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  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration - Meetings with Stanford will only occur on an as needed basis. Authority request issues: (prioritized based on "important" authorities and ease of completion)
    • 2023-06-15 - Steven, Nancy, Jeremy and SVDE reps meet to discuss ideal integration would look like without caching. Derived use case has so far been problematic. Andrea will provide SVDE search API documentation and we can then asses match for QA needs; needs from CUL-IT being captured here:
      Widget Connector
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2023-06-15 - Decided to maintain distinction between Deprecation and Delete. Next meeting on July 7

Other Topics

  • POD & SHARE-VDE... should this team interact with that re: use cases, data analysis or other?
    • 2023-06-15 - Still waiting on word on the MOU. Will push on this in July
  • Entity Management in FOLIO
    • 2023-06-15 - prioritization around use cases happened last meeting - and there is a deadline of tomorrow for raising any remaining discussion/questions/issues. Some/many of the use cases have broader impact/appeal than entities in that BIBFRAME was in scope for this work so entities are not only context but also bibliographic. Jacquie Samples has been a major contributor to EMWG but will be stepping off by September given Duke's ALMA implementation plans. 
    • Next meeting is 6/20 where we'll discuss any remaining prioritization questions and Andreas will give an overview of Libris workflows
  • CUL Authorities in FOLIO
    • 2023-02-02 Starting some work on URIs in MARC, writing up new practices so more can follow in MARCEdit workflows. Will do some assessment
    • 2023-05-12
      • working on documentation of our new workflows
      • about to begin discussions on Mary/others in LTS being able to generate reports so we don't have to ask Frances for more each time the last set is complete.
    • 06-15 Completing documentation, archiving and deleting Voyager procedures.
      • Going to provide OCLC feedback on our wishes for receiving URIs in MARC, Currently using Connexion below means we would ingest records in FOLIO using single record import, and have to come back 24 hours later to get the URIs. Would be nice if initial export included them no matter where a cataloger works because it’s all the same save file.
      2023-05-24 Discussion about how to handle DEI LCSH issues with authorities, whether to make changes to bib
  • FAST at CUL
    • 2023-05-24 : Plan to re-enliven FAST maintenance & creation this summer
  • BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) - Steven Cornell rep and Jason alternate
    2023-01-12: Met this week to go over Sinopia use of SHACL as a validating strategy. During the meeting there was a nice iteration on existing shapes based on clearer understanding of data needs. National Library of Sweden demoed their implementation of
    • 2023-03-24 Sinopia has been updated load a DC TAP ( file and create SHACL, which can then be used to validate some RDF
    • 2023-03-30 Steven part of DC TAP group and also working on PCC profiles spreadsheet and what it would take to make that DC TAP compliant
    • 2023-06-15 Met earlier this week. Going entity by entity to look at what needs to be recorded and what doesn't. Support for minimal data including administrative information about who created what/when (though will be sketchy RDF semantics)

Upcoming meetings/presentations

  • LD4 (proposals due June 2)
    • Huda and Steven submitted discovery proposal
    • Steven and Simeon submitted best practices for entity management lightning talk (10mins)
  • SWIB - Berlin, 10, 11-13 September
    • Steven QA proposal accepted
    • Workshop proposal accepted – Planning session July 27
  • BIBFRAME in Europe (proposal deadline: 5/28) - Brussels, 18-19 September
    • Phil submitted proposal
  • DCMI (Paper deadline: 5/19) - Daegu, Korea, November 6-10
    • Phil submitting panel proposal for POD and OMF
  • WOLFcon - Chicago, August. Nothing planned for EMWG at-present
  • LD4 (proposals due June 2)
    • Discovery topic discussion started by Huda
    • Steven and Simeon to work on best practices for entity management lightning talk (10mins)

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

2023-06-22 - Cancel

2023-06-29 - Jason out but Steven/Greg/Simeon to meet