

Media Filters

  • Thumbnail generation
  • Full-text extraction and indexing
  • Configure to support different bitstream formats
  • Test collection flag


  • Configure an SMTP server that needs authentication, try sending mail (e.g. 'forgot password' mail)
  • Send feedback using link in footer
  • Get error alerts
  • Test subscriptions (subs-daily)
  • Test forgot-password email
  • Test 'new user registration' email facility
  • Email to user after successful submission
  • Email from checksum checker

IP Based Authentication

  • single
  • truncated
  • range

Statistical reports

  • Check they work and are counting correctly

Checksum checker

  • Change a file and check the reporter catches it
  • Change file back to original and check the report is clear
  • Sends emails correctly (see 'E-mail' section above)
  • Check across multiple asset stores


OAI-ORE Harvesting

  • Test Creating a Collection which Harvests metadata-only items via OAI-PMH
  • Test Creating a Collection which Harvests files + metadata via OAI-ORE enabled site (e.g. another DSpace with OAI-ORE enabled).

Installation, Updating, Deployment

  • Test fresh install
    • on IBM AIX
    • on Windows
    • on Linux
  • Test update from 1.5.x with existing data + configuration
  • Update customised/modified DSpace, find 'gotchas'
  • See also Handle Server
  • Test on:
    • Linux
    • Windows
    • Mac
    • other UNIX

Under the bonnet/hood

  • Validate Plugin Manager configuration by running command: `bin/dsrun org.dspace.core.PluginManager` and then check log for errors and warnings.

Database platforms

  • Test fresh install
    • On PostgreSQL
    • On Oracle
  • Test 4->5 upgrade
    • On PostgreSQL
    • On Oracle
  • Test any previous version -> 5 upgrade
    • On PostgreSQL
    • On Oracle

Bitstream storage

  • Multiple asset stores
    • Add second assetstore and ensure new submissions go in there, test whether new bitstreams are accessible
    • SRB

Handle Server

  • Install/update and test a 'live' Handle Server (connect to global)


  • Default permissions (on submission)
  • Remove read access, check access not possible (on bitstreams)
  • Check unauthorised users cannot access admin UI, edit community/collection/item screens, submit
  • Community administrator role
  • Community admins can create new sub-communities and collections.
  • Collection administrator role
  • Collection admins can withdraw/reinstate items with the default "COLLECTION_ADMIN" privileges.

Content API

TODO - What needs to be tested here?

Packagers, crosswalks

  • Need feedback on API
    • Test with command-line app.
    • Configure dissemination crosswalk plugins as OAI formats, see `config/templates/`

Batch jobs

  • Test batch jobs:
    • dspace (script launcher)
    • cleanup
    • create-administrator
    • doi-organiser
    • migrate
    • rdfizer
    • oai
    • indexers
      • Lucene (deprecated): index-lucene-init/index-lucene-update/index-db-browse
      • Solr Discovery: index-discovery
      • Solr Statistics: stats-util
      • Solr Authority: index-authority
    • make-handle-config
    • metadata-export
    • metadata-import
    • packager
    • stats
    • structure-builder
    • sub-daily
    • update-handle-prefix