Versions Compared


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  1. We need a plan with actions, goals and associated target dates, aimed at marketing for DSpace 7
    1. Popular use cases, and how DSpace 7 improves on them, are powerful in marketing
    2. Facts that the SG endorses, are powerful in marketing
  2. We need a more general approach for DSpace Marketing on the longer term. The group did not reach agreement on whether this can be open ended, or whether this can have a finite timeline

Discussion items



DSpace 7 preview release updateHeather Greer Klein

Draft blog post

Potential theme for preview release

Default theme

  • Preview release likely delayed to end of April
  • Blog post and the webpage will be ready for the release
  • Susanna recommends that a new theme be part of the final releases, something created professionally from the marketing. Mic recommends this go to steering to be part of the budget. 4Science ready for some financial sponsoring of the theme, as aready discussed with Tim and Mic last year.
  • Bram: new text for the homepage was recommended to make it less clunky. See this PR:
    • Should this move forward? Jose recommends that there be a page that is linked to from the DSpace website. This: DSpace Positioning
    • Bram will add this to his PR
    • Is this sufficient? Should we have this page on the DSpace site? We could link to this page from the DSpace site as well, or have a page on the DSpace website highlighting examples for marketing purposes. Could feature a repository in a blog post. Carol: creating a new work rotation which could be good but this is a bigger question.
    • For now we will link to the page
Summit discussion

  • At the breakout at the DSpace Summit, there was a suggestion that we talk about upgrading through 6 and 7. Most of DS6 has invisible features needed for DS7. If we just say that the backend is the same, people might miss what has changed in DS6. Talk about it as a package, a 2 part renovation of the software. Think of it as bundling 6 and 7 and what value has been added for users, what problems solved, what pain points addressed.
  • This is a way to add context.
  • Not taking this combined approach at the moment in our preview blog post.
  • List from the outreach group for promoting DSpace on the whole:
  • ACTION Heather will take this into the preview blog post, look for added context
OR2019 merchandising updateCarol Minton Morris


Button messaging/taglines brainstorm page

Mockup of testimonial slide (to

be added)


  • Tshirt will be logo with URL on front pocket, could add a tagline on the back or not. Need to decide regarding T shirts today
  • Going with logo/URL only for t-shirt
  • Buttons for DSpace general message, DS7, new to DSpace (with different colors inverted), one fun message
  • Could create this as a game, with new and experienced DSpace buttons together

Lead DSpace 7 marketing timeline overview with updates, discussion leading up to OR 2019

Discuss and assign goal owners for each of the five identified goalsBram Luyten (Atmire)

Bram Luyten (Atmire) was mainly working on the translator campaign, part of goal 1. The new format for translations is almost done, but will likely only be merged shortly AFTER the preview release:

Work on the two other Goal 1 campaigns: the API campaign and the Tester campaign TODO.

Who wants to own (one of) the other goals?

Goal 2: Identify and promote endorsing institutions

Goal 3: Early majority: get existing DSpace installations to upgrade

Goal 4: Get non-DSpace users to adopt DSpace 7 / Grow DSpace installation base

Goal 5: Get the late majority and laggard DSpace institutions to upgrade to DSpace 7

  • Bram is working on goal 1, working on code for the new translation. Will be new and needs to be in place before tutorials. Unlikely to make it into the preview release. Looking for API and tester campaign.
  • Goal 3 is related to how to upgrade to 6 to be ready for 7. Envisioning use cases for upgrades and goals.
  • Bram will keep working and we will look for others to take on these goals in the future after beta or final release.
  • Still want to find early adopters for marketing, though it might be too early. Jose has contacts in Portugal for users who might make sense with this goal.
Draft tabular comparison of DSpace with other technologies

Draft comparison

  • Moved to next meeting

Action items from this meeting
