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  • for issues etc. 
  • Research: how to go from knowledge graph to an index
  • BANG! (Bibliographic Aspects Newly GUI'd)
    • 2022-12-15 (no change since last week)  
      • Draft for lessons learned - Steven added additional thoughts on 2022-12-07, unless Huda has more to add, this is complete.
      • Documentation for scripts for data analysis forthcoming – Huda has started
      • Would be good to get this wrapped up next week
    • 2023-01-05
      • Scripts documentation is (basically) done! I could add some screenshots but it would be fine without it.  (I may add those just to supplement). Link
  • BAM! WOW! (Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata)
    • 2022-12-15
      • Huda working to refine "work info" additions and author pages, tweaking labels etc.. Good examples for Vivaldi works where Tracey's group is adding information
      • Have tests starting on Monday, 2 people. Might have others the first week of January
      • Will review tasks with Steven tomorrow
    • 2023-01-05
      • 5 people for testing: 3 grad students and 2 staff members
      • Draft link for usability report, expect to complete by end of week
      • TODO: Huda will set up a meeting with Tracey to go over these results and also discuss potential directions for the future
      • Will then work on demo video
      • Also need to finish lessons learned page for this phase
  • DAG Calls
    • 20222023-1201-15 05 - Last meeting of the year with "state of the AG" on TuesdayNext meeting Jan 17

Linked-Data Authority Support (WP2)

  • Qa Sinopia Collaboration - Meetings with Stanford will only occur on an as needed basis. Authority request issues: (prioritized based on "important" authorities and ease of completion)
    • 2022-12-07
      • Steven is still working on plan to use non-cached lookups. Struggling a little to get a list of just the PCC template lookups.
      • Trying to wade through MESH related issues.
        • Was asked about possibly renewing the cache in January when the 2023 update is available. Trying to encourage direct API usage. E.g.
        • Made pull request in Sinopia for MESH subauths already in QA but not yet available in Sinopia.
    • 2022-12-15
      • Steven (with help from Justin L.) able to identify PCC Template lookups
        • Completed a table including the lookup, LC's API if applicable, QA Direct Lookup if available, how often the data changes, and other thoughts when there was a unique issue with a lookup.
        • Wondering if next step is to try to identify highly used templates (not limited to PCC) so that we can better understand the demand for lookups. Decision yes.
        • TODO
          • Add a section for non-PCC lookups that are highly used.
          • Add approximate size of each dataset.
    • 2023-01-05
      • Steven added sections to the "Less reliance on caching" planning document to account for heavy Sinopia Users (Nat. Library of Norway and University of Washington). Each has a slightly different emphasis in terms of lookups.
      • Broadly speaking we have the following questions:
        • With no plan for a continued cache for Getty, do we want to look into Getty APIs?
        • Dave is going to refresh MESH for 2023. Do we need a plan for after 2023? Their model/queries are a little more complicated than others, size is relatively big.
        • RDA is made up of a bunch of very small static vocabularies. How low can we rely on Dave’s existing cache for these?
          • Do we add these as static lookups in QA?
        • For LOC vocabularies, what plan needs to be in place for switching to LOC APIs? E.g. Data will be more up to date, but it will lack the same context.
          • Can we add “direct” lookups through QA?
        • ISNI and DBpedia are large dynamic datasets. Would we consider direct lookups for these?
        • Big Question: Do we rely on separate data source APIs? Or add “direct” lookups in QA?
  • Best Practices for Authoritative Data working group (focus on Change Management)
    • 2022-12-15 
      • Need some wordsmithing on order recommendation
      • Steven will work on discussion about dates
  • Containerizing the QaServer - Initial work done, still exploring migration from CloudFormation to Terraform
    • 20222023-12-15 Greg imagines change from CloudFormation to Terraform provisioning would be the next step if we want to move forward with this. We have no problem running QAServer on CloudFormation in its current state. Not clear how much of the rough edges would be cleaned up by moving to Terraform, might take a coupe of work-weeks to complete. DECISION - Won't plan to move to Terraform 01-05 Sticking with CloudFormation for now
  • Containerizing the Cache Indices
    • 2022-11-17 No plan to move on this at present


Huda departure planning

  • LD4P videos and channel
    • Have asked Phil to follow up with Sean Taylor so Phil can get set up as video mage for the CUL-IT channel . If anyone else from this group would also like the ability to upload/modify video, please talk to Sean Taylor.
    • TODO: Put the original uploads in Box somewhere and share with Steven
  • LD4P3 Usability recordings
    • Box folders shared with Steven already so should hopefully will continue to exist.  Will need to be removed by end of the grant but can remain for reference
  • LD4P3 Github: will continue to exist
  • LD4P3 web deployment: Can document (in confluence?) so someone can get to it if they need to
  • D & A pull request for Wikidata image licensing: Need to do still
  • DAG: Anyone wanting to be co-chair from Cornell? Any suggestions for folks?

Upcoming meetings/presentations

  • 2/14-2/16 Meeting at Stanford in February (Simeon, Jason, Steven)
    • Need to develop plan for pre-workNeed to fix dates ASAP
      • Steven working on documentation of QA authorities and cache use
      • "What is the linked data cataloging ecosystem we would like to see?" AND "Are we using our effort in the most efficient manner for ourselves and the community?"
        • Cornell hopes in this space (ecosystem expectations, standards, services)
        • Begin envisioning a new collaboration model so we can define ways to provision for that
        • Who else should be part of discussion: Laura, Jenn, Mary, Simeon, Steven, Jason
        • Scheduled for 2/1
    • Successful meeting: take Cornell and Stanford view, understand gaps and overlap, review what we have done thus far, identify next steps to build the ecosystem

Next Meeting(s), anyone out?:

2023-01-05 12 - Every all likely present