Versions Compared


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  1. Announcements:
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. fedora:hasParent relation?
      1. From slack: Andrew Woods thought we had kept the link from children to parents and not the other way around, so he does not have any insights.
    2. From Samvera Hyrax Working Group. Refresh required in UI for data to show up
  3. Migration Updates?
  4. Updates on:

    1. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 

      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
      3. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
    2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:

      1. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
    3. In Review:

      1. Tombstone Tickets - Mike
        1. Jira
          serverFedora JIRA
        2. Jira
          serverFedora JIRA
      2. Jira
        serverFedora JIRA
  5. New tickets:

  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working:
  7. Next Meeting Chair:
    1. Chair: Doron Shalvi
    2. Note Taker: Demian Katz

See Rotating Schedule here  



  • Samvera Fedora 6 Hyrax Working Group met today
    • Still working through collection of user stories and identifying necessary pre-work needed to move forward
    • Hyrax team has successfully stood up a Hyrax 5 + Fedora 6 environment which uncovered a few small issues, but they are hopeful they're easy to resolve.
    • Will be meeting in-person at Samvera Connect in 2 weeks
  • Dan will be attending Samvera Connect on behalf of Fedora

  • TACC NSF Grant still on hold for submission until NSF budgets are finalized
    • TACC has offered space in their HPC environment for performance testing of Fedora 6 at higher volumes of data than we purchased hardware to do locally, so Dan will be coordinating with Maria Esteva

Pop-Up/Other Topics:

  • fedora:hasParent conversation from Slack - Andrew Woods commented that he understood that we maintained the link from children to parents and not the reverse
    • Ticker for this should be opened
  • Refresh required in UI intermittently - came from discussions in Fedora 6 Hyrax Working Group 
    • known issue with previous versions of Fedora and within the HTML UI
    • Should be a consideration for the new UI work
    • Dan will create a ticket and add it to the functional requirements doc he is building for the new HTML UI

Migration Updates - NA

Open Tickets:

3907 - Jared updated ticket with notes/considerations

3906 - update java json-ld version?

3905 - add option to both migration-utils and upgrade-utils

  • Nothing currently in the documentation about changing host name

In-Progress Tickets:

3882 - Jared almost done, just need to finalize a few components

  • Options: 410, 404, RDF stream?
  • Problem could arise when you PUT over top of the tombstone, but maybe not a problem because it’s only returning the memento
  • Return 410 on the memento that did the delete

In Review Tickets:

3904 - merged, close ticket


New HTML UI - Google Doc

  • Dan was going to prototype something with Solr and write it as an external application
  • Do we want a design meeting with a wider group once prototype has started?
    • Will want to scope something out before opening it up to additional feedback
  • Need to consider how to duplicate messaging events across UI and Camel because ActiveMQ only returns 1 message
    • Not all users may use UI and Camel, so we can’t make this assumption
    • Need to consider how to turn the messaging off as well so the messages don’t queue when the UI is turned off
  • Would want to achieve feature parody with UI from pre-Fedora 6 then start to think about addition of features to resolve use cases
    • Ie. transactions
  • Treat the new admin UI as a client for the API and maybe there are some extensions to the API to get all the things in to it that we want
  • Going to revisit the React approach to creating the UI as a client
  • Server-side component still in consideration? Or will it be entirely browser-driven?