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Attendees:  Jason, John, Huda, Lynette, Steven, Tim, Simeon


Agenda & Notes

Review actions from 2020-05-29 Cornell LD4P2 Meeting notes

  • Simeon Warner - Need to update Zooms for future meetings
    • DONE 2020-05-29 do they show for everyone? – except Simeon!
  • Steven Folsom - To work on prioritizing pending authority requests pending in the QA Issues
    • 2020-06-05 Still to do. Steven will reach out to the requesting folks to check and do the prioritization, then give guidance to Dave if there should be change in his work order

Status updates and planning

  • Enhanced Discovery - WHAM! (see also and
    • See: Organizing doc and Pseudonym thought. Updates also on running notes page
    • Updates from Dev chat meeting
    • Usability - discussions with TIm and Kevin. We have multiple use cases but relatively straightforward features. Astrid will help out too. Document with testing plans
    • Indexing - Huda has been working on pseudonym and see-also cases so that search results from Solr more closely match UI needs. Need to check this in local VM but then need to update main suggest index. Open question about throwing out URIs not currently in catalog then when anything new is added one would have check for it - not sure which strategy is better but perhaps not important to deal with updates now. Related, think that a 2-phase index process is best for now
    • Question about whether to spend time on investigation of stemming and phonetic settings. Tim notes comment from earlier studies about interest in coping with spelling errors. Control scope for now, copy what we do on the main D&A system
    • John notes difference between Blacklight twitter type-ahead (sub library bloodhound) and the type-ahead that Tim wrote. We want to retain the system of headings that Tim developed (which likely rules out bloodhound) but then there is still a need to decide whether to use twitter type-ahead and whether to use jquery or not → suggestion that initially we should try to put in Tim's code directly and consider refactoring for twitter type-ahead later
    •   Document with testing plans.  Some initial brainstorming.  Plan on sharing tasks (perhaps with related screenshots) with Kevin to get some feedback.  Will remind regarding putting our usability work on the agenda of the Usability Working Group for next week (week of 2020-06-08). 
    • Indexing - Huda worked on trying out the index-heavy approach for handling pseudonym/see also matching and display on the dev VM.  Employed a two-phase approach (i.e. index populated first with information and then updated in a second pass.) Tim tried out the front-end with the dev VM index and appears to work.  Currently, populating main suggestion index with pseudonym info (there were only ~100 there before), and after checking status of that, will run the index approach script.  Once the main suggest index is setup, Tim can try out the front-end code.
    • Stemming/phonetic matching: Checked with Frances and these are not present in our catalog search
    • John added packaging code here: .  ACTION - Should move the code into the LD4P github organization 
    • Tim had to update the front-end controller code b/c some of the content of the fields changed and the result set for a query has changed (i.e. what matches/doesn't).   Just Tim just restarted work on rspec tests for expected results
    • By next week, hope to have usability work scheduled. Will forward tasks draft to group and to Kevin/Usability Working group today. 
    • Next week: ACTION: Huda to make slides and such to go through indexing approach, compared with client-side only, lessons learned, etc. 
    • Next steps: Usability, Updating suggest index with index-only approach scripts, Finishing up RSpec tests (depend on suggest index updates being completed), Packaging.  Plan for any index updates next week, user tests the following week
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Lookup infrastructure:, Authority requests:
    • QA performance
      • 2020-05-22 Dave is working through LoC authorities with new caching scheme, expect to hear about now
    • QA accuracy
      • 2020-05-29
        • Pretest results (see image in QA/Sinopia weekly notes).  Summary 60 tests run with 26 failing.  Of the 26, 4 were close to passing with the position off by 1 or 2.  The other 22, the expected subject URI wasn't in the results at all.  Geography data is especially bad at providing unexpected results regardless of whether it is coming from the cache or direct from the authority.  10 or the 22 failing tests were searching for a place.
        • Dave has updated the indexing for all LOC, AGROVOC, NALT, Getty, dbpedia, MeSH, RDA, CERL, and Ligatus.  These are ready for a post test run to see what impact it has on the test results.
      • 2020-06-05
        • Organized issues related to accuracy groups into a project board.  Separated issues tagged as Cache Indexing into those that are related to new authorities and those that have examples of queries that are requesting accuracy tests or describe queries that did not return results as expected.
        • Used Issue #201 to create new accuracy tests specifically for queries that have an expected result that has diacritics. 
        • Ran accuracy tests for LOC_NAMES_RWO:person.  Comparison of Results for current production indexing and proposed indexing scheme. → Clearly shows that the proposed indexing scheme is not an improvement overall
    • Authorities
  • Linked Data API Working Group
  • LD4P3 Planning
    • Stanford functional requirements document: —> ACTION - Discuss when Jason and Steven present
      • Possible relationship to entity management work in FOLIO
      • How much full LD vs linky-MARC?
      • CUL LTS working group is hoping to add URIs to MARC before FOLIO migration as a substitute for some of the heading management we do in Voyager in other ways. Perhaps won't be done ahead of switch but as part of the data migration. Considering how to update/maintain going forward
      • 2020-06-05 Agree that doing some analysis/write-up for the Cornell context would be good, ACTION for July
    • Greg has been working on setting up a copy of Cornell Blacklight
  • Meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
  • Next meetings
    • ...