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  • Discovery presentation on 3/3: what is agenda? who is speaking? who is announcing to CUL?
    • Goal is to disseminate our week and then get some feedback about what might be promising
    • Simeon to timekeep
    • We need to have a way to take good notes – designate a note taker
    • View from staff involved with virtual libraries would be interesting, also D&A user reps
    • Need to be careful about managing expectations for stage this work is at and what might happen or not going forward
  • Cataloging Sinatra and other 45's (Discogs data,
    • Lookups for place not usable and hence places are not being recorded, relies on work from Dave to fix: &
    • Have a currently insurmountable issue with nested profiles. When create Work profile with nested Instance profile there isn't a URI for the Instance (it just gets hung from a bnode). Without a URI the title of the Instance doesn't get indexed. The Sinopia team are unable to fix this in the near term.
    • Cataloging work continues with the above limitations
    • 2020-02-28 Steven update – I did a bunch of PCC profile and LOC policy related writing/correspondence; met with Huda, Tim, and John to discuss the Discovery Event (happy to help facilitate/notetake/rove on the day of the event); worked with Sinopia team to understand title search and display bugs that have been affecting Sinatra work (looks like Jeremy figured out at least some of the problem, Jeremy has created which looks at part of the problem); I still need to clean up the QA/Sinopia priority list to reflect the work completed by Lynette and Dave.
  • Enhanced Discovery (see also and
    • SMASH! (dev to run through 7 Feb, then user testing, video and write-up) – dev complete, video done, Hitchcock homage and cameos still under consideration, Lessons learned document in process and also set up document for annif use summary 
    • Open meeting March 3, 2-3:30pm in Mann 102 and should Zoom it too
    • Will continue on Hathi work...
    • How will we decide what to take forward from KAPOW!, BAM! and SMASH!? (or as Tim put it, "what happens in late February?")
      • ACTION Everyone to think about what to take forward, plan to focus 2/28 meeting on this
      • Do discovery session... get feedback
      • Knowledge panels – could we make a component that is easily reusable in any Blacklight? How much are local customizations key?
      • Semantic stuff .. annif ... relationships in data to get relevant semantic links and use of hierarchy in data 
      • Call number browse and other virtual browse notions, with semantics/facets?
      • Use of linked-data descriptions from Sinopia - what can we do in discovery that is different?
      • 2020-02-21 We have a smash video demo time set up for Monday. Hitchcock homage and cameos will be done separately later in the week.
  • Authority Lookups for Sinopia (Lookup infrastructure:, Authority requests:
      Current Beanstalk deployment on AWS is broken. The Ruby bundler is now not working for unknown reasons – cannot deploy with known good code state so it seems like something in the environment
    • When deployment issue solved... will then put out CERL and ligatus and extended context for MeSH along with sub-authorities. Also some refactoring associated with monitoring status page (including fixing a memory leak due to a long-used hash - ruby doesn't reclaim space from deleted entries)
    • Not sure whether Dave has redone the index to avoid SPARQL for MeSH – if it is done then we will have a comparison
    • ACTION - Lynette to ask Tiziana about SHARE-VDE APIs for real-time up-to-date search and for possible engagement in linked data best practices for authoritative data working group
  • Travel and meetings (see LD4P2 Cornell Meeting Attendances)
  • Next meetings:
    • ...