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  • Time: 12 11:00pm 30am Eastern Daylight Time US (UTC-4)
  • Call-in: DuraSpace conference line
    • 209-647-1600,   117433#



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Review goals for the next 6 months
Push for 4.0 acceptance testing and beta pilots
Finalize Technical Working Group charter and create WG

Discuss Fedora training program

Increase developer commitments for Q3 and Q4 2014



  • Goals for the next 6 months
    • Do we agree on the goals?
      • Clarify status of Fedora 3.x
        • Fedora 3 line will be done after 3.8
        • No more releases except for security patches
        • Can’t impact release of Fedora 4 - people will not want to migrate if 4 is not better
        • Fedora 3 shouldn’t cloud Fedora 4 communication
    • Release Fedora 4.0 this year
      • When announcing Fedora 3 EOL also announce status of green field Fedora 4.0
    • Ensure Fedora 4 provides foundation for community technical needs
      • Put in place infrastructure for continual validation/checking of Fedora 4 as it develops
    • Increase developer and user community
  • Push for 4.


  1. Open Repositories 2014 debrief
  2. ...


  • 0 acceptance testing and beta pilots
    • Need acceptance testing and beta pilots to get to 4.0
    • Andrew created a page with a punch list of acceptance tests and templates for doing the tests
    • Ideally the people who test the features are not the same people who wrote the code
    • The July-December sprints should be fed by community feedback
    • Which tests are most important for getting Fedora 4.0 to production?
    • Yale: Could do some heavy security tests on Fedora 4.0 beta
    • Andrew: We’d like to do a bi-weekly status update email. Number of tests done, number of beta pilots, etc.
  • Finalize TWG charter and create WG
    • Charter has been agreed upon and will be finalized
    • A non-draft version will be created
    • Members have been tentatively nominated and will be formalized when the official charter is created
      • Nominations: Declan F, Neil J, Esmé C, Zhiwu X, Ben A, Chris B, Adam S

  • Discuss Fedora 4 training
    • Need an effective way to engage the user community
    • An intensive RiRi-like camp would be effective
    • Need to train developers to deploy and contribute back
    • Can be revenue-neutral or even cash flow positive
    • Travel could be a problem
    • Who wants to help implement this program?
    • Should we divert funds to support this program?
    • DC FUG and eResearch Australasia might be good pilots
    • Need a framework for capturing training modules as they are developed
    • Need to start in 2014, work out the kinks to be ready for 2015
    • Should migration be a topic?
      • Introducing mapping concepts from F3 to F4
      • Opportunities in F4 for upgrading content models, etc.
  • Increasing Developers
    • Need more developers to get to 4.0
    • There will likely be a push at the end of the year

