Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


The ontology is presented below

Code Block
@prefix ocrerowl:   <> .
@prefix prxsd:    <https<http://iphwww.rasw3.ruorg/2001/relationships#>XMLSchema#> .
@prefix owlrdfs:   <>rdf-schema#> .
@prefix nssearch:    <http<> vitro-search#> .
@prefix sciresvitro: <> .
@prefix xsd:   <> .
@prefix skos:  <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix swo:   <> .
@prefix ocresd: <> .
@prefix cito:  <> .
@prefix geo:   <> .
@prefix search: <> .
@prefix ocresst: <> .
@prefix xml:   <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix vivo:  <> .
@prefix vann:  <> .
@prefix event: <> .
@prefix foaf:  <> .
@prefix c4o:   <> .
@prefix fabio: <> .
@prefix vcard: <> .
@prefix vitro: <> .
@prefix skos2: <> .
@prefix vitro-public: <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix ocresp: <> .
@prefix ecrm:  <> .
@prefix bibo:  <> .
@prefix ro:    <> .
@prefix obo:   <> .
@prefix dc:    <> .

        a> .

        a                          owl:Ontology ;
        vitro:ontologyPrefixAnnot  "search" .

search:PublicParameter  a             owl:Class .

search:SearchField  a                 owl:Class .

search:FilterValue  a                 owl:Class ;
        rdfs:subClassOf               search:PublicParameter .

search:Sort  a                        owl:Class ;
        rdfs:subClassOf               search:PublicParameter .

search:RangeFilter  a                 owl:Class ;
        rdfs:subClassOf               search:Filter .

search:FilterGroup  a                 owl:Class ;
        rdfs:subClassOf               search:PublicParameter .

search:Filter  a                      owl:Class ;
        rdfs:subClassOf               search:PublicParameter .

search:multivalued  a                 owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:SearchField ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:boolean .

search:isAscending  a                 owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:Sort ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:boolean .

search:indexField  a                  owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:SearchField ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:string .

search:contains  a                    owl:OntologyObjectProperty ;
        vitro:ontologyPrefixAnnot  "search" .

search:PublicParameter  a    rdfs:domain                   search:FilterGroup ;
         owlrdfs:Class .

search:SearchFieldrange   a                 owlsearch:ClassFilter .

search:FilterValuestep  a                        owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:ClassFunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:subClassOfdomain                   search:PublicParameterRangeFilter .

    a    rdfs:range                    owlxsd:Class ;int .

        rdfs:subClassOfa               search:PublicParameter .

search:RangeFilter  a                 owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:ClassFunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:subClassOfdomain                   search:FilterSearchField .

search:FilterGroup  a;
        rdfs:range                    owlxsd:Classboolean ;

search:filterField  a     rdfs:subClassOf            owl:ObjectProperty ,  searchowl:PublicParameterFunctionalProperty .

   a     rdfs:domain                 owl  search:ClassFilter ;
        rdfs:subClassOfrange                    search:PublicParameterSearchField .

search:multivaluedisUriValues  a                 owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:SearchFieldFilter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:boolean .

search:isAscendingorder  a                       owl:DatatypePropertyFunctionalProperty , owl:FunctionalPropertyDatatypeProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:SortPublicParameter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:booleaninteger .

search:indexFielduserInput  a                   owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:SearchFieldFilter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:stringboolean .

search:containsfrom  a                        owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:ObjectPropertyFunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:FilterGroupRangeFilter ;
        rdfs:range                    searchxsd:Filterstring .

        a                             owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:RangeFilterFilter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:intboolean .

 sortField       a                             owl:DatatypePropertyFunctionalProperty , owl:FunctionalPropertyObjectProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:SearchFieldSort ;
        rdfs:range                    xsdsearch:booleanSearchField .

search:filterFieldid  a                          owl:ObjectPropertyDatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:FilterPublicParameter ;
        rdfs:range                    searchxsd:SearchFieldstring .

search:isUriValuesfacetResults  a                 owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:Filter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:boolean .

search:orderto  a                          owl:FunctionalPropertyDatatypeProperty , owl:DatatypePropertyFunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:PublicParameterRangeFilter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:integerstring .

search:userInputhasKnownValue  a                   owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ObjectProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                    search:Filter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd search:booleanFilterValue .

search:frompublic  a                        owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:RangeFilterPublicParameter ;
        rdfs:range                    xsd:stringboolean .

        a                             owl:DatatypeProperty<> , owl:FunctionalProperty<> ;
        rdfs:domain                   search:Filter<> ;
        rdfs:range          <> ;
        rdfs:subPropertyOf   xsd:boolean .

search:sortField<> .

        a                   owl:FunctionalProperty<> , owl:ObjectProperty<> ;
        rdfs:domain     rdfs:domain     <> ;
        rdfs:range          search:Sort<> ;
        rdfs:rangesubPropertyOf           <> .

An example of configuration search page is provided below.

Code Block
@prefix :         search:SearchField<> .

@prefix vitro-search:id  a                          owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfs:domain <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .

:filter_group_search_filters  a    vitro-search:FilterGroup ;
        vitro-search:contains      :range_filter_dates , :filter_organizations , :filter_persons , search:PublicParameter ;
        rdfs:range    filter_publication_year .

:filter_publication_year  a        vitro-search:Filter ;
       xsd:string .

 vitro-search:facetResults  atrue ;
          vitro-search:filterField     owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalProperty:field_publication_year ;
        rdfsvitro-search:domainid                   search:Filter"publication_year" ;
        rdfsvitro-search:rangepublic        true .

:field_persons  a         xsd:boolean .

search:to    a     vitro-search:SearchField ;
        vitro-search:indexField   "persons_ss" ;
        owlvitro-search:DatatypePropertyisLanguageSpecific ,true owl:FunctionalProperty ;
        rdfsvitro-search:domainmultivalued  true .

:range_filter_dates  a              vitro-search:RangeFilter ;
        rdfsvitro-search:rangefilterField  :field_dates ;
                 xsd:string .

vitro-search:hasKnownValuefrom  a       "1900" ;
        owl:ObjectProperty ;
  vitro-search:id       rdfs:domain    "dates" ;
        vitro-search:public       search:Filterfalse ;
        rdfsvitro-search:rangeto           "2030" .

:filter_organizations  a       search:FilterValue .

search:public  a vitro-search:Filter ;
         vitro-search:facetResults  true ;
        owl:DatatypeProperty , owl:FunctionalPropertyvitro-search:filterField   :field_organizations ;
        rdfsvitro-search:domainid            "organizations" ;
        vitro-search:PublicParameterisUriValues   true ;
        rdfsvitro-search:rangepublic        true .

:filter_persons  a         xsd:boolean .

        avitro-search:Filter ;
        vitro-search:facetResults  true ;
        <> , <>vitro-search:filterField   :field_persons ;
        rdfs:domain   vitro-search:id      <> ;
     "persons" ;
  rdfs:range      vitro-search:isUriValues    <>true ;
        rdfs:subPropertyOf  <>vitro-search:public        true .

:field_dates  a        a            vitro-search:SearchField ;
       <> , <> ;
 vitro-search:indexField    "dates_drsim" .

:field_organizations  a            rdfsvitro-search:domainSearchField ;
        <>vitro-search:indexField    "organizations_ss" ;
        vitro-search:multivalued   true .

:field_publication_year  rdfs:rangea          <>vitro-search:SearchField ;
        rdfs:subPropertyOf  <>vitro-search:indexField    "publication_year_ss" .


Role based search filtering
