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 (star) Doug Hahn,  Bruce Herbert , hannah sommers , Julia Trimmer , Terrie R. Wheeler  Anna Guillaumet, Michele MennielliFederico Ferrario,   Robert CartolanoTom Cramer,Christian Hauschke, Ann Beynon, Damaris Murry,  Nora DimmockFadwa Alshawaf


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Michele Mennielli


Christian Hauschke, Robert CartolanoTom Cramer,   Nora Dimmock

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information


  • Lyrasis Organizational Updates: CEO Search (Laurie, see email update)
  • Preparing CNI Video Project Brief
  • Marketing team preparing draft of annual report

Discussion (50 mins)

  • Report on VIVO Development (Dragan, 10 mins)
  • CERIF2VIVO project update (Christian, 5 min)
  • Introduction to Berlin Alliance (Fadwa, 10 mins
  • Lyrasis CEO Update update (Laurie Arp, 5 mins)
  • Project-based funding program design – the VIVO Development Fund (Bruce, 10 mins) VOTE
  • Elections are coming up – Identify candidates (Doug, 5 mins) - Dates are a little bit fluid.
    • September 26 - October 7 - Nominations for the Bronze representative election
    • October 10 - October 21 - Elections for the Bronze election
    • October 24 - November 4 - Nominations for the Community Member election
    • November 7 - November 18 - Elections for the Community Member election
    • November 21 - December 2 - Nominations for LG officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary)
    • December 5 - December 23 - Elections for LG officers 
    • January 9 – 20 - Orientation, training
    • January 18 or January 25 - First Leadership Group meeting with new officers and members
  • Planning the 2022/2023 VIVO Conference (Anna and Christian, 10 Mins)
    • Move the meeting till the spring? Need to communicate postponing meeting to VIVO community
    • Workshop to discuss future of the VIVO Community: developers, ontologists, leadership group
    • Explore joining forces with other organizations?
      • Open Repositories?  Lyrasis sponsors? – Bruce needs to do this
      • Joint Lyrasis meeting – wouldn’t that be cool?


Announcements (0 mins)

  • Lyrasis Organizational Updates: CEO Search (Laurie, see email update)
  • Preparing CNI Video Project Brief 
  • Marketing team preparing draft of annual report

Discussion (50 mins)

  • Report on VIVO Development (Dragan, 10 mins)
  • CERIF2VIVO project update (Christian, 5 min)
    Unable to make it today
  • Introduction to Berlin Alliance (Fadwa, 10 mins)
    Welcome! Fadwa led a brief discussion on what brought the Berlin Alliance to VIVO.
  • Lyrasis CEO Update update (Laurie Arp, 5 mins)
    Erin Trip is the new interim CEO.  Performing interviews.
  • Project-based funding program design – the VIVO Development Fund (Bruce, 10 mins) VOTE
  • Elections are coming up – Identify candidates (Doug, 5 mins) - Dates are a little bit fluid.
    • September 26 - October 7 - Nominations for the Bronze representative election
    • October 10 - October 21 - Elections for the Bronze election
    • October 24 - November 4 - Nominations for the Community Member election
    • November 7 - November 18 - Elections for the Community Member election
    • November 21 - December 2 - Nominations for LG officers (Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary)
    • December 5 - December 23 - Elections for LG officers 
    • January 9 – 20 - Orientation, training
    • January 18 or January 25 - First Leadership Group meeting with new officers and members
      We still have the proposal to expand community members from 3 to 5.  The current LG never came to consensus and there were some concerns.  It was proposed that we table this and have it be a first order of business for new LG.  An un-official zoom vote was taken and the majority of those in attendance approved.
  • Planning the 2022/2023 VIVO Conference (Anna and Christian, 10 Mins) - No update at this time
    • Move the meeting till the spring? Need to communicate postponing meeting to VIVO community
    • Workshop to discuss future of the VIVO Community: developers, ontologists, leadership group
    • Explore joining forces with other organizations?
      • Open Repositories?  Lyrasis sponsors? – Bruce needs to do this
      • Joint Lyrasis meeting – wouldn’t that be cool?