Versions Compared


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Current Expression of Owner and Contributors using DC

Note that this does not support:

  • any information on when creation or contribution happened – collectively or separately 
  • any ordering or other differentiation of contribution within the group
  • any association of any creator or contributor with any collection item

Also would seem preferable to use the DC Terms ontology properties creator and contributor since they have a dcterms:Agent as the range.


Virtual Collection's owner


Code Block
@prefix dc:    <> .
  dc:contributor       <http://localhost:3000/individual/fg346> .

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Proposed Expression of Owner and Contributors using PROV-O


Code Block
@prefix foaf:    <> .

<> a foaf:Person, foaf:Agent, prov:Agent . 
Code Block
@prefix dc:         <> .
@prefix dcterms:    <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155> a ore:Aggregation, prov:Entity
  dc:creator      prov:wasGeneratedBy  <http://localhost:3000/individual/act155> ;
   prov:wasAttributedTo <> .
Code Block
<http://localhost:3000/individual/act155> a prov:Activity ;
  prov:startedAtTime     "2014-07-16T02:02:02Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  prov:wasStartedBy      <> ;
  prov:generated         <http://localhost:3000/individual/vc155>
  prov:endedAtTime       "2014-07-16T03:24:13Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
  prov:wasEndedBy        <> .


  • generated is saying this person created the virtual collection
  • endedAtTime will be the last time an item was added to or removed from the virtual collection, effectly representing a modifiedDate
    • What about if the title of the virtual collection changes?  Does endedAtTime change?
  • wasEndedBy will be the last person to add or remove an item to the virtual collection.

Virtual Collection's contributors

Code Block
@prefix foaf:    <> .
<http://localhost:3000/individual/fg346> a foaf:Agent, foaf:Group .
<> a foaf:Person ;
  foaf:member <http://localhost:3000/individual/fg346> .
<> a foaf:Person ;
  foaf:member <http://localhost:3000/individual/fg346> .
<> a foaf:Person ;
  foaf:member <http://localhost:3000/individual/fg346> .
Code Block
@prefix dc:    <> .
  dc:contributor       <http://localhost:3000/individual/fg346> .












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