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**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**


See Rotating Schedule here 


  1. Announcements
    1. Lyrasis office closure (see above)
    2. LTS email was sent out yesterday (12/6); this raises awareness of the need to migrate for ongoing support
    3. Participate in the holiday fun if you're interested!
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics
    1. Érudit is a non-profit consortium based on Montreal (using Fedora 3 for journal publishing); looking to migrate to Fedora 6. David Cormier and Fabio Batalha introduced themselves to the rest of the group.
      1. Migration is currently underway (testing stage; migration-utils were successful, though some errors found likely caused by environment)
      2. 750,000 objects to migrate (articles from scientific journals with various datastreams – PDFs, images, etc.)
      3. Theses and books are not currently stored in Fedora, but that is a future goal
      4. Using STOMP integration for Fedora 3.8 and RISearch interface
      5. Have looked at some other solutions, but Fedora migration seems most logical strategy
        1. OCFL was not a major consideration in assessing options; the ease of data migration was the primary factor pointing toward F6 as a good solution.
          1. The benefits of OCFL were discussed (file system transparency, disaster recovery, etc.)
      6. Next step: looking at integration with a linked data tool (have had some problems with high memory/CPU utilization by Camel Toolbox even when low activity – still investigating)
        1. Demian and Thomas suggested setting up an external ActiveMQ instance to see if that helps with performance
        2. Additionally, the Camel Toolbox Docker image may be out of date (though Thomas believes this is being used in production and is okay for him)
          1. Once the fcrepo6 Docker image rebuilding process is figured out (Jared is currently working on it), we should apply the same process to fcrepo-camel to ensure that base images keep getting updated.
        3. Thomas is willing to compare Docker configurations in case one of the settings is a factor (will discuss further in Slack)
      7. David asked about how others are using Camel toolbox
        1. Demian is using the Camel Toolbox HTTP connector to populate Solr through a microservice (which does more complex indexing than the native Camel Toolbox Solr indexer can handle, including API lookups, etc.)
        2. Thomas is using Fuseki without Solr; currently experiencing some performance issues and investigating the root cause. Adding Solr might be useful in the future.
        3. No one in the meeting was aware of anyone using ElasticSearch with Fedora, but Arran will ask around.
    2. Thomas suggested a 6.0.1 release of Camel Toolbox.
      1. Starting a Fedora 6.5 release process in late January; maybe we can coordinate this with that.
  3. Migration Updates
    1. Calvin reported that migration has begun for more collections. He's having some compilation problems with Jared's latest PR and asked for a .war file (will follow up on Slack). Also working on external ActiveMQ setup.
  4. Updates on
    1. Open tickets
      1. FCREPO-3912
        1. Thomas has commented with a possible solution but hasn't had a chance to try it yet.
      2. FCREPO-3910
        1. Thomas and team will investigate next year, taking Jared's advise of using tools to try to get more insight into where the problems lie.
      3. FCREPO-3906
        1. On Thomas' to-do list.
      4. FCREPO-3905
        1. Ben plans to work on this soon.
    2. In progress and older but still relevant tickets
      1. FCREPO-3913
        1. Jared and Thomas have both been investigating this. Mike also mentioned that this problem should be mitigated by the release of 6.5 next month (though still worth fixing in case of future problems).
      2. FCREPO-3875
        1. Mike plans to work through Jared's feedback on the associated PR.
    3. In review
      1. FCREPO-3916
        1. Mike plans to look at this next week. The Samvera community is waiting on this for a Sirenia update.
      2. FCREPO-3914
        1. Dan has done some work on this.
      3. FCREPO-3907
        1. Calvin is looking at this.
      4. FCREPO-3883
        1. Mike will work through Jared's feedback.
      5. FCREPO-3881
        1. Mike will work through Jared's feedback.
      6. FCREPO-3841
        1. Closed!
  5. New tickets
    1. None this week.
  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working
    1. None this week.